
I won't stop until I stab you in the heart

Lovely_Pie · ย้อนยุค
11 Chs

The Hole in the Ceiling

Back at the house, i went straight to my room. I need to hide this dagger before lady kera and sir liam finds it. My room was small and as i have said before, the bed and the small cabinet are the only furniture inside it. The cabinet is not safe, lady kera often checks it. The bed won't do either, who knows when will she try and change the bedsheets. I look at the floor and i find no holes then i look up and "Bingo!" I exclaimed. I've seen it before when a bird entered my room. It wasn't that big but a tiny dagger will definitely fit. So i climb my bed and careful took out the dagger. I inserted it inside the hole and there, no one will find it. I breathe the moment it was no longer attached to me. And just in time, someone knocked at the door and lady kera enters. She looked puzzled when she finds me standing on top of my bed.

"I saw something flying outside my window" i pointed outside. "I couldn't see it clear so i thought maybe i can see it from up here?" Not a single word sounds convincing from everything that i just said. Luckily, lady kera didn't seem to mind and just shrug. "Get down from there, i need to wash those bedsheets". I get down and thankfully i had thought not to hid the dagger there. She pulled it all out then turned to me "come with me, you'll help me with these" she was talking about washing the sheets. I nod and followed her outside. I closed the door of my room and breathe a sign of relief. 'thank god! she was a free spirited person or else she would have thought that something was up'.

With the dirty laundry is in my hands, I followed lady kera to the back door and into the woods. The house is near the woods. And beyond this woods is a river. I've never been there but lady kera has told me all about it. Apparently, most citizen of kars is afraid of the river and so only few goes there. There is a rumour that sorrounds this river, some said that a river monster lies beneath it while others mentioned that a headless ghost hunts the forest. But i know nothing of this place maybe they were right to fear the river, who knows what lies ahead?

When we arrived, the river welcomes me. I couldn't believe my eyes. "This is beautiful!" I was mesmerized by it that i spoke that out loud. Lady kera agrees with what i said and nod her head. Everything about the river takes my breath. The sparkling water on the river bank, the land that shapes it's flow and the flowers that lies besides it. This river is like a place taken out of a fairy tale. Why would anyone say those rumours? The calming sounds it makes, made me want not to disturb it.

"This is the hidden gem of Kars, the August river. This water is what supplies the city but foolishly enough people believe that this place is cursed. I can't imagine anyone would believe that" Lady kera said. She seems to be in high spirit.

I agree with her, this is beautiful even for me. Sure this my first time seeing the locals' land but this is something else. Why would anyone believe such foolish remark?

"Ha! This a fine day, what do you say child? Wanna jump in?" She winked at me. I drop the clothes in my hand and ran for the river. Free from the thought of yesterday, free from the fear of tommorow. The water embraced me and i let my instinct rule my mind.


After the washing and bathing, Lady Kera and I returned to the house. Little did i know that back at the house, something awaits me.


It was almost dinner time and i was called to join Lady Kera and Sir Liam. I was still thrilled from my recent experience and was in high spirit. But there's just this sort of gloom that hangs around the room and the only one i can point it out to was Sir Liam. He is more quiet than usual, he moves in a steady manner but there is frustration that moves along with him. And it seems to me that I'm not the only one who noticed it.

"Dear, is something wrong? you look like you're having a bad day?" Lady Kera asked.

Then suddenly sir liam stopped moving his hand. He stared at his food for a couple seconds then lift his eyes to me. He is angry at me? Then he stands up and walked to their bedroom. Lady Kera looked at me with a question in her head. After a while, Sir Liam came out of the room with a black piece of clothes that was sheathing something. He walked to the table and put the clothes on the table.

"Honey, you said earlier that the ceiling of the room upstairs has a hole in it, right?" Lady Kera nods in agreement. She looks at me "Yes, i saw you trying to fix it. I thought that maybe you were shy to ask me about it so i secretly told my husband to go and fix it" she was talking to me.

"You were worried that if it rains, the water might come in. So when you left today, i went upstairs to check on it..." He was holding on the edge of the cloth . The entire time, i can feel my chest beating rapidly. I know from the way he looks, I knew they'll find out but I don't want them to. These people have sheltered me even though they knew nothing of me. They saved my life when I'm suppose to die. If I tell them, i knew they'll carry the burden on their shoulders.

"Tell me child, what purpose does"this" serves for you?". He lift the cover and the edges of the dagger glistened. It look ominous even as it lie on top of the table. The danger it carries is now ringing in my ears and when Lady Kera grasp, i found the dagger even more sinister.