
I Woke Up As Uchiha Sasuke

One day, I suddenly woke up as the edge lord of the Naruto world, Uchiha Sasuke.

TrueStrike · แฟนตาซี
12 Chs

Chapter 5: Planning for the Future and Meeting the Hokage.

After coming back home, Sasuke begin planning for the meeting with the Hokage that he thinks would happen later.

'I didn't get a summon from his ANBUs while we were still out in the shopping district. I'm sure, he would be inform about Mikoto's existence by now. So perhaps he will come here instead?" Sasuke mused while walking into the house.

"Mikoto, we might have guests later. Make sure that the house is in order and that nothing out of the ordinary can be notice." Sasuke said to Mikoto.

"Yes onii-chan. No one will be able to notice anything." Mikoto declared with confidence.

"Good, I'm counting on you Mikoto. I'll be in the study if you could get dinner started?" Sasuke said as he makes his way toward his father's study.

"Leave it to me onii-chan." Mikoto replied.

Transforming back into the older maid form that she had used earlier today, Mikoto made her way into the kitchen humming a jaunty tune.

In Fugaku's study, Sasuke is at the desk trying to decide what his plans for the future is going to be now.

'The presence of Mikoto has thrown a lot of my plans into disarray. Especially when Canon starts and I'll have to go out on missions. And I'm sure the Hokage is going to want her to join the Academy.' Sasuke thought while massaging his brows.

'I was already planning on using the next 5 years in the Academy to push myself as much as I can while hiding my true abilities from the others. Mikoto looks like she is about 5 years old in her child body, which puts her right between the Rookie 9's generation and the generation of Konohamaru and Hanabi. I'll have her hide her true abilities too when she starts at the Academy." Sasuke continued on.

'In terms of developing myself, I already have a general direction that I want to developed myself toward. With the Dragon's Heart Reactor, I'll really be able turn myself into a high Kage level ninjutsu specialist. I'll still pick up kenjutsu of course for close combat like Canon Sasuke. Importantly though, I intend to learn and master Fuinjutsu. Because goddamn, Fuinjutsu is broken and there's no way I won't abuse that for all its worth.' Sasuke thought excitedly. Thinking of how overpowered he is going to be in the future.

*Knock knock*

"Onii-chan, I've started the hot water for you. Would you like to take a bath before we have dinner?" Mikoto said from outside the room.

"Thank you, I will." Sasuke answered walking out.

Entering the bathroom, Sasuke noticed that the room is much larger than he remembered. There is now an onsen style bath prominently in the center of the room filled with hot water with steam wafting about.

Nodding with approval at the changes made by Mikoto, Sasuke begins removing his clothes. As he was about to start washing his body, Mikoto entered the bathroom covered by a single bath towel.

"Let me wash your back onii-chan." Mikoto offered

"Hn, fine." Knowing that it's probably a lost cause, Sasuke allows Mikoto to just do what she wants.

After a short relaxing soak in the onsen, Sasuke came out to see Mikoto in her older body finish setting up the table. For dinner, she has cooked a spread of traditional Japanese foods.

"Everything looks very good Mikoto." Sasuke complimented as he comes to the table.

"Thank you onii-chan! Quick, come sit down sit down!" Mikoto said excitedly as she changed back into her child body.

'Once again, I am so glad I grabbed the Essense of the Home. I'm sure that if Canon Sasuke had good home cooked meals like this, he probably wouldn't have turn into as much of an edgy emo.' Sasuke pondered.

Unknowingly, a warm and homely atmosphere begins to suffused around the two siblings.

Once dinner was finished, as Mikoto cleaned up, Sasuke went into the family room to relax a bit.

'Maybe I'm wrong and the Hokage don't actually care about Mikoto's presence here?' Sasuke thought to himself.

*Knock knock*

'Speak of the Devil and he shall come.' Sasuke thought as he made to go answer the door. With a thought, Sasuke informed Mikoto mentally over their soul connection, 'We have guests Mikoto. You know the plan, it's showtime.'

Opening the door, Sasuke could immediately see that The Sandaime Hokage was here to visit. Accompanying him was the patriarch of the Yamanaka Clan, Yamanaka Inoichi.

"Hello Hokage-sama. What can I help you with this evening?" Sasuke inquired politely.

"I'm just here to check up on how you're doing young Sasuke-kun. And I heard a little rumor that you've adopted a little sister?" The Hokage inquired with a grandfatherly tone.

"Good evening Sasuke-kun. I hope we're not being a bother with this sudden visit." Inoichi greeted politely.

"Good evening, Yamanaka-sama. It not a bother at all. My sister and I have just finished dinner." Sasuke answered.

Turning to the Hokage, "Please, come on in" Sasuke invites them into the house.

"Thank you Sasuke-kun. We'll try to not stay too long." The Hokage replied.

Leading the two guests into the family room, Sasuke motioned for them to have a seat anywhere.

"Would either of you like some tea?" Sasuke offered as he takes his seat.

"Yes, I'll have some tea." The Hokage answered as he takes his seat opposite of Sasuke.

"I will take some tea as well Sasuke-kun." Inoichi replied, taking his seat next to the Hokage.

As everyone took their seats, Mikoto entered the room carrying a tray with a tea pot and some cups. Setting it down on the table, Mikoto pours tea for everyone as she takes her seat next to Sasuke.

"This must be the little girl you've decided to take in Sasuke-kun." The Hokage commented while looking at Mikoto.

"Hello, Hokage-sama." Mikoto greeted timidly.

"Yes, Hokage-sama. This is Mikoto and I have allowed her to continue residing here in this manor with me." Sasuke said confidently.

"And how did you two came to meet each other if I might asks?" The Hokage questioned while watching the two siblings closely.

Facing the scrutinizing gaze of the Hokage, "I was living on the streets for a few weeks now after running away from the orphanage. One day I noticed that this large district suddenly became empty of people, so I snuck in looking for left over foods. A few nights ago, I was caught sneaking into this manor by Sasuke onii-chan. Since then, he has allowed me to stay, giving me foods and even a name. You're not going to take me away are you?" Mimoto implored timidly while telling the story that she and Sasuke agreed upon earlier.

Putting his arm protectively around Mikoto, "As the future head of the Uchiha Clan, I've decided to adopt her as my little sister Hokage-sama." Sasuke said trying to project as much authority and confidence as he can muster.

"Hmm, technically you're not considered an adult yet Sasuke-kun until you graduate the Academy and officially becomes a genin. However, I'll allow it. I'll even allow Young Mikoto-chan to enroll into the Academy as well in a couple of years." The Hokage replied diplomatically.

'So translation, as long as she enrolls and becomes a ninja he will turns a blinds eye and not look too closely. Shameless old man.' Sasuke berated in his mind.

With a polite smile on his face, "Thank you, Hokage-sama." Sasuke said with a slight bow of his head.

"Thank you, Hokage-sama" Mikoto politely said mimicking Sasuke.

"It's not too much trouble at all Mikoto-chan." The Hokage said gracefully accepting their gratitude.

"It's good to see you doing so much better Sasuke-kun. With this all resolved, I think it's time we take our leave. Thank you for the tea." The Hokage said standing up from his seat.

"Have a good night Sasuke-kun and thank you for the tea." Inoichi said following the Hokage out.

"Thank you, for the visit Hokage-sama. Yamanaka-sama." Sasuke said to the two at the door.

~Outside the Uchiha District~

"So, what do you think Inoichi?" The Hokage questioned

"Sasuke-kun seem to have recovered remarkably well. As for little Mikoto-chan, I don't know where she came from but she does not look like she survived a day on the streets. She looked too healthy and has in no way missed a meal in her life. Her timid act looked convincing but her eyes gave her away. There was strength and confidence in those eyes. In the way she watch and observed us." Inoichi answered succinctly

"So, do you think she is a spy perhaps? Sent to gain influence over the last of the Uchiha clan?" The Hokage postulated.

"From another ninja village? Probably not. She might be a hidden daughter of one of the wealthy civilian families or even nobility put in place to gain the inheritance of the Uchiha Clan." Inoichi answered seriously.

"Inu." The Hokage called out.

Immediately in front of the Hokage, appeared an ANBU ninja wearing a white mask with the face of a dog ready to recieve any tasks.

"Send a team of ANBU to investigate if any wealthy or noble family has the capability to insert such a girl next to Sasuke. Then have another team keep an eye on both the girl and Sasuke for the next couple of weeks. Report to me if she makes contact with anyone." The Hokage ordered.

"Hai! Hogake-sama." The ANBU acknowledged before disappearing away with a leaf styled shunshin.

Turning to Inoichi, "Thank you for your help tonight Inoichi. I'll let you head home to your family now." The Hokage said as he bid the patriarch of the Yamanaka Clan good night.

~Meanwhile, in an undisclosed location~

"Danzo-sama. The Hokage and Inoichi Yamanaka has paid a visit to Uchiha Sasuke at his home tonight." A ninja wearing a similar attired to an ANBU except with a pure white mask reported.

"Hmm, and what of this girl?" The man with bandages covering one of his eyes questioned.

"They thinks that she might be someone that was planted at the Uchiha's side by one of the wealthy civilian family or nobles in order to gain influence over him." The ROOT agent answered emotionlessly.

"Very well, continue with the surveillance on the Uchiha. Report to me anyone he makes contacts with."

"Hai! Danzo-sama." The ROOT agent answered then immediately dissappeared in a silent shunshin.

Hey Guys!

I'm back again with another chapter!

Some more slice of life goodness between Sasuke and Mikoto.

I wonder how many of you guys actually thought that Sasuke's cover story for Mikoto would actually work?

Though simple, it still had many holes in it.

Anyway comment your criticism and thoughts.

I'd love to see what you guys think of the story so far.

See you all next chapter!

TrueStrikecreators' thoughts