
Intro draft 1

"scientists at cerm(European Council for Medicinal Research) have discovered a way to prolong ones life using a lab made bacteria called the M-3-RT. The studies state that the bacteria can fight off harmful bacteria much faster than any other human defence mechanism. Although the person may get tired easier and feel more hungry as the increased safety consumes more calories. They state that M-3-RT will be available by the following year after the testing phases have been completed "

"bro have you seen my phone I can't find it"

While the news is broadcasting the most revolutionary invention in the history of mankind, our protagonist, Owen, a 15 year old boy who has way too much time on his hands, would rather be trying to find his phone "... Are you actually fucking stupid?"

Said his younger brother of 14 years.

"It's in your hand, ya dumbass.. You're litterly using the flashlight from it to find your phone"