
I wish we never met before

Living through the delusions, she found herself. But her life is a bit sad still. Arora tried her best to find happiness, but she was unaware of her true happiness.

Iqbal_Ahmed_5459 · วัยรุ่น
2 Chs

She feels alien

Everyone was chanting. They were all happy. Talking to each other. Some were talking about their favorite celebrities and some about their families, some were even telling ghost stories. 

A wave of happiness swept over everyone present there. 

The bell rang! 

And everyone became silent. And then a teacher came into their class. While greeting everyone with a smile she sat on her chair and picked some register in her hand. 

"Alright, class be attentive. I am taking attendance", The teacher said.

The teacher was calling the names of students and they one by one were answering. 

Suddenly a name came " Arora". 

Arora also said back, "Present". 

In her voice, the teacher looked at her. By adjusting her glasses she said, " Where were you from the past 2 days?" 

"I was not feeling well." 

"You should have informed the school", the teacher replied. 

" Sorry", Arora replied. She felt very guilty. Although it was not something big Arora was a sensitive child.

She didn't like the attention of the whole class being in the spotlight so she never participated in any contest. 

Everyone in the school called her a coward, and unconfident and even insulted her. 

She was a good student, she wanted to attend school regularly and get good marks but those extroverted fools always made her feel as if she was an alien and that's why she used to leave school and lie about being sick. 

She always wanted to be loud and energetic like her classmates but she failed as it was not a part of her nature. 

She was loud and energetic with her family but she felt odd with her classmates. 

She was a quiet, shy girl. Although she was very beautiful. She had incredible sharp and cute features and even long silky black stunned hair. Her skin color was like the first ray of sunlight and of her beauty, she could make flowers grow. 

She is an introvert in the forest of extroverts. 

Life is hard on her.

Well, life has never been easy on anyone! 

Arora even made friends with Aymen, Rachel, and Shiba.

But there is also someone she wants to be friends with, the most handsome boy in her class "Harris".