
I wouldn't change a thing

Alexandra Faucette is the CEO's assistant, and ThomasWolcott is the COO (the CEO's son). Peter Wolcott(Thomas's father) wants his son and his assistant to get along because he thinks they would do a phenomenal job taking over the company one day, but unfortunately, they despise each other. Nonetheless, due to a rumor starting saying that Alexandra is secretly engaged to peter while in truth she is just doing her job and gives advice to peter to ask his secret girlfriend Susanna to marry him and Thomas confronts Alexa saying she is a snake trying to take over the company and etc Alexa had enough…... it doesn’t help one bit So somehow peter thought it would be great for Alexa to be temporarily Thomas's assistant to dispel the rumor. Thomas wants Alexa out of the company, but before he does that he wants to boss her around, assign her tough tasks, basically to just drive her insane so he went to mock her for a however before he can do that …… Alexa QUITS not wanting to work there anymore because she was accused of doing something she didn’t do and becoming Thomas’s assistant was just the cherry on the top. When Peter found out that Alexa resigned he send Thomas to request her to come back but it doesn’t end well Peter finally tells Thomas that he is engaged to Susanna feeling mortified at how unfair he was he actually thought about apologizing to her but then he realized Alexa doesn’t work there anymore so decides not to Peter was having none of it he demands that he apologizes to her but he refused eventually, peter goes himself to ask her to come back to work at his company again, and apologizing on Thomas’s behalf in one way or another he manages to convince her But before she starts Alexandra wants an apology from Thomas for criticizing her for actions she didn't commit but he refuses (again) somehow they both negotiated on a deal that if Alexa doesn't quit herself after a month of working as his assistant and Thomas doesn't fire her for doing anything wrong, even if she is one second late. Thomas will apologize to her in front of everyone in the company. Who's going to win? Will things get out of hand? Will something bloom?

Lanya_Soran · สมัยใหม่
20 Chs

Chapter 14: The war has begun

"Come in," said Peter after he heard the knock on his door

"Sir do you have a minute?" asked Alexandra peaking her head in

Peter was surprised to see her

"Yes, of course.....what are you doing here didn't I tell you you can come to work tomorrow?"

"You did sir, but I wanted to discuss something with you?"

"Ok,what is it?"

"Sir if you'd let me I would like to work as Mr. Wolcot's assistant"

That stunned Peter

"Eh um but didn't we agree to forget everything and have a new start?"

"Sir I have thought of it a lot, besides me and Mr. Wolcot made a deal between us it's either I quit or he fires me and we both have one month and within that month I will try my best to make him a gentleman"

"Ok but are you sure you can do that?" said Peter hopefully

"True, he is a selfish person, and I know it will be hard, but I will do my best"

"Great. Just get rid of his selfishness and make him go to the right path, that's all I want"

"But not only that, but I also have to do something about his way of speaking and also to get rid of his horrible behaviours and hopefully he will take his job seriously instead of just lacking around"

"To be honest I support you with every inch of my being, and if you need help you can ask for whatever you want"

"Thank you, sir"


Adrienne was working on her computer when her phone suddenly vibrated, it was a text from Thomas saying 'I am at the company's cafeteria come right now'

'What the heck does he want this time' thought Adrienne and right then she saw Alexandra came out of the CEO's office, so she.......


"Mr. Wolcott, I have arrived"

"Good, sit down"

Then Adrienne sat down and Thomas looked at her dead in the eyes

"You didn't tell Miss Faucette that you ate here right?"

"Of course not sir"

"Well done"


"Alexandra," said Adrienne as soon as he came outside of Peter's office


"Look what Mr. Wolcott send me," said Adrienne quickly showing her what Thomas send her

Alexandra smirked knowing full well this would happened

"Just as I thought, he is gonna ask you about my personal life"


"I need you for something Tina," said Thomas

"Adrienne," said Adrienne correcting him


"My name is Adrienne, not Tina"

"Then who is Tina"

"I have no idea sir"

"Whatever, here, I want you to write anything you know about Miss Faucette,"said Thomas handing her a white paper

"But sir didn't I give you her file?"

-Adrienne's flashback-

"Yes you did but in my file, there is only information about my education, previous jobs and etc, he wants personal information," said Alex

-End of flashback-

"Yes you did but I want personal information do you understand? for example, does she have a boyfriend?" said Thomas

"No sir"

"And if she had what kind of person does she want them to be?"

-Adrienne's flashback-

"He wants to know when I am working what am I mostly focused on, what grabs my attention," said Alexandra

-End of flashback-

"when she is working what is she mostly focused on, what grabs her attention most? What makes her angry, what bores her, I want to know all these things" said Thomas aggressively

Adrienne was watching him stunned but she wasn't stunned at Thomas , no she was amazed at how Alexandra knew exactly what he whats know about her

-Adrienne's flashback-

"Basically he wants to know the start till the bottom of my secrets," said Alexandra

-End of flashback-

"Basically I want to know what makes her lose her patience," said Thomas

"Patience?" questioned Adrienne

"Yes, I must know!! And use it to make her regret she was born, no matter what happens I will crush her into pieces I WILL FIRE HER, AND MAKE SURE SHE DOESNT SET GOOT AT THIS COMPANY" shouted Thomas causing Adrienne and the other people to flinch, suddenly all eyes were on them

-Adrienne's flashback-

"Don't worry tell him everything you know, in fact, wait a sec I will write them for you and you can give it to him" said Alexandra started writing some things on a paper

-End of flashback-

"Yes I understand sir, I knew you were gonna ask me these things so I already wrote them for you," said Adrienne nervously, giving him the paper Alexandra wrote

Thomas's eyes widened with joy "Thank you very much, Diana," said Thomas taking the paper and looking at it as if it is the world's most precious treasure

"She cares about cleanness a lot, she can't stand if someone or something is late, she gets mad if she is called a secretary instead of an assistant, good I need these things for starters , good job Olivia and if you find anything else about Miss Faucette write it down for me ok?" said Thomas

Adrienne was getting annoyed that he couldn't get her name right

-Adrienne's flashback-

"Hey, can I ask a question before I go? Doesn't mean I am betraying you?"

"Actually the opposite, think that you are saving a mouse from a cat, I will be ready from his attacks because I know what he knows"

"Huh that kinda makes sense"

-End of flashback-

"We are being a great team aren't we?" said Thomas shoving the paper in his pocket

"Don't ask" said Adrienne annoyed

But Thomas didn't hear what she said, feeling too happy about getting theses information, his mind was somewhere else

"Well thanks again and ...you know when I fire Miss Faucette, do you know who will take to her place?" stated Thomas smiling


"Of course you Claire"

'How hard is my name?' thought poor Adrienne


Thomas: the war has begun Miss Faucette

Alexandra: this is the begging of the 1st battle

Thomas:'does an angry meow'

Alexandra:'does a lions voice and growls at Thomas '

Thomas: hey author why didn't I have a lions voice


For some reason, Thomas can't remember Adrienne's name so he just calls him some random names

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Lanya_Sorancreators' thoughts