
If These Walls Could Talk

"You will call me, Mistress. I am your Master now and you have no choice in what I do to you. Do you understand me?" "Yes, Mistress." Lirael loves her sex life, she enjoys the no strings attached while still having fun. But what happens when someone disrupts her routine and makes her crave something more than just sex? Can she work through her past trauma and handle the uncertainty that comes with what's being offered? R18 Profanity, Explicit Sexual Content, Adult Situations & Topics of Past Abuse Occur, If you are sensitive to these, I advise reading a different story. This is the story of a dominatrix/Impact player, some themes, experiences and reactions are inspired by real life events.. However, this is mainly a work of fiction as told in whole, any and all places, people or interactions have been altered and heavily embellished for the purpose of this story.

Mara_Heller · สมัยใหม่
104 Chs

34 Good Afternoon

"Wow ladies, that was awesome." Lance stretches out, placing his hands behind his head as we all rest, trying to dry off from a shower and let our shaking bodies calm down.

"That was fun... I wouldn't say no to something like that again." Kim gives a giant shy smile, looking down as she admits it.

"I hate to say this you two, but I'm beat. I think I need more sleep, especially if the both of you are around again." I chuckle and yawn, face falling into my pillow next to Lance.

Kim chuckles some more before getting dressed, "I have got to go though, I have dinner I need to get in the oven. I can not be letting my hubby starve."

"Later love, I'll see you at work." I smile and wave sleepily, already wanting to take a nap.

I rolled over and sighed, my eyes still closed, feeling Lance looking at me.

"Yes?" I arch an eyebrow, but keep my eyes closed.

I hear his breathy huff of amusement, feel him shake his head, before answering me.

"Are you hungry? I could make us something to eat."

I crack an eye open at him with a smile, "Chef Lance is going to cook for moi? Go ahead, I'll just take a little nap." I giggle and cover myself with the blankets.

I can feel the smile that Lance radiates through the blankets before he leaves the room. I fall asleep and am awoken by Lance gently shaking me.

"Bon appétit, mon chéri." Lance purrs in French.

"You speak French?" I grumble, sitting up and accepting the tray from him, looking at the tomato soup and grilled panini's he's made for lunch.

"No, but I've watched a movie or two." He chuckles, taking the extra bowl and panini to the small table and chair in my room.

I eat what he's given me, subtly watching him in between bites of the panini.

'What is his deal? He's sweet, caring, sexy. He should have a wonderful woman by his side. Why is he wasting his time on me? It's obvious he wants a relationship, but I don't think I can give him what he wants.'

"What's the matter?"

Lance's voice breaks through my thoughts and I snap out of it.

"I'm sorry, I was off in Lala Land. What the matter with what?"

Lance raises his brows as he looks over at me. "Your face. The look on your face makes me think I didn't season the food right. I asked, 'what's the matter with your face?'. "

"Oh! No! It tastes fine! I'm enjoying it. I was just lost in thought." I use my napkin to wipe my face and busy my hands, avoiding his gaze.

After lunch is over, Lance takes the dishes back down to the kitchen. I lay back, exhausted but satisfied, rubbing my now full belly with a sigh. Relishing in my day off, I relaxed and did not try to think about all the things I should be doing, or Carson's death.

Lance crawls into the bed next to me, laying on his back with his arms under his head. I'm laying on my stomach, clutching the pillow under my head. I open my eyes and spare Lance a look.

He's staring at me.

"What?" I smile, embarrassed he caught me trying to look at him.

Lance grins and turns on to his side, closer to me. He still keeps a gap between us which I am grateful for.

"Are you still tired?" His voice comes out husky, his eyes alight with fire. Need.

"Already?!" I smirk, burying my face in the pillow.

This man is insatiable! I like it!

I pop my head back up and roll over closing the gap between us.

"Do what you wish to then." I try to keep a bored look on my face, but my lips twitch at the corners. I lay my head back and sigh, waiting.

I feel Lances warm body move closer to mine, can sense his hand moving over my body, but not touching it. Every time I feel him about to touch me, he pulls back his hand.

I crack open an eye and inquire, "Are you enjoying yourself?"

He's watching my face as he continues to hover his hand over my skin. "I am. Close your eyes."

I scoff with a smile, "Close my eyes? Fine, but you have to tell me why." I shut my eyes and can feel his smirk on his face as he leans down closer to my ear.

His warm voice comes out soft and husky, sending an electric sizzle down my spine as his breath caressed my ear.

"Because, you are much more .... responsive to me. You anticipate my touch, feeling my hands so close..."

I do... I feel his hands hover over my still exposed breasts, waiting for him to touch and play with them. My heart is beating in anticipation, feeling the air move over my stomach, tickling my senses, making my breath catch, and my body arch.

I spread my legs when I feel him hover over my sex, arching my hips up, ready for his touch.

"Fuck, Lirael, you are so damn sexy." Lance whispers hungrily in my ear as he slides his hand over the apex of my thighs, barely caressing my tender lips, wet with arousal.

My breath comes in short pants, as he hovers over my inner thighs, knowing how sensitive I am there. I am so teased and turned on, it feels like he's doing the softest of caresses on my skin. It's driving me wild for some friction.

Teasing me with a soft caress, he pulls a whimper from my chest.

I really am sensitive from all the sex we've been having. This man is insatiable and beginning to tease me too much.

My eyes flutter, partially open, gazing upon the face of him worshipping my body.

His lower lip is parted, breathing heavily, as he watches my body react to his phantom caress.

"Lance..." my breathy voice draws his focus to my own face, "touch me please?"

His pupils dilate before he groans, "Oh, Lirael..." his lips crash down on mine as his hand slides up over my body, grabbing my tit, tweaking my nipple, to rest up in my hair pulling me closer to him. His tongue delves deep into my mouth, devouring me as his hand trails back down my body.

As soon as his fingers slide along my wet sex, a pained whimper escapes my lips against his own. I am very sensitive, swollen from the amount of sex we've had lately. None the less, I am not going to tell him to stop.

My whimper does make him pause, easing the pressure he's placing on me. His touch is already making my toes curl. Our kissing intensifying as the slick sound of him fingering my arousal quickens.

His mouth parts from mine, trailing down my neck, nipping at my the skin. His tongue leaving a trail of hot, wet desire down to flicker across my taut nipples, making me gasp and clutch at his hair as he sucks it in between in his teeth.

Lapping at my skin and trailing kisses down my stomach, Lance moves his body down to spread my legs apart.

I know I must be swollen and looking abused, but Lance whispers something against my skin that I can't make out, before spreading my lips and licking my swollen nub.

"Oh fuck..." I moan as the warm sensation of his tongue sends my nerves into overdrive.