
Chapter Quindici

Yoongi's Point of view

"Yoongi what's wrong why are you mad. Is it because of Jimin asking me to go to the movies cause if so is not a date, we are just going as friends." I try to ignore Hosek for I am already confuse enough as to what the hell is happening to me.

"No i mean I don't care like why would it matter to me, what the hell is taking Namjoon forever, he just needed to grab his music sheet from my car gosh."

"That's a yes, why don't you tell him that something came up and that I asked you to do it for me."

"What the hell are you saying no way would I that."

"So you do you like Jimin then."

" Wait what n-no gosh why are you like this." I continue to work on my music as I wait for this class to start.

"Is obvious that you like him hyung, he's really hot so if you don't do something someone is gonna take him."

"I know."

"Hah I got you."

"Wait what no, I mean gosh Hoesk." I then just look back down at my work as I remember everything that happened yesterday from that asshole to when I helped him as he fell as sleep. I then felt my heart starting to pound faster at the thought. "Plus he hates me especially even more now"

"Wait what I thought you were finally making a move. I noticed that Jiminn was wearing your clothes."

"Wait what how did you know?"

"It was just a guess at first actually but WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO IT, DID YOU GUYS HAVE SEX."

"What the fuck Hoseok no gosh I hate you sometimes."

"Gosh tell me what happened tell me, I'm guessing that you topped but you also look like a bottom to be honest sometimes."

"What the hell is wrong with you, none of that happened, I took him to my home that's it."

"Omg you admitted it, wait then what happen?"

"Shit why are you doing this to me"

"Cause we're best friends, now tell me what did you and Jimin do when he was at your place anyways."

"Yoongi did what to Jimin, you finally made a move." I turn around to see a curious namjoon.

"What the hell took you so long gosh."

"Oh I bumped into well Jin and well we exchanged numbers, glad you finally made a move on Jimin though."

" gosh I did not, he came over spent the night that's it."

" you make that sound like it was nothing."

"Look some guy was harassing him and he look like he was gonna hurt him so I helped him and let him come over since that guy might do something, I didn't want to be blame for something bad happening to him."

"Why did you take him to your place though." Namjoon said as Hoseok and namjoon got closer to me which was bothering me from my music. I then took a deep sigh before I spoke again

"He's parents were not there yet and I didn't think it was safe for him to stay there and he was being really stubborn. He would not tell me where he lived so I took him to my place. Plus I was too tired to drive him back to his place so I let him stay the night."

"Gosh Just ask him out already." Hooks says with annoyance in his voice.

"I don't like him and class is gonna start soon so shut it." Namjoon and Hoseok then took their seat as the teacher then came in and started the lesson. I continue working on my music until this class ended.

1 Hour Later.

I'm glad that piano lessons were only an hour, We walk out of the classroom and start heading out to the entrance so we can go somewhere to eat.

"So where to"

"Actually my parents are on their way to pick me up, they want me to attend with them this business thing but I'll see y'all tomorrow though. I think I see them now." Namjoon then starts speeding up and walking towards which I'm assuming is his parents car.

"You know what we were talking about got me thinking." I said as I look at hoseok while walking to my car.

"Is that so, and what did you think about."

"Um well I think that maybe, just maybe I do like Jimin." I said as I look down as I felt my cheeks heat up.

"I know, So just ask him out I don't get the problem."

"I can't."

"Did you fight with him before you dropped him off, I noticed that he tensed up when he saw you entering the building."

" Gosh I hate how observant you are." I sighed before I continued speaking."I just I'm FUCK! I'm such a fucking idiot," I rub my face in my hands from my frustration of my stupid action of this morning. Hoseok looked worried and curious to what I did. "I told him to forget about everything that happened at my place"

"Wait what happen at your place." I decided to tell him how it started first from that asshole to when I drove him and how I found myself almost kissing him when he was asleep in my car, our small fight and what I found out about him which broke my heart, when I found out he was afraid if the dark, and how I fell asleep with him.



"What the fuck is wrong with you"

"I don't even fucking know, I never felt like this before, so I felt confused and weird and scared." I sighed as we arrive at my car.

"well , you should apologize to him as soon as you can, and try to ask him out or something." We close the door to my car as we both fasten our seatbelts.

"Shit but what if he doesn't want to talk to me, he probably hates, no he has always hated me."

"Well you have been an asshole to him."

"Fuck….., You said that you already knew, when or how did you know."

"When you started making an effort to annoy him by bumping into him, that when."

"Wait what the fuck, I did not like him then, well Idk myself actually." I then start driving through the parking lot when I realize something as I made a complete and random stop, which caused Hoseok to go forward then back.

"What was that for." There was a silence between as I felt a bit angry and hurt as I was debating whether or not to mention it.

"You said you knew…. And yet… you.. Kissed him." I just kept looking straight ahead as I waited for him to respond to me. After a couple of seconds of complete silence I just started driving again like nothing. "So where do you want to eat a-"

"I said this before that I liked him at the time, and yes I knew that you liked him…and i didn't think that you would still like him or like him this much especially when you started dating Jenni, Also he confessed to me and so I kissed him, but we decided to stay friends, Sorry, I shouldn't have done that." There was a silence between us. "I forgot you were dating her, you should break it off with her."

"Actually I already did."

"Wait when."

"When I found out she was cheating on me for a another girl which was a week that we just got out of school and I came to surprise her and well yea."

"Holy shit, Who the fuck was it dam"

"From what I remember her name was Lisa, she was in one of my classes."

"Oh, no lie she hot."

"Thanks I'm fine."

"I know, that's why I didn't ask, but you should make a move on jimin, once you apologize for being a complete asshole to him." We finally get to a burger place as we both get out of my car.

"Yeah yeah I'll do that" I say as I lock my door with my keys as we walk in towards the restaurant.


"Well what."

"I'm not trying to rush you buttttt, I think umm, don't kill him or anything but I think Jungkook has a thing for Jimin, so if you don't make a move, he might."

"Let's just focus on eating I have practice soon, we can talk later on that." Though I felt more anxious knowing that annoying bunny head likes him as well but I need to focus on one thing at a time before I explode. we soon head inside the restaurant as I thought how I could even bring myself to face him. I remember and saw the expression he had on his face when I told him to just forget about it all. A hurt expression, because of me he felt that way. I will do everything that I have to do to make up for the shity person that I have been with him.