
Ice Age, I stockpiled ten billion goods

Apocalypse + Rebirth + Explosive Stocking of Supplies + Gou + Infinite Space + Blackened Revenge of Not the Virgin The world has entered the Ice Age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human race on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress! When the apocalypse comes, everyone will freeze like a dog, and they will give up everything just for a bite to eat. But Zhang Yi is living more comfortably than before the end of the world. Bai Lianhua: Zhang Yi, as long as you let me enter your house, I promise to be your girlfriend. Rich second generation: Zhang Yi, I am willing to use all my money to exchange for a meal in your family! Animal neighbors: Zhang Yi, you should share supplies with us, and shouldn't be so selfish! …… Looking at these people who had betrayed him in his previous life, Zhang Yi lay in the safe house and lived a life like a paradise. Zhang Yi: What does it have to do with me whether you die or not? I won’t give you my stuff to feed the dogs!

jianbing · ไซไฟ
376 Chs

Chapter 75: The Potency of White Phosphorus

Zhang Yi's response was remarkably swift; clad only in his nightwear, he descended from the bed and promptly retrieved a handgun from the extradimensional space, ensuring its safety in his grasp.

He activated his phone, scrutinizing the external surveillance footage. The living room appeared undisturbed. However, in Zhou Ke'er's room, her countenance betrayed sheer terror as she nervously clutched a blanket, cowering at the room's corner.

Finding solace in the unharmed state of his home, Zhang Yi's tension eased. Yet, he shifted his gaze outward through the surveillance feed. Instantly, he discerned the clandestine assembly of a dozen individuals.

These individuals wielded shovels predominantly, supplemented by steel bars, wooden boards, and axes. Yet, Zhang Yi found a peculiar familiarity with those wooden boards; upon closer inspection, they unmistakably bore the distinctive red three-ply construction commonly employed at construction sites.

Vividly recalling that there were no construction workers within their building, Zhang Yi reasoned that the neighboring Building 26 housed a group of laborers employed in nearby construction sites, roughly comprising over twenty individuals renting housing through their company.

As the dust settled, the group hastily approached the door to inspect the success of the detonation. Their preparedness and unequivocal target, directed straight at Zhang Yi, were evident.

Zhang Yi's gaze turned icy, indicating that the news of his well-stocked abode had evidently leaked to the outside world. Beyond the door, Uncle Er and others, witnessing the unscathed, robust metal door, stood dumbfounded.

"Old Donkey, what kind of nonsense are you up to? Couldn't even blast a door open with this rubbish!" A nearby worker berated Old Donkey angrily.

Old Donkey, taken aback by the unexpected outcome, retorted, "This doesn't make sense! The explosives I prepared were flawless."

"Perhaps... they got damp!" he added.

Old Donkey, an expert in the demolition team, utilized primitive methods. While the explosives he used produced a deafening sound, their efficacy paled in comparison to those concocted by professional demolition experts.

Regardless, Zhang Yi's confirmation through his mobile app that his residence remained unscathed brought relief. Simultaneously, a burning rage ignited within him.

These people were aiming for his demise!

In response, he resolved to make them pay with their lives!

While the group outside continued their complaints, some attempted to breach the door with their shovels. Oblivious to their actions, they failed to notice a small window opening above them.

Zhang Yi ignited a Molotov cocktail and hurled it outside. The roaring flames erupted instantly. Unsatisfied, Zhang Yi retrieved several small white bottles from the extradimensional space, containing nearly transparent white liquid.

These were vials of white phosphorus dissolved in sulfur dioxide, constituting the most rudimentary form of white phosphorus munitions. Known as the "fire of hell," white phosphorus, when ablaze, reaches temperatures exceeding 1000°C, obliterating all living organisms within its range.

The explosion of a white phosphorus munition yields intense illumination and spews burning fragments, stubbornly adhering to the skin, causing ghastly wounds. Apart from its formidable lethality, it induces profound psychological shock.

While internationally prohibited, Zhang Yi paid no heed to such restrictions. Any means effective in eliminating enemies were within his purview!

The Molotov cocktail landed, unleashing a fierce conflagration, yet its lethality was relatively modest. The infiltrators, soaked from traversing the snowy layers, proved resistant to immediate ignition.

However, as the cocktail ignited on the ground, sulfur dioxide rapidly evaporated, igniting the dissolved white phosphorus. In an instant, the air became searing, and the flames clung persistently to their clothes.

Outside, the corridor transformed into a sea of fire. Zhang Yi, venting his lingering anger, procured his handgun and began a relentless barrage of gunfire.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Unfazed by conserving ammunition, he fired as if setting off fireworks. Soon, lifeless bodies littered the floor. Of the assailants, only five or six managed to escape.

Zhang Yi refrained from pursuing; safety remained the paramount principle. After confirming their demise, he closed the firing aperture and activated the air filtration system to prevent thick smoke from entering the room.

Examining his firearm, Zhang Yi shook his head, "This thing is truly not durable. It's fortunate I didn't buy a machine gun; otherwise, I'd have exhausted a few hundred rounds by now!"

It became evident that acquiring some firearms would be imperative in the future. Before today, his crisis awareness wasn't as heightened. However, the attempted detonation by nearby workers in adjacent floors served as a stark wake-up call.

In this post-apocalyptic world, those who survived were far from ordinary. The adversaries he would encounter henceforth were bound to be formidable characters. If, someday, an engineer armed with copious explosives arrived, they might indeed demolish his entire building!

Though this notion seemed exaggerated, given the sheer magnitude, it was beyond the reach of ordinary individuals. Yet, Zhang Yi felt compelled to prepare for any eventuality.

"These despicable individuals, I'll make sure to exterminate every last one of them!" Zhang Yi vehemently cursed.

He approached Zhou Ke'er's room, opening the door. Zhou Ke'er, huddled in a corner, had her head buried between her snow-white legs.

"It's safe now," Zhang Yi reassured her.

Hearing his voice, Zhou Ke'er instantly felt a profound sense of security. Despite his excessively cautious demeanor and seemingly cold demeanor, he was the greatest warmth in Zhou Ke'er's heart.

She looked up at Zhang Yi and quipped, "I'm not scared. I just thought there was an earthquake, and hiding in the corner seemed safer."

Zhang Yi chuckled, "On the 24th floor, if there were an earthquake, hiding anywhere wouldn't save you!"

Zhou Ke'er stood up, inquiring, "What just happened?"

Zhang Yi sat on her bed. Before Zhou Ke'er moved in, the room lacked variety, without even a bedspread. However, her presence infused warmth into the space.

Pink velvet blankets and yellow bed sheets adorned the room. On the windowsill hung her washed black lace underwear and black stockings. Evidently, she was a refined woman.

Of course, it wasn't limited to her room; her meticulous cleaning extended to the entire building, including Zhang Yi's bedroom. Zhang Yi mused, "Having a sensible woman by your side is truly wonderful. In the pre-apocalyptic era, such a woman would require a dowry of at least 18.88 million."