
If i go beyond help and became a real demon, will you still love me?

Karito Shinigami, the last and remaining "Good demon" and a "Grim-reaper" finds himself near-death after killing the "Heavenly Heroes" who abused their title and killed millions of innocent lives to those who do not obey them. With his wounds not healing and the curse of the "Heavenly Weapons" Manifesting, Karito hide himself and hibernated for over 20,000 years only to be awoken to the present day by Ai Kibokami, a suicidal girl filled with sadness, anxiety, depression, regret and anger. With the two both in the same boat, the two of them must survive to save the world from the "Heavenly Heroes" who will be "Reincarnated" and will brought chaos to the world once again...

DaoisthyYMB2 · แฟนตาซี
15 Chs


So... how do i get down?

I still don't have my powers so i can't leave this dimension...

And once i go down to earth, i don't have anything...





I don't have neither of those...

So how can i save her?




Answer me!

"We'll handle your transportation to the earth..."

And then?

"I've told you that her life is in danger right?"

So what about it?




She wants to die, and she'll jump through that building there...


If don't stop her, you'll get your another chance 20,000 from here on...

That's IF the world is still peaceful...

I'll remind you that the 7 Heavenly Heroes will be reincarnated somewhere in this timeline...


If the world ended in 20,000 years in the future...


Y o u ' l l b e s t u c k h e r e f o r e v e r

A n d y o u w o n ' t g e t a n o t h e r

c h a n c e


You'll stay here until the last star in the universe dies...

You'll stay here until all angels in the heaven dies...

You'll stay here...

Until you're the only one left in this world...



We're doing these to help you okay?

We don't mean to hurt you again...

We don't want to end the world either...

So please...


Save your bride...

The Lone Reapers eyes have been awoken.

He emerges from the darkness and grasped the light in front of him...

And said to himself...

"I don't want to get hurt anymore..."

"I don't want to get sad anymore..."

"So please (_____)..."

Help me!

That was the first time the lone reaper begs for help in the heavens for the past 20,000 years.

"Okay okay!" said the cat

"So how do i get down there?" Karito said...

We'll reincarnate yourself into a young boy matching her age, then we'll drop you from this dimension to the place where that girl is taking her life while falling into the sky and you'll absorb the impact:)
