
I Will Rise Back: Obtaining The Overcome System

Daniel, a resilient 26-year-old Filipino, had endured a lifetime of hardship and setbacks. Despite his relentless efforts to improve his circumstances, it seemed as though fate had conspired against him. Just as he was beginning to see a glimmer of hope on the horizon, a series of unjust events sent him spiraling into despair and the depths of depression. Struggling to find meaning in his bleak existence, Daniel contemplated the unthinkable—ending his own life to escape the seemingly insurmountable challenges that plagued him. But just as he stood on the precipice of darkness, a mysterious voice echoed in his mind, accompanied by a radiant, glowing panel that materialized before him. It was the Overcome System, a supernatural force offering Daniel a lifeline—a chance at redemption and retribution. The system presented him with a proposition: Take on a series of missions, and in return, he would be granted unimaginable lucrative rewards. Intrigued and desperate for a way out of his desolate existence, Daniel accepted the system's offer. With newfound determination and a burning desire to prove his worth, he vowed to confront those who had wronged him, toppling every obstacle in his path as he ascended to the pinnacle of success. Armed with the Overcome System as his unwavering ally, Daniel embarked on an extraordinary journey of self-discovery and self-transformation. He would confront adversaries both external and internal, facing his deepest fears, doubts, and insecurities head-on. As he completed each mission, the rewards bestowed upon him would fuel his ascent, providing him with the means to rebuild his life and reclaim the dignity and respect he so deserved.

DL_Mondays · สมัยใหม่
48 Chs

Signing Documents

March 6, 2023, 7:00 PM - Vertis North, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines - Penthouse Unit 001

The day had been incredibly hectic for Daniel, far busier than he had anticipated. He had no idea that he would be starting a creative and advertising agency when the day began. He spent hours reaching out to people, contacting various businesses, and preparing for the launch of his creative and advertising agency.

As night fell, Daniel finally had a moment to himself. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, savoring the quietness of his apartment. But even as he relaxed, he couldn't shake off the feeling of uncertainty that lingered in the back of his mind. Would his new venture be successful? Would he be able to handle the pressure and demands of running a business?

To distract himself from these thoughts, Daniel got up and headed to the kitchen. He opened the fridge and scanned its contents before settling on a plump chicken. He took his time preparing the meat, marinating it with soy sauce, onions, garlic, ground black pepper, sugar, and red chilis. After marinating it for a while he proceeded to cook the chicken in a pan. As the aroma of the cooking chicken wafted through the air, Daniel felt his spirits lift.

Once the adobo was ready, he plated it with two cups of rice, then savored each bite, allowing the flavors to explode in his mouth. The dish was a perfect blend of tangy and savory, with just the right amount of spice to give it a kick. Daniel closed his eyes and let out a contented sigh. It was a small moment of pleasure on an otherwise chaotic day.

After his meal, Daniel checked off all the remaining daily missions from the system before getting ready for bed. Despite feeling exhausted from the day's demands, he still looked forward to more busy days like this.

Before finally closing his eyes, Daniel decided to call Molly and share with her the news about his sudden decision to start his own creative and advertising agency instead of continuing his job search.

He eagerly asked about her day, and then proceeded to explain his excitement and plans for his new venture. As he spoke, he could feel the weight of the day lifting off his shoulders and a sense of accomplishment filling him up. After the call ended, he drifted off to sleep, dreaming of the possibilities that lay ahead.


March 7, 2023, 5:30 AM - Vertis North, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines - Penthouse Unit 001

The next day, Daniel woke up early and went about his usual daily routine. He started by brewing a fresh cup of coffee, savoring the aroma and the warmth of the mug in his hands. After finishing his coffee, he checked his phone for any updates on his social media accounts and then moved on to finishing the daily missions from the system, which included going to the gym, doing breathing exercises, and the others.

Once he had completed his tasks, Daniel opened LinkedIn to review the applications that he had received for his agency. He carefully read through each resume and cover letter, taking notes and marking down the most promising candidates.

As he scrolled through the applications, he came across a few that caught his eye. He quickly responded to them, setting up virtual interviews for the following day.

Daniel typed,

"Hi there,

I hope this message finds you well. Thank you for taking the time to apply to my start-up creatives and advertising agency. . After reviewing your CV and cover letter, I was impressed by your qualifications and experience, and I would like to invite you for a virtual interview.

I believe that you have a lot to offer to our team, and I am excited to learn more about your skills and how they can contribute to the success of the agency.

Click on this link to set up a schedule for a virtual interview scheduled for tomorrow (March 8, 2023): https://www.calendly.com/DanielAbelardo

In the meantime, please let me know if you have any questions or concerns about the interview. I am looking forward to speaking with you and getting to know you better.

Best regards,

Daniel Abelardo

After hours of sifting through the applications, he finally closed his laptop and stretched his arms. He couldn't wait for the interviews the next day and the possibility of finding the perfect people to join his team.

But just as he was about to relax, he received an email from Ms. Beth of the DM Law and Accounting Office. She was requesting a meeting for him to sign some documents related to the registration of his new business. After a moment of consideration, Daniel decided that it was important to handle this matter promptly.

"Dear Ms. Beth,

Thanks for getting in touch. I can meet with one of your lawyers this afternoon to sign the necessary documents for my business registration. Would 2 PM work for you? There's a restaurant nearby with a private room we could use called Flavors, inside Seda Hotel. Let me know if this works for you and I'll make the reservation.

Best regards,

Daniel Abelardo," Daniel replied.

After a few minutes, Daniel's phone beeped, indicating that he had received an email. He opened the message and saw that it was from Ms. Beth.

"Dear Mr. Abelardo,

Thank you for your prompt response. 2 PM works for us, and Flavors sounds like an excellent choice. We'll see you there.

Best regards,

Ms. Beth

Accounts and Client Relations

DM Law and Accounting Office"

Daniel breathed a sigh of relief. The meeting was set, and he could now focus on preparing for the interviews tomorrow.

He quickly finished up his work on the computer and headed to his bedroom to change into a more presentable outfit for the meeting.

Daniel went to his closet and rummaged through his clothes, finally settling on an all-black outfit. He pulled on a black turtleneck, black jeans, and black boots, completing the look with a black leather jacket.

Satisfied with his outfit, he grabbed his keys and headed down to the parking lot. He glanced at his motorcycle and sighed, realizing that he would need to get a car soon. As much as he loved the thrill of riding his motorcycle, it wasn't always appropriate for certain occasions.

Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, he mounted his motorcycle and started the engine. He weaved his way through traffic, the wind whipping through his hair as he navigated the busy streets of the city.

Soon, he arrived at the restaurant and parked his motorcycle in the designated area. He removed his helmet, running a hand through his hair to try and tame the unruly strands. Satisfied that he looked presentable, he strode confidently into the restaurant, ready to take care of business.