
If only we weren't dead

I don't remember and understand, but there is this voice in my head , that keep telling me to conquer the world and become GOD. What is this place? why do I keep waking up in totally different worlds? Who are these people who are supposedly my competitors? Why do my body feels so light? Who I am ? Where am I from? I am not dead, am I? Is GOD real? Can anyone become GOD just like that? Why can't I remember anything from my past life? Maybe i will remember everything once i become GOD. Can I really become GOD or maybe I am just going to be a murderer? I really hope this journey happens for good.

spookesam · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs



"Ah this feels somewhat chilling"

A something-coffin like opened up in a night black room. The room was lit by a tint of moonlight and a cold gush that might have escaped through the little creaks of window that should have been airtight otherwise and it was as black as raven that perched on the branches of a pixelated tree outside of the window that smelled nothing like a tree.

Light, view, air and smell from a sealed window, oh it broke when the lid of the coffin was pushed open by this young lady who came out of it and had the little light lit her face.

With skin as pale as nothing one could remember if they saw her, bald head that certainly didn't suit her beautiful and sharp features of almond shaped eyes and the perfect nose bridge and the perfect plump lips that awkwardly were glass-like in appearance, everything so perfect that someone would doubt if she really was God-made.

Oh god, let's not talk about God. It was His fault to begin with.

She trudged through the narrow room to the only window at other end and threw off whatever was remaining of it. After staring a while at the raven, who was supposedly glaring at her as well ,she finally lifted her hand that looked like a prosthetic and pointed her index finger that certainly morphed into a dart, towards the bird and killing it in one shot.

No blood, no feathers, no struggling, the raven fell to the ground making no noise as if it was dead to begin with.

" Rook1. It was a rook , I thought it was a raven."

She shrugged as if she wasn't the one saying this.

" Temperature 100 K, light intensity 15mW/cm2 , sound intensity 200dB,

400 AQI, scanning —--

scanning complete: no breathing organism in range"

"Hmm I see" , bringing her metallic fingers close to her nostrils to only find that she didn't have any nostrils, she suspired.

" I clearly am not breathing, there's no way I could, in this environment."

Retracing a few steps back, in the ineptly lit room, she broke off one of her finger nail which lit up the very instant as if it was a neon light,but stronger and brighter. It took it some time but illuminated the whole room which was evidently not so large enough but not small to be called a store room.

" So this time I hit an AI , is that it?"

She examined her whole body which was as new as it would look to anyone for the first time. Looked like a machine more than a human body. Clicking on some buttons, as if she knew what she was doing but wasn't actually aware, she eventually gave herself some flesh.

Now a fair looking,petite, long haired brunette , with same face features in a burgundy body-con dress with a bubbled pantyhose, stood under the nail light who was tall enough to reach the roof without heels. She looked as pious as an angel but a bit dark. Not the one someone would fall for.

Looking satisfied, she searched the room for something she didn't know about yet again. Seems like becoming AI has its own perks.

And found nothing, the room itself smelled like trash, maybe she was thrown away as well.

Looking nothing like disappointed, she again reached to the window to check if she could jump down or up , anything that would take her away from here. The clock was ticking.

The room seemed like it was situated at some 3 or 2 storey building, jumping off here won't be much of a task for a machine.

Atleast, that's what it seemed like.

She squatted onto the windowsill, ready to jump over to the tree that stood right in front of the building ,that apparently looked like it was there since beginning of everything.

She looked down before taking the leap of faith, "Calculating depth— 48 feet."

She looked up," Calculating distance — Error-Error- Err…"

She hit her head hard to get her system right back, " trash" she scoffed at sky.

She planned in her mind how she can or her body can reach the tree which was around 4 arms away which was a problem ,since she couldn't find any elastic property in herself.

She had to jump.

She decided to take a deep inhale but stopped in middle of it because she remembered she doesn't breathe anymore, gulped instead and springs down and before launching herself , she stops abruptly and steps down of the windowsill.

She reached the other corner of room and found herself in front of a musty door .

" Haha, enough security for a trash like me." And kicked open the door only to find two rabid wolves , not even dogs which were ready to pounce on her as soon as she opened the gate.

No flesh ,only electronics. They were certainly AI as well.

Without even a second thought, she rushed to the window of no return, and threw herself towards the tree only to find that it was a hologram.

"No thanks, God" she looked surely disappointed this time as she fell in pit of death.

"Just how many times am I going to experience this?!"

But in the next few seconds, some fur-like cord wrapped her around the midriff and plunged her up in the next few seconds back to the window, into the room.

AI she might be, but with this new body she couldn't think fast enough to tackle the situation.

And now what she found were those two canine machines that looked ready to tear her apart, screw by screw.

All defence she knew for now was darts in her fingertips, pointing at them she was ready to shoot , but before anything of this could happen , the wolves jumped on her and licked her head to toe, brushing their mane through her hands, and she found a collar tag in her palm which had 'A' written on one of them , and 'B' on the other.

"Abbey2!! My baby !! You just killed me now, you know that,I was so literally dead!"

She kissed them all over their faces, their soft and silky hair looked nothing artificial. The wolves didn't step back either and licked and waved their tail at her with all their might, she would have bathed till now if those were real tongues.

After a few minutes of hearty get together, she reached for a button below the right hind sole of B and and pushed it once till yellow and both the wolves merged into a cute little puppy that looked like a Affenpinscher but taller.

" My Abbes! As cute as ever, did you poop well while I was gone?" She kissed it at the nose while lifting it in her hands.

"Yes!" Exclaimed the puppy with a little nutty voice that sounded programmed.

She was as shocked as a normal being should be. Okay the dog talked as well. It didn't take her long to admit it.

"Good Abbey. You sound bad let's check your voice box" As she said this,she reached for a click at the nape of the pup and did some click-clacks.

"Good now?"

Abbey barked to it apparently.

She waited a while thinking human language would have been better but gave up the thought and looked for the same button on the sole and pressed it till green to get an ID card out of Abbey's mouth that was seemingly blank.

She put Abbey down and reached out for its collar that read 'Abbey' now and flicked it over her new ID card.

The card now had an eye sensor, and read the name 'Chione'.

She was called Chione3.

Chione brought the sensor close to her left eye, which seemed like it was real in contrast to her electronic body.

"Access denied" automated hologram message from card popped up.

Chione took the card and brought it near her torso and it somehow got merged with it. It looked like she understood what all was happening and didn't feel the need to utter any single world.

"So, here begins my quest. Let's die alone or together Abbey".

"Wurf", Abbey waved its tail as if it was looking forward to it but understood nothing.

Ch.1 concludes.


1.Rook : A Reactive Machine AI - These machines do not have memory-based functionality. Special spy machines formed by the NIA( Natural Intelligence Agency) to keep track of corybantic AIs. Originally a bird that got extinct during the last trial of artificial afforestation in 6021.

2.Abbey: An ANI ( Artificial Narrow Intelligence)- AI systems that can only perform a specific task autonomously using human-like capabilities. Been used since as early as 20th century but invention of AGI was delayed due to sixth mass extinction that destroyed major parts of America and Antarctica.

3.Chione: An AGI ( Artificial General Intelligence)- AI that is capable of reaching human level of intelligence and consciousness. First AGI was invented by Egyptians in the year 14,201.

Hello and thanks to everyone who took some time out and did stick to the end. I am new to this , so i really want suggestions and reviews, so that i can reach more readers and treat their hungry minds with the best stories.

Thanks again and take care of your health as well. Keep reading and cheering!!


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