
I Will Rise Back: Obtaining The Overcome System

Daniel, a resilient 26-year-old Filipino, had endured a lifetime of hardship and setbacks. Despite his relentless efforts to improve his circumstances, it seemed as though fate had conspired against him. Just as he was beginning to see a glimmer of hope on the horizon, a series of unjust events sent him spiraling into despair and the depths of depression. Struggling to find meaning in his bleak existence, Daniel contemplated the unthinkable—ending his own life to escape the seemingly insurmountable challenges that plagued him. But just as he stood on the precipice of darkness, a mysterious voice echoed in his mind, accompanied by a radiant, glowing panel that materialized before him. It was the Overcome System, a supernatural force offering Daniel a lifeline—a chance at redemption and retribution. The system presented him with a proposition: Take on a series of missions, and in return, he would be granted unimaginable lucrative rewards. Intrigued and desperate for a way out of his desolate existence, Daniel accepted the system's offer. With newfound determination and a burning desire to prove his worth, he vowed to confront those who had wronged him, toppling every obstacle in his path as he ascended to the pinnacle of success. Armed with the Overcome System as his unwavering ally, Daniel embarked on an extraordinary journey of self-discovery and self-transformation. He would confront adversaries both external and internal, facing his deepest fears, doubts, and insecurities head-on. As he completed each mission, the rewards bestowed upon him would fuel his ascent, providing him with the means to rebuild his life and reclaim the dignity and respect he so deserved.

DL_Mondays · สมัยใหม่
48 Chs

Paying His Parents A Visit

March 26, 2023, 5:41 AM - Vertis North, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines - Penthouse 001

When Daniel woke up the next day, he was immediately jolted awake by Sampaguita's robotic voice, which, at this moment, was music to Daniel's ears.


"Congratulations host," Sampaguita announced, "Minor mission: Overcome being unknown has been completed.

The host is hereby rewarded with 100 overcome points and a 4-bedroom house and lot property located in Mira Nila Homes, Pasong Tamo, Quezon City, Philippines.

The title of the property will be sent right away to the host's current abode."

Daniel smiled as he saw the house that was included in this time's reward. It was something he can use for something he had been wanting to do for a long time.

So Daniel immediately got up, went through his morning daily routine of working out and making breakfast, ate then freshened up to prepare to go somewhere.

But before he left, he picked up his phone and dialed an all-familiar number to him.

"Hey, ma. It's Daniel. did I wake you up? Daniel asked.

"No, I'm up already. Are you okay? Why call so early?" his mother replied.

"Ma, you and Pa should get dressed." Daniel said, "I'll go there right now. I'll bring you somewhere,"

"Oh? Where?" his mom inquired.

"Just get ready. I'll drive there. Be there in around an hour and a half," Daniel said before hanging up.

So Daniel took his keys and a small bag and then headed out.

While on the road, Daniel noticed an old lady selling candies, snacks, and newspapers on the sidewalk. He remembered that his interviews from the previous day might have been published, so he decided to stop and buy some.

Daniel purchased one copy of each brand that interviewed him and handed the old lady a Php. 1000 bill. Without waiting for the change, he left the old lady with a smile and continued on his way.

The old lady was initially taken aback by the generous payment, but her face soon lit up with a grateful smile.

To her, who typically earned only a few hundred pesos per day, the Php. 1,000 that Daniel gave her was already a significant amount of money.

She muttered to herself, "What a nice young man. God bless him."

Before Daniel finally heads straight to his parent's house, he has one more place to stop by.

Daniel walked into the Nissan Commonwealth and took a quick look around the showroom. As he wandered around, he could feel the older agents' eyes on him, staring at him with a hint of disdain. They probably thought that he was too young and casually dressed to be a serious buyer.

After a few moments of looking around, Daniel approached one of the agents, a middle-aged man named Tony, who was standing by a sleek black sports car.

"Excuse me, sir," Daniel said. "I'm interested in purchasing a car."

Tony looked him up and down, taking in his casual attire, before giving a dismissive snort. "Sure kid, what kind of car are you looking for?"

Daniel smiled patiently at Tony's dismissive response before answering, "It would be a gift for my dad, so I'm looking for something that looks nice but also user-friendly, and easy to drive. Cost is not an issue."

Tony hesitated for a moment, still skeptical of Daniel's intentions. But seeing as Daniel was insistent, he reluctantly began to show him around the showroom.

As they walked around, Tony pointed out different models of cars and highlighted their features. Daniel listened carefully, nodding along and asking questions where necessary.

Daniel browsed through the different models of cars, but none of them seemed to catch his eye. He was looking for something special, something that would make his father truly happy.

"Tony, do you have any other models that we haven't looked at yet?" Daniel asked.

Tony let out a sigh, "Kid, we've been through almost all the models already. I don't know what else to show you."

As Tony and Daniel were discussing the different car models, a regular customer walked into the showroom, catching Tony's attention.

"Excuse me, kid," Tony said, turning to the regular customer. "I'll be with you in a moment."

Daniel nodded, watching as Tony made his way over to the other customer. Clearly, that was only an excuse to ditch Daniel.


And there it was, the notification. Daniel heard Sampaguita's robotic voice inside his head, "Minor mission assigned: Overcome being ignored. Show them that the host should not be a person who is easily dismissed. Upon completion, the host will be rewarded with 50 overcome points and a refund of what shall be purchased right now."

Daniel shook his head as he stood in place, scanning the showroom for something that might catch his eye. As he surveyed the vehicles on display, a young agent approached him. She appeared to be new to the job, but Daniel couldn't help but notice her friendly demeanor.

"Hello, sir. My name is Mia, is there something I can assist you with?" The young lady asked.

Daniel turned to face Mia and smiled. "Actually, yes. Tony didn't show me that car in the very middle of the branch. Can you tell me about that?"

Mia nodded, "Sure sir, I believe you're referring to the Nissan GT-R50 by Italdesign. It's a beautiful car, one of a kind. Follow me, I'll take you to it."

Mia led Daniel to the center of the showroom, where the GT-R50 was displayed. The car was a sight to behold, with its sleek design and stunning color.

Mia proceeded to answer all of Daniel's questions about the car, discussing its features and capabilities in detail. Daniel was impressed by Mia's knowledge and professionalism.

"How much is it?" Daniel asked.

"The Nissan GT-R50 by Italdesign is priced at Php. 15,000,000," Mia replied.

Daniel nodded, "I'll take it. And I'll be paying in cash."

Mia's eyes widened with surprise, but she maintained her composure. "Very well, sir. I'll prepare the necessary paperwork. Congratulations on your purchase!" She will for sure earn a large sum of commission for this sale alone.

As she left, a commotion was ignited among the employees in the branch. They couldn't believe that the new hire had closed such a lucrative sale, especially from a person they didn't think would buy anything at all, and with cash payment even.

Mia returned to Daniel's side with the necessary paperwork for his purchase. As he signed the documents, she swiped his card for the payment.

"Thank you, sir. Your transaction is now complete," Mia said, handing him the keys and a copy of the receipt.

Just then, Tony emerged from the crowd of employees and approached Mia and Daniel. His eyes widened when he saw the paperwork in Daniel's hand.

"You bought the GT-R50?" Tony asked, incredulous.

Daniel nodded with a smile, "Yes, and Mia was a great help in making that happen."

Tony's face fell as he realized that he had missed out on a big sale because he ignored Daniel earlier. Regret and jealousy filled him as he watched Mia and Daniel exchange pleasantries.

Feeling a bit awkward in the sudden tension, Daniel then spoke up, "By the way, I have to drive my own car, can someone please drive the GT-R50 to my parent's house?"

Mia immediately volunteered, "I can do it, sir! I'll make sure it gets there safely."

Daniel thanked her, impressed by her eagerness to help. He handed her the keys to the car.

As Mia drove the GT-R50 out of the showroom, Tony watched with envy. He realized that he had missed an opportunity to make a big sale, just because of prejudice. He vowed to himself that he would never ignore a potential customer again.

As Daniel exited the showroom and walked towards his car, he heard Sampaguita's robotic voice once more, "Congratulation host for completing the minor mission: Overcoming being ignored. The host is now being rewarded with 50 overcome points and a Php. 15,000,000 refund."

So with that, Daniel drove off towards North Caloocan, with Mia driving right behind him.