
If These Walls Could Talk

"You will call me, Mistress. I am your Master now and you have no choice in what I do to you. Do you understand me?" "Yes, Mistress." Lirael loves her sex life, she enjoys the no strings attached while still having fun. But what happens when someone disrupts her routine and makes her crave something more than just sex? Can she work through her past trauma and handle the uncertainty that comes with what's being offered? R18 Profanity, Explicit Sexual Content, Adult Situations & Topics of Past Abuse Occur, If you are sensitive to these, I advise reading a different story. This is the story of a dominatrix/Impact player, some themes, experiences and reactions are inspired by real life events.. However, this is mainly a work of fiction as told in whole, any and all places, people or interactions have been altered and heavily embellished for the purpose of this story.

Mara_Heller · สมัยใหม่
104 Chs

11 Pleasure


"Ah fuck!"

I laugh at Lances discomfort over that last lash, gripping his chin firmly, I remind him.

"How selfish of you. You are here for MY pleasure... Not your own...."

"I'm sorry, mistress, please forgive me." He pleads.

*Whack, whack *

His cries send a shiver down my spine to my wet cunt, making it contract with desire.

"We shall see. " I run my fingers through his hair grip it tightly. "Lick my fucking cunt. Let's see how badly you really feel for being selfish."

I sit on the edge of the setee, leading his face to my cunt, which he greedily begins to devour.

"Oh... Fuck!" He's eating my pussy likes it's his favorite treat, licking and sucking like it's a melting ice cream, and he's not letting a drop escape him.

"Oh my god! That's right, fuck! You're so damn good at eating my pussy!" He's making me want to come already, suckling at my clit hard before running his tongue down into my hole, letting his nose rub against it as he tongues my hole with expert precision.

Both of my hands are on his head, keeping him close to my cunt. I can't stop the moans and cries escaping my own throat as he shows me his desire to please me.

Fuck me, he's gonna make me cum.

My core tightens, and he must have noticed on his tongue because he starts to do his magic in double time.

Squealing, "ohhhh, fffuuucckk!" I grip his head against my pussy rubbing it all over him as I cum hard on his tongue that still wiggles furiously at what ever part it can of me.

Riding out my orgasm against his mouth, I relax, a slight giggle escapes me as I release his hair.

His ears perk up at that but he doesn't say anything, just goes back to licking my pussy.

I grab my crop and bring it down on his back, just hard enough to smart.

"Good job, my little fuck toy." I raise the vibration level for his plug up one and turn the thrusting mode on to it's lowest setting.

His moans against my lips send chills down my still pulsing core. I reach over and tug one of the clothes pins off.

"Ah!" He cries out and his cock twitches.

"You seemed to like that." I note, pulling another one off randomly with a snap.

"Oh... Yes. Yes, mistress, I do." He groans as I tug another one.

"Good, this pleases me. And since you did such a good job eating my pussy, I'll let you have this little treat." I rip one off and turn the vibration and thruster up a notch.

"Oh dear god!" He cries out from the stimulation.

I use my foot to play with his cock that's so hard it's like play with a pole in the sand, it moves but only in circular motion.

"Wow, is this for me?!" I exclaim, "Your cock is so hard right now!" I take it in my hand and squeeze it firmly, giving it a few tugs.

"Yes mistress, it's all for you!" His gasping pants and strained words tell me he's getting close. I turn the settings on his plug back down, making him cry out in protest.

"Oh! No...."

"Oh, what were you close?" I chuckle, "not yet my little toy.."

I pull a few more clothes pins off, and then rip the blindfold off of him.

"I want to see that desire in your eyes." I tell him, clutching his chin before ripping another clothespin off.

"Fuck..." He grits out, taking in some deep, heavy breaths.

I grab my crop and bring it down on his ass a few times, "Language! You want a treat but are starting to forget your manners...." I use the crop and knock off a few of the clothespins at once.

"Ahh!" He yells making my insides quiver, my legs rubbing together in response.

"I'm sorry, mistress! I have forgotten my manners. Please punish me as you see fit!"

The sound of the leather smacking against his skin rings out, making me quiver. Each time the sound hits my ears, and his cries ring out, my whole body begins to tremble in need.

Fuck, I need some release.

I pull the knot that holds the rope together and slowly release his hands first, letting the blood flow back through them.

I'm panting in need, my pussy is dripping wet, I can feel my own slick as my legs rub together trying to alleviate some of this building desire.

Lance massages his hands together, returning the blood flow, as he notices my movements.

"May I please you, mistress?" He asks, his eyes darken with greedy lust as he stares deep into my eyes.

"Are you sure you want to please me?" I ask, taking my nipples into my hands and rubbing their taut peaks.

He moans, like a starved beast, husky and in need "Oh yes, mistress. Nothing would give me pleasure except your own."

The air around us is heavily charged, like a thick blanket as he rises to his feet to stand in front of me.

"Oh yeah? What would give me pleasure, my little toy?" I moan out, pinching my nipples sending more waves of desire through me.

He steps closer, grabbing his rock hard cock, stroking it for me to see. "Your toy, entering you slowly."

His warm breath flows over my neck, whispering into my ear, "Filling your tight cunt, as I rub your clit, and touch the deepest part of your womb.

I moan at his words, as his breath still flows over the skin of my neck but doesn't touch me.

"You may pleasure me, my little toy." I grant my permission and instantly his warm wet mouth is on my neck, sucking and lapping at my sensitive flesh making me gasp and pant.

His tongue works magically against my skin, building my desire, sending those tingling sensations over my entire being. His hands caress my breasts and ass pulling me against his body as he grinds his hard cock against my pussy.

Oh fuck

"Lance, I need your cock in me." I groan as my body feels like I'm teetering on a knife's edge.

He continues to grind me, his tongue moving up to my ear as he whispers. "Please beg me, mistress. Let me know how badly you love my cock and I'm a good little toy."

At this point, I'm Willing to do anything as I rub myself against his cock.

"Fuck me, please?" I moan, panting like a bitch in heat. "You know mistress loves her good little toy. You work so hard to please your mistress, now give mistress what she wants." My body feels ready to explode as my voice became high pitched with my moans and cries.

Lance devours my lips, kissing me deeply like he did earlier today. His tongue mapping out every part of my mouth, leaving me gasping for breath when he picks me up and takes me to the chaise lounge.

He sets me down, licking my pussy and clit that's closer to a slip n slide than a wet pussy at this point.

"Oh, god!" I cry out at just that little amount of touch on my sensitive flesh.

He takes his cock and rubs it in my slick lips, against my clit, and it takes all my will power not to fucking cum right there.

"Lance.." I cry out, tears building up in my eyes, about to lose my mind my body is so on edge.

He looks into my eyes, an emotion crosses his face I don't recognize before he places his thumb on my clit, moving in slow large circles.

"Oh god...oh fuck... Lance.."

I'm about to fucking cum. Please stick it in me!

I scream in my head.

I blink and a tear breaks lose, falling down my cheek.

Lance catches it as he pressed forward into my hole.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!" I scream as his cock stretches me around his girth, sliding into me at a torturous, slow rate.

His thumb still moving in slow large circles, is driving me wild. With each inch he slides inside me, I can feel it, building.

This orgasm is going to wreck me.

Another tear slides down my face, as I'm so on edge it's becoming excruciating.

Our mouths are open as we both gasp for air at the feeling. My tight pussy, only growing tighter as he pushes more of himself in. I look down to see how much is left, and Lance catches my chin.

"Look into my eyes, Lirael."

"Lance, I can't take much more..." I whimper, "make me cum, please?" I beg another tear leaks out.

His intense eyes take me in before they softly smile, only to harden as he rams the rest of the way into my greedy hole.

"Oh!" I squeeze my hand forgetting the remote was still on it, turning his plug back up to full power.

"Fuck!" He jolts his thrusts into me, and begins to pound into me like a jackhammer.

"Oh fuck!" I scream out, trying to hold on for dear life as he yells like a beast, rutting me fast, hard and deep.

"Fuck, Lirael!" He shouts my name as my body flutters and finally explodes around his cock.

"Oh FUCK!"

I don't know what's up or down, if this is is real or not, my mind incapable of anything except the convulsions of pleasure I'm at the mercy of that rock through my body.

_"oh fuck yes!" Lance groans before I feel his hot cum shoot inside of me, coating my walls as I cling on for dear life to him.

Lance grabs the remote from my hand and pants turning the plug off with a groan.

He looks down at me and his eyes instantly widen.

"Did I hurt you?"

I shake my head no, I'm a fucking mess, physically and emotionally. I wipe my cheek of the tears that continue to roll down my face as I gasp, " No, that was just fucking intense. "

Lance pulls out of me, making me whimper more before picking me up and taking me in his arms to the bathroom.

"Looks like you're the one needing some after care this time." He smiles, playfully down at me.

"You can say that again. You just fucking wrecked me." I laugh.

Funniest part of that is, it's so true.