
I wouldn't change a thing

Alexandra Faucette is the CEO's assistant, and ThomasWolcott is the COO (the CEO's son). Peter Wolcott(Thomas's father) wants his son and his assistant to get along because he thinks they would do a phenomenal job taking over the company one day, but unfortunately, they despise each other. Nonetheless, due to a rumor starting saying that Alexandra is secretly engaged to peter while in truth she is just doing her job and gives advice to peter to ask his secret girlfriend Susanna to marry him and Thomas confronts Alexa saying she is a snake trying to take over the company and etc Alexa had enough…... it doesn’t help one bit So somehow peter thought it would be great for Alexa to be temporarily Thomas's assistant to dispel the rumor. Thomas wants Alexa out of the company, but before he does that he wants to boss her around, assign her tough tasks, basically to just drive her insane so he went to mock her for a however before he can do that …… Alexa QUITS not wanting to work there anymore because she was accused of doing something she didn’t do and becoming Thomas’s assistant was just the cherry on the top. When Peter found out that Alexa resigned he send Thomas to request her to come back but it doesn’t end well Peter finally tells Thomas that he is engaged to Susanna feeling mortified at how unfair he was he actually thought about apologizing to her but then he realized Alexa doesn’t work there anymore so decides not to Peter was having none of it he demands that he apologizes to her but he refused eventually, peter goes himself to ask her to come back to work at his company again, and apologizing on Thomas’s behalf in one way or another he manages to convince her But before she starts Alexandra wants an apology from Thomas for criticizing her for actions she didn't commit but he refuses (again) somehow they both negotiated on a deal that if Alexa doesn't quit herself after a month of working as his assistant and Thomas doesn't fire her for doing anything wrong, even if she is one second late. Thomas will apologize to her in front of everyone in the company. Who's going to win? Will things get out of hand? Will something bloom?

Lanya_Soran · สมัยใหม่
20 Chs

Chapter 10: When the time comes

"Hey mom"

"Yes dear"

"How come are you so beautiful today?"

"So are you saying I didn't look beautiful the other days? just today?"

"No you are beautiful every day but today your style is different from the other days, I would say that you found someone that makes you happy that's why your eyes are glowing"

"Oh son stop talking nonsense let's just order our food," said Susanna to his son

When the commercial finished John and Susanna when to a restaurant

"Then what's with the flowers in your room?" asked John

"Oh I don't know someone just sends them"

"It was me"

"It was you? There wasn't any name on it and I thought it was just an admirer"

"Maybe the florist forgot to put my name," said John

It wasn't him but he wants to know who is that man in his mother's life

quick info Peter buys flowers at the same flower shop every time that's why the flowers on Alexandra's desk had the same card as the card Thomas found in father's office

"oh thank you, sweetie," said Susanna confused Peter was the one that sent it to her and suddenly her phone ringed and she saw it was Peter and quickly muted and closed her phone and then she saw her son smirking at her "so what's his name?"

"Look John when the time is ready I will tell you everything ok?"

"Alright, but be careful I wouldn't really want my mum's love life on an article"

"Oh look who's talking I am tired to see all the articles off you having a new girlfriend every 2 months"

"Um Mr. Wolcott here put this ice bag on your head," said Alexandra handing him an ice bag

"Thanks," said Thomas sarcastically

"How am I supposed to know that he is Alex's boss's son"whispered Martha to George

"Shhh," said George

"Here Mr. Wolcott have some water," said George, and Thomas flinched and looked horrified "calm down am not gonna hit you," said George

"Thanks," said Thomas, he drank the water and stood up but he lost his balance Alexa quickly caught him...........they made eye contact and silence........... "Are you alright?" asked Alex breaking the silence

"Uh yeah I am fine," said Thomas letting go of Alexandra's hand

"Um why don't you stay for lunch I am making jambalaya," said Martha

"No thank you, I am not quite hungry," said Thomas

"Do you want to make him scrambled eggs and bacon on that pan you just him with"whispered George

"What? I am just inviting him to lunch" whispered Martha back

Thomas started to walk to his car and Alex following him just in case. When he rode the car he looked at Alex and then at the married couple George waved at him and Martha waved at him with the red pan

"Put that down," said George

'This family is generally insane they sure are something' thought Thomas and he drove off

"Thank you very much, Martha," said Alex smiling

"Huh? Aren't you mad at me? Wait was that 'thank you' sarcastic?" said Martha worriedly

"No, I am genuinely thanking you Martha you too dad he got what he deserved, man that was it satisfying to watch, "said Alex amusingly

"Daughter what if he tells your boss and fires you? You know what? I will come with you tomorrow to your workplace and explain everything to your boss and-"

"No dad you don't need to do that, after all, I resigned," said Alexa not wanting to worry either him or Martha further however that got the opposite reaction

"WHAT?!?" shouted the married couple

"Please tell me this is just a joke sweetheart," said George

"But why would you quit that job," said Martha

"Eh well I needed to, I plan to rest for a couple of days, spend some time with you guys and look for another job....anyways I am hungry, I want to cook with you Martha," said Alex

"But sweetie you aren't in charge of lunch today"

"I know but I want to, and later I will join in the bakery after lunch dad"

"Ok," said George smiling at his daughter

"But go rest a little it's still 10:00," said Martha

"Fine," said Alex and they started to walk to their house

"What's taking her so long?" said Mia sitting with Stephen at a cafe

"I have no idea"answered Stephen and with that, her phone vibrated

"Oh speak of the devil she says 'hey Mia I am sorry I can't join you and Stephen because something happened' hm I wonder what happened?"

"Probably something with that guy we saw"

"Yeah you are right"

and her phone vibrated again and saw what Alex texted 'enjoy your date😏' and Mia blushed

"What is it? Are you sick?" asked Stephen

"Huh oh no it's hot in here," said Mia

"If you say so"

"Knock knock," said George knocking on Alexandra's door he heard Alex chuckle and say "Who is it?"

"queen or should I say king of England"

"Oh well the come on it Your highness," said Alex

"hey," said George opening the door, he saw Alex in her bed drawing something and Alex laughed

"Hey dad"

"Hey sweetie here I brought you some sliced apples," said George handing her a plate of sliced apples

"Aww dad you didn't have to tire yourself, "said Alex taking the plate and took a bite

"What do you mean? if you want I can bring you oranges" said George taking a chair and put it near her bed and sat on it

"No dad thanks a lot and you know how much I love green apples," said Alex taking a huge bite

"You know your mother loved green apples too," said George

"Dad I miss her"

"Me too sweetie"

"If you were gone too I wouldn't know how to deal with life and the world, she trusted me to look after you"

"And she also trusted me with you, Dad please don't do this I am gonna start crying"

"Don't cry I hated when you do"

"How could I not" and after a moment of silence

"Oh right I came here you ask you something," said George changing the subject

"Hm, what is it?"

"Your boss's son name was Thomas right?"


"Do you have a relationship with him or-"

"Daaad, I will never have a relationship with that man, and if there was a relationship it will only be a hated one, and today all three of us hit him which was really amusing. I wish I recorded it, besides I am not working in that company anymore, for all I care he can go and burn in hell"

"Alex don't tell me, the reason you quitted your job is because of that man, did something happen?"

"Dad. This man......you know what don't think about it, it's not worth it, after all, me quitting my job was a good decision, I could rest and spend some time with you and Martha, and I could look for another job, there are countless of other jobs out there"

"Ok I was worried you couldn't find another job that you liked"

"Dad I have been working there for 8 years, I have experience so wherever I go I will be accepted"

"If you say so...well finish your apples and I will go to the bakery I left Martha there"

"Ok I will join you guys later"

As soon as George went out Alex pulled out her small notebook

Alexandra's POV

Alright let's see

Balloons - check

Party streamers - check

Cake - check

Food -

Cards - check

Alright so only the food, cake, and the gift are not ready

Regular POV

A while after Alexandra left her room to make lunch with Martha while they were making lunch they were discussing the birthday plan for George "I bought everything and I have a plan why don't we make all his favorite foods tomorrow?" asked Alexandra

"great idea a roasted fish hoecakes, ice cream, and a chocolate cake," said Martha with an amusing voice

"Yeah, I was thinking maybe for breakfast we can make hoecake, for lunch a roasted fish, some ice cream for dessert or for a snack and when the night comes, the chocolate cake," said Alex

"great plan," said Martha laughing

"So how should we distract him and what time should we buy the fish? or-"

"Well after we have breakfast I will buy the fish and you bake the cake after we have lunch I will ask him if he wants to go out with us to an ice cream shop and when we come back you ask him to buy some fruits because I don't know we ran out of them I guess ....and when he goes out to buy some we decorated the garden and the cake and when comes back and no one is inside he will automatically go to the garden and we say surprise......what do you think?"

"Perfect," said Martha

"Hey, ladies is lunch ready? I am starving" said George coming back from the bakery

"Just a minute," said both Martha and Alexandra

-time skip-

"Dad-George lunch is ready" shouted Martha and Alexandra

"Ok I am coming"

and the day goes on