
If These Walls Could Talk

"You will call me, Mistress. I am your Master now and you have no choice in what I do to you. Do you understand me?" "Yes, Mistress." Lirael loves her sex life, she enjoys the no strings attached while still having fun. But what happens when someone disrupts her routine and makes her crave something more than just sex? Can she work through her past trauma and handle the uncertainty that comes with what's being offered? R18 Profanity, Explicit Sexual Content, Adult Situations & Topics of Past Abuse Occur, If you are sensitive to these, I advise reading a different story. This is the story of a dominatrix/Impact player, some themes, experiences and reactions are inspired by real life events.. However, this is mainly a work of fiction as told in whole, any and all places, people or interactions have been altered and heavily embellished for the purpose of this story.

Mara_Heller · สมัยใหม่
104 Chs

10 Testing Waters

"wondering why it's only after dark..."The music plays while I wrap a hand around his neck, slowly swaying my hips in front of Lance, who's mesmerized by my movements.

I slide my other hand up his chest, flicking buttons open on his shirt as I run it back down his torso. Gyrating my hips against his growing erection.

His mouth opens slightly, his breath becoming harder, just like his cock against me. I felt the heat from the alcohol flushing my skin, giving me a buzz through my system, helping me let loose.

I had his shirt coming off his shoulders, running my tongue over my lips as if he was a tasty treat I could already taste.

The second his shirt has fluttered from his wrists, his hands glide over my body freely taking his time before beginning to unbutton my own. Everywhere he touched a small burst of fire ignited on my skin, leaving hot trails all over me as we took turns removing each article of clothing.

It was mild, but it helped calm my eratic thoughts from earlier, helping me calm and get into the right headspace again.

I needed to feel safe, desired, wanted, to regain my confidence. Lance was giving me that and so much more at the moment.

Even I was feeling the pull towards him, being mesmerized and enchanted by his eyes, his lips, his body. I wanted it all.

I wanted his pleasure, his pain, his will, everything. I do a double take when I realize we're kissing on the lounge, naked already.

That was quick.

"What's gotten into you tonight?" Lance purrs, brushing a lock of hair behind my ear. Kissing my shoulder sending tremors through me.

What has gotten into me tonight?

I push him down under me, a smile pulling at the corner of my lips. I draw swirls with my fingertips on his skin, making him shiver with desire at my touch.

When his eyes shut, I surprise him, pinching his nipple.

"Hey!" He chuckles, "There's the Lirael I know." He sighs, eyes twinkling in excitement.

I grip him by his hard on and gently tug him up onto his feet. "Come on, let's play."

I coyly giggle, as he follows along at my subtle tug on his cock.

I stop in front of the table, pondering my options. With a playful smirk and tug on him, I pick up the blindfold first before releasing my hold on his cock.

"On your knees." I instruct.

He drops down, a pleasant grin on those smooth chiseled features and his five o clock shadow along his jawline.

I slip the blind on and attach the thick leather collar around his neck. Grabbing the rope and some ear plugs off the table, I pull Lance to walk on all fours to the center of the room. I start tying his ankles up, stringing the rope up between his legs, securinging his hands to his upper arms, so he must rest all his weight on his knees or knees and elbows.

"Before I take another sense away, what are you after tonight?" I ask, letting my nails skim the skin on his back.

Lance takes a deep breath and replays, "whatever will please you, mistress."

Smiling proudly, I crouch closer to his level. "You're such a well trained little sub. I love it. Now, remember your manners and training later...." I add the last bit in a sing song voice as I place the plugs in his ears.

I walk back to the table picking my crop up first. I stand there watching him as he tries to sense where I may be. I softly walk behind him, trying to get a rise out of him, testing his senses.

I smack his right arm with the crop, making him hiss. The crop switches between each arm, whistling before coming into contact with his body.


"OHHH... Thank you, mistress" Lance moans after a few more lashes to either side, his arms beginning to swell with red welts.

I move my body right next to his, letting him feel my presence. His soft hair is in my hand as I pull his head back to look at his mouth as I begin to use the crop on each of his nipples.

"Ah!" His cries and the stinging ring of leather on skin is making my pussy wet.

"Why are you here, my little toy?"

I ask right next to his ear, still holding onto a fistful of hair.

"To do whatever pleases you, mistress!"

His tense excitement ripples over his body with every breath of air he takes.

I put my pussy right in front of his nose, letting him know what's in front of him.

His eager tongue sticks out, ready to please me.


"Ahh!!" I take him off guard, leaving a new mark down his back.

"Did I," *whack* "say you," *whack* "could taste me yet? *Whack, whack, whack*

"Ahh! Fuck! No mistress, I'm sorry mistress!"

I let go of his hair and walk to the table, looking over, evaluating how to discipline him. I grab a few things and head back to stand behind him, taking one ear plug out.

" You have two choices for your punishment, my little toy. I'm feeling rather generous so I'll let you pick. Punishment A, punishment B or punishment C?"

I stood with my crop and some clothes pins as punishment A, a vibrating anal plug for B and C would be a combination of all.

He fidgeted for a moment, mouth opening and closing like he couldn't choose.

" Hurry up, or I'll choose for you...." I croon.

"C, mistress." He says quickly.

"Oh? So we are going to have some fun tonight.." I say giddy with excitement. "Good, now I want you on your elbows, ass in the air."

He's down and I'm removing the other ear plug, setting them to the side for now.

*Smack, smack, smack*

"Grr.." he growls out his discomfort. I can't help myself as I rub his sore and welted ass cheeks, making him hiss in response.

"Now, now. Remember this is part of your punishment, and for my pleasure." I grip his chin roughly, " Why are you here now?"

"For your pleasure, mistress."

I lube up the small vibrating anal plug and squirt some on his ass, rubbing it all along his asshole, teasing his bud.

"That's right, you're here for my pleasure. Now, I want you to work yourself back onto this plug for me."

"Yes, mistress!" He hastily begins to rock against it, as I begin to stroke his cock, making him groan and get more into it.

"That's right my eager little bitch, show me how badly you want to pleasure me." I relish his moans as he rocks, my hand on his cock stroking it, while his tight little bud opens up to take the plug.

"Come on, you're almost there ..." I encourage him, as his ass backs up more onto the plug.

"There, just a little bit more...." I see him grit his teeth and and rock forward and then back again, it sliding in with a slippery sound against his flesh.

"Good boy, now come with me." I lead him by his hair as he hobbles on his knees with me to the setee.

I sit him up on his knees and grab my clothes pins.

"Okay, let's see how you enjoy this..." I turn the plug on and Lance jolts up with a moan.

I can hear the light hum of the vibration, looking down at the remote I notice there's a mode and then a button labeled pump action.

I give it a go and press it.

"Oh!" Lance cries out, "that's the thrusting one!" I quickly turn off that function.

Good to know.

Smiling, I pull out the clothes pins, tracing one over his body to his taut nipples.

"Mmm... I think right here should work." Patting his face, I then grip the flesh around his nipple and the clothespin snaps onto him.

He hisses but I continue with the other nipple before upping the intensity on his plug. He wiggles pulling himself out of my touch for a moment.

His moans make me squirm, my pussy tingles at the sound. I reach for my crop and smack his ass.

"Stay still! We are not done yet! " I reprimand him, smacking him with the crop again for good measure.


"OHHH ... Yes mistress, I'm sorry mistress." He tries to stay still, his ass quivering against the vibrations.

I pinch his skin and attach another clothespin, then another, and another, all down his happy trail.

His moans and groans are only met with my scoffs and the vibration turned up on his plug.

"Oh fuck ..... Please mistress, may I cum?"

Lance asks after I turn the vibrations back down on his plug.

"Ha!" I lean over to whisper in his ear, my crop ready in hand.

"Oh no, darling. The night is still early."