
If These Walls Could Talk

"You will call me, Mistress. I am your Master now and you have no choice in what I do to you. Do you understand me?" "Yes, Mistress." Lirael loves her sex life, she enjoys the no strings attached while still having fun. But what happens when someone disrupts her routine and makes her crave something more than just sex? Can she work through her past trauma and handle the uncertainty that comes with what's being offered? R18 Profanity, Explicit Sexual Content, Adult Situations & Topics of Past Abuse Occur, If you are sensitive to these, I advise reading a different story. This is the story of a dominatrix/Impact player, some themes, experiences and reactions are inspired by real life events.. However, this is mainly a work of fiction as told in whole, any and all places, people or interactions have been altered and heavily embellished for the purpose of this story.

Mara_Heller · สมัยใหม่
104 Chs

6 The Room 3

We've cleaned each other up and returned to the couch, talking with Kim, sipping on our own watered down drinks, relaxing.

"Damnit! That was fucking hot. You two were something else. I felt like I had disappeared and was watching a porno." Kim exclaims excitedly, her smile plastered largely across her face as she spoke with her hands animatedly.

"Honestly, Kim, I forgot you were even here halfway through it." I told her, apologizing with a frown and puppy eyes.

"Yeah, I did too." Lance scratches the back of his head, looking like a guilty puppy.

Kim waves our apologies off, "Don't trip, you were doing your thing. So, how do I become a member here?" She laughs but seriousness is etched in her question.

I chuckle, "You and your husband will have to have two or three backers, but we can't back you until both of you have visited. Then you have a yearly membership fee you have to each pay after your six month trial." I inform her.

Lance helps out, "Don't forget the psych evaluation and the mountain of legal documents you have to fill out. The owner doesn't like publicity and you can not sue him for anything. If you end up in legal battles because of anything here at the club, you could lose your membership and if this place is brought up in legal cases, you'll have more problems for violating the NDA."

Kim whistles, " Damn, they are not playing around, are they?"

We both solemnly shake our heads, but I add, "He has to cover his ass. However, it also reassures us who have joined that this is a no nonsense, consenting and knowledgeable adults who are agreeing to follow the rules. Plus, we are protected by his legal advice and ability to make our own contracts that are legal to use if something happens outside of the club that we may require it for."

She is processing this information, sitting back, staring off into space, in her own thoughts.

I realize the time, three in the morning, and turn to Lance to bid him goodnight and tell him thanks for the fun.


We all jump and turn looking towards the doorway.

"I knew it!" Carson looks maliciously at Lance, who returns his look with a cocked brow, narrowing his eyes as his upper lip curls at the sight of Carson.

"Fuck, this guy again?" Kim mutters, shaking her head.

"Carson, what the fuck do you think you're doing?!" My jaw drops, as my eyes flutter up with my raised brows.

"Lance! You're a fucking son of a bitch! You know how I feel about her!" Carson shouts, totally ignoring me.

I take a stand as Lance rises to his feet as well.

"Carson, she accepted my contract. Your contract was over, she does not care about you that way. Get that through your head."

Lance crosses his arms and turns to Kim, shrugging with a strained, uncomfortable smile.

"Sorry, this is not how things normally happen around here. Now," he turns back to Carson, "Carson, your membership is cancelled on the grounds of violating the terms agreed upon in your contract. Now, leave before I have to throw you out myself."

Lance takes a step forward, but Carson stays there, mouth open, eyes wide, beginning to gasp and flop his mouth, trying to form words. He turns to me, his eyes widen and fill with tears as his lip quivers slightly.

"Lirael? Are you really so heartless?! Two years and you feel nothing at all for me?!"

Carson pleads for an answer, his face contorts and his shoulders slump as I purse my lips, narrowing my gaze at him.

"You knew and understood the contract terms." I grit out, when I see Big Daddy, a member who doubles as security here, comes up behind him.

"Man, Carson, you know better than this!" His deep baritone voice comes rumbling from his large, thick, dark ebony body.

Lance turns to Big daddy, authoritively instructing him, "Please remove Carson from the property, his membership is revoked and he is no longer welcome for violating the house contract. He may take his things from his locker and that's all."

"Gotcha, Lance. Come on Carson, you heard him." Big daddy motions Carson to head out the door.

Carson looks at me, tears beginning to brim his eyes,"What was so wrong with me that I'm not allowed to care for you?"

My insides chill, but my posture remains the same as he turns with slumped shoulders, his head hanging lowly between them.

Big daddy shuts the door behind him as I let out a long sigh and sink back down onto the couch.

"Sorry, that doesn't normally happen." I apologize to Kim.

"Don't worry, shit happens." She says nonchalantly.

Turning to Lance she states to him bluntly, "You're the owner."

Lance nods with a sigh, taking a seat on the couch as well.

" When can I bring my husband?"

Lance chuckles, "Well, I'm happy that little scene didn't change your mind. Why don't you bring him back tonight? We can go over things then? I'm sure you're tired though. I'll call you a cab to take you home, on the house. I need to talk to Lirael about a few things, privately."

After Kim has left safely in a cab, I'm waiting for Lance at one of the bars open booths to handle a few things concerning Carson. My eyelids keep dropping as I fight sleep.

I'm beat. I hope Lance finishes soon.

"Here, looks like you need this."

A cup of black coffee is placed in front of me with some sugar packets and some creamer.

"Thanks, Big daddy." I give him a tired smile and prepare the coffee, taking a nice long drink.

"If you want you can lean on big daddy and catch a minute of sleep, girl. I can tell you need it."

"Thanks, big daddy." I smile warmly at him and lean against his outstretched arm and chest. The steady beat of this big teddy bears heart has my concious fading to black in no time.