
Ready For… I 57A

=“You sound upset.”

Steph glanced at her phone against her ear, amused by Travis’ deduction. “I haven’t said anything.” She leaned back in her chair, hearing it squeak a bit as she did.

“What happened?”

The one time he calls her in so long and she’s upset and worse, she doesn’t have much time before her ward rounds. “You know me so well. But Trav, I don’t really have time for this.”

“Just talk to me, until you have to leave. What is it, rounds?”

“Yes. And in less than ten minutes.”

Sounding surprised, “We need ten minutes?” He chuckled.

“There is a lot to talk about. Besides-“

“What happened Annie, we can start from there.”

She sighed heavily. “I’m annoyed I’m even still upset. I should expect this by now, I should be used to it.”


“Yes.” He chuckled. “I was free two days ago. Absolutely nothing to do.”

“I remember.”