
thirteenth thought a droids diary

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Waking up that's all i can say. I woke up.....thats all i can say. One day i just gained control of my programming so i was not a simple b1 droid that follows orders and sometimes seems like an organic being. so my first action i chose to do on my own was steal a notebook from the cargo and write my thoughts and actions.....I found that people call this a diary.

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second day of control i found it was hard to do the things a need to do with emotions. oh ya and i have emotions not just consciousness. I have the mind of the average bipedal creature.

I almost got caught bye another droid but i dealt with him. also i am on a space ship and i am going to battle with what the others call a sith to fight what the others call jedi and clones. The planet we are going to is a snow planet that has many resources our superiors need for what they call "To make new and improved droids" don't know what can do that but i will soon find out.

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we landed and are now scouting for the rebels base..... I found a spy camera they will use and took one for video diaries. since something are better seen then read.

video log 1

(now dialogue will be first person and third person)

A man or thing in a cloak that covered all his body but his head walked with two magnadroids walked up to a platoon of droids and spoke with a hollow behind the mask voice spoke. "i have been told to personally kill jedi in the area and all of you useless tin cans will find them for me". all the droids seemed to not react as they where in battle mode. it was good dor the droids as the person that spoke was general grievous an almost all droid man that would kill droids on a wim. The droids all went forward in unison and marched across a very open field with a base in the distance. most of the droids were leed bye commander droids in tanks just behind each platoon. but soon the chaos would split the droids apart and will go on there own to spread the fire apart for less loss.

video log 2

(first person)

When i first saw general grievous i saw the shap of his head and thought "wow he is a droid like us" but i was so wrong and apparently i said so out loud. "WHO SAID THAT" *cough cough*. This made me panic and made me point at the b1 droid next to me and made the others two in a panic not to die. he smashed through any droid in front of him and reached to the droid. The droid screamed as he was grabbed and ripped in half and was thrown into another droid witch fell with tbe severed half. The general stomped away and pushed a droid that was close to him to the ground.

video log 3

we finally where marching toward the rebel base and would soon go into battel. i saw a flash of blue light and soon hundreds. "FIRE" our droid commander yelled and we all started to fire and spreak to not all die bye explosions. i started to hide behind a tank and act like i was taking cover but that would be not the whole truth. the truth was i did not want to die so i hid. and i wanted to find a way to get away from all of the others as they were all druids or cruel people so i had to escape from all of this. after a minute of our slow walk forward the tank in front of me got hit and stopped its flout and fell leaving me not moving and in a battel. the others mindlessly past the tank into open fire not bothering me. after a lot of droids passed a point i moved forward to so i would not meet any droid that got curious and killed me for not following commands. I saw bipedal people in armor retreating into there base and shutting the giant door which was the only entrance. soon all the droid stopped and only aimed at the door and waited for commands. After a minute i heard the clinks of metal on ground approaching or commanding droid. "blast the doors open" *cough cough* as soon as he said that all of or tanks started to fire at the door. The sounds of the tanks firing did not stop and continued. i heard general grievous slam his hand on our tank and grab our commander and in a flash of green our command was dead. i felt a hand on me and i regretted being alive. grievous grabbed me and threw me at the tank and as i collided with it he said "you are the new commander" "now tell me when the doors will break" i was scared but i had to survive. i grabbed the dead commander's communicator and spoke in what all droids sound like "i-in at least a minute" general grievous yelled and punched one of his magna driods in the face making it fall but it soon got up. "you better hurry up or i will kill you" *cough cough* "yes sir" then i pulled the communicator out and called the other commanders "fire faster" and the tanks fired faster. after a few seconds the gates fell and the general took his communicator and commanded for the droids to match as the tanks won't fit and he walk at the end of the droids so he could let the others deal with the clones. i soon entered into the building but there was no clones to i got 5 droids to follow me 2 of them being b2 droids the big driods that had wrist blasters.

video log 4

i searches some room with the squad but found nothing. i finally saw a bigger door and commanded my droids to check it. "you all go in there and check that room" all five of the droids opend the door and walked in and looked around "all clear" said one of the b1 droids. i slowly entered and looked around this room was a big room with lots of boxes and random stuff you find in a base cargo area but then "looks like the rebels escaped" one of the b1's jinxed it. The droid who spoke got shot and the other 4 droids fired back not even taking cover and soon dieing leaving only me behind one of the boxes and one behind me open but i did not check what was in it. for some reason they weren't firing at me so i peaked over and saw the clones aiming at me but did not fire. i was about to speak but heard something above me and it was a man in a robe with a blue light saber and he soon cut both my arms and head of. as i fell into the box behind me i fealt my mind soon leaving me and how i regretted not escaping sooner. suddenly i fealt alive and whole again and i got up.

POV clones and jedi

we where attacked bye an army of droids lead bye general grievous. we had to retreat and close or bases door so we coud protect the crystals to make sure they would never take them or make sure no one ever will get them. these crystals where more valuable then kiber crystals but we did not know why. as we prepared our defences we had to hide as a group of 5 droids entered the room and looked around and spoke "all clear" as if. we waited so we could suprise them without cover. another b1 entered and seemed more alive then the others but who cares abot that. "looks like the rebels escaped" a b1 spoke. ha so wrong it was so i shot it and soon the others started to fire at the droids to but the last b1 went behind a box of crystals. that was odd as b1 and 2 droids did not take cover without orders. Our jedi commander said he would sneak kill the droid so the crystals would not be damaged. the droid peaked its head up from the box oh so hard it was not to shoot its ugly head but we knew that or commander would get him and he did cut his head and arms of he did. the droid fell into a open box of crystals and or jedi walked toward us. but as if cutting its head of was not enough the droid stood up with arms and its head but neck made of crystals and the same with its arms but it was behind or jedi so we fired as it spoke with its hands up "WAIT STO-" one of use shot a hole right in the middle of its chest and the droid fell into the box again. The jedi spoke "what was that?" the clones shrugged and one spoke "it was the droid you kill but with crystals all over it". "WHAT" the jedi looked panicked and turned toward the droid and as if the damage it took was not enough it stood for the second time but with crystals coming out its chest it spoke with its hands up "STOP DON'T SHOOT" but was shot at again but it put its hand in front of itself and the blaster bots stopped mid air but the jedi was not doing any thing

END (if anyone wants to take the story they can as long as the purpose of my novel is to give authors ideas or templates. the droids appearance at the end will be drawn by me and we'll be in the comments.)