
I Will Rise Back: Obtaining The Overcome System

Daniel, a resilient 26-year-old Filipino, had endured a lifetime of hardship and setbacks. Despite his relentless efforts to improve his circumstances, it seemed as though fate had conspired against him. Just as he was beginning to see a glimmer of hope on the horizon, a series of unjust events sent him spiraling into despair and the depths of depression. Struggling to find meaning in his bleak existence, Daniel contemplated the unthinkable—ending his own life to escape the seemingly insurmountable challenges that plagued him. But just as he stood on the precipice of darkness, a mysterious voice echoed in his mind, accompanied by a radiant, glowing panel that materialized before him. It was the Overcome System, a supernatural force offering Daniel a lifeline—a chance at redemption and retribution. The system presented him with a proposition: Take on a series of missions, and in return, he would be granted unimaginable lucrative rewards. Intrigued and desperate for a way out of his desolate existence, Daniel accepted the system's offer. With newfound determination and a burning desire to prove his worth, he vowed to confront those who had wronged him, toppling every obstacle in his path as he ascended to the pinnacle of success. Armed with the Overcome System as his unwavering ally, Daniel embarked on an extraordinary journey of self-discovery and self-transformation. He would confront adversaries both external and internal, facing his deepest fears, doubts, and insecurities head-on. As he completed each mission, the rewards bestowed upon him would fuel his ascent, providing him with the means to rebuild his life and reclaim the dignity and respect he so deserved.

DL_Mondays · สมัยใหม่
48 Chs

Filial Son

March 26, 2023, 9:27 AM - Senate Village Phase 2, Baranggay 173, Caloocan City, Philipines - Abelardo Residence

As his parents heard the commotion outside, they rushed out to welcome him back home. "Daniel!" his mom exclaimed as she embraced him.

"Ma, Pa, mano po," Daniel greeted them.

"Oh, Anak, your mom mentioned you were taking us somewhere?" his dad inquired.

"Yes, Pa, it's a surprise. Follow me there, and you can drive this car," Daniel replied, gesturing to the new car parked in front of their house. His parents were surprised to see it there, and they also noticed Mia standing next to the car.

"Is this your car, Anak? And who is this? Is she your new girlfriend? Why didn't you introduce her earlier?" his mom inquired.

Hearing the comment Mia of course blushed but was too shy to retort. Daniel shook his head at the antics of his mother. "Ma, no po." He then turned to Mia and said, "Sorry bout that. Please don't mind my mom."

Mia shook her head in response, indicating she doesn't mind.

Daniel then introduced the young woman beside him, "This is Mia, she works at the car dealership. She assisted me in selecting which car to pick. She also helped me drive it here since I drove my own already, and no, this is not mine. It's yours, Pa."

Mia simply smiled and nodded, showing her willingness to help.

Hearing his explanation, Daniel's parents exchanged surprised looks. "What do you mean it's ours, son?" his father asked, his eyes widening in disbelief.

Daniel beamed. "It's a gift for both of you. I've been working for many years, but I was never able to give you something this special. I know I've helped here and there, but you deserve much more."

Daniel's dad looked at the car in disbelief. "Son, this is too much. I don't know much about cars, but this model looks very expensive."

Daniel's dad added, "Besides, your business is still new. You might need liquid funds to run it."

Daniel assured his dad, "Don't worry about that, Pa. I have enough to sustain the business. And besides, this is not even my actual surprise for you and Ma. Please drive this one and follow me."

He then gestured to Mia, "Mia, come ride with me. I'll drop you off on the way."

As Daniel's parents sat inside the car, their faces lit up with amazement and excitement. They had never owned a car before, and the thought of being able to drive one was a dream come true for them.

They both were getting old, and traveling has been getting more troublesome for them. Getting on and off public transportation and walking long distances have been a challenge, so having a car to drive was a big thing for them.

As Daniel's father examined the interior and features of the new car, which still hadn't sunk in that it was his, he suddenly paused and became pensive. "Our son has really grown already, and look how proud he's made us," he said with a hint of emotion in his voice.

His wife smiled, nodding in agreement, and added, "Yes, dear. And this car will make it so much easier for us to travel. You know how troublesome it's been for us lately."

It was a rare moment for Daniel's dad to express his feelings out loud. As an Asian father, he was not always open about his emotions, making this moment even more special.

Unfortunately for Daniel, he wouldn't see this at all as he is in the other vehicle.

Daniel then drove off and led his parents to his actual surprise for them.


March 26, 2023, 10:51 AM Mira Nila Homes, Pasong Tamo, Quezon City, Philippines - Daniel's new 4 BR House

As they reached their destination, Daniel pulled his car to a halt in front of an imposing gate, which opened to reveal an impressive-looking house. Shortly after, his father's car arrived and parked beside them.

Of course, on their way here, Daniel dropped off Mia near the car dealership. He thanked her for helping him out with the car. He also exchanged contact information with her, so he could easily reach out in case he needed assistance with future vehicle purchases.

"Ma, Pa, just look at this," Daniel exclaimed, unable to contain his excitement. "You don't have to worry about renting anymore. This is your new home," he gestured proudly towards the impressive structure in front of them.

A mix of disbelief and joy washed over his parents' faces as they absorbed the enormity of the gesture.

His mother was the first to break the silence. "Anak, are you sure about this? You've already bought us a car, and now a house? We don't want to burden you."

Daniel's father nodded in agreement, concern etched on his face. "Son, your business is still in its early stages. You need to focus on that and not expend all your resources on us."

But Daniel shook his head firmly, determination shining in his eyes. "Ma, Pa, I've thought this through. I have enough funds for my business, and I want you to have the comfort and security of a home you truly deserve. This is the least I can do to express my gratitude for all the sacrifices you've made for me."

His parents exchanged glances, their hearts filled with love and gratitude for their son.

"Ma, Pa, really, it's nothing. Let's go see inside," Daniel reassured them as he made a welcoming gesture toward the new house.

Daniel led his parents through the house, filled with excitement to show them every corner. They entered through the front door, greeted by a spacious foyer with gleaming hardwood floors.

"Ma, Pa, hurry up," Daniel exclaimed, guiding them through the elegant living room. Large windows bathed the space in natural light, and he pointed out the cozy fireplace, envisioning evenings spent gathered around it.

They moved into the kitchen, where state-of-the-art appliances and ample counter space awaited. "Look, Ma! You can cook freely na. Just look at the space here, you can move around as you please," he said, his voice brimming with excitement.

After the tour, they reconvened in the cozy living room, a sense of tranquility enveloping them. They settled on the plush sofas, facing each other with warm smiles.

"Ma, Pa, there's something else I want to discuss," Daniel began, his tone gentle yet determined. "You both have worked tirelessly your whole lives, making countless sacrifices for our family. Now, with this new home and everything else, I want you to know that you can retire. It's time for you to enjoy life and take a break."

His parents exchanged surprised glances, their eyes widening in disbelief. Retirement had always seemed like an unattainable dream.

"But, son," his father hesitated, "we still have bills to pay, responsibilities to fulfill..."

Daniel placed a comforting hand on his father's shoulder, interrupting him gently. "Pa, I can take care of those. I'll give you enough for both needs and leisure."

Tears welled up in his mother's eyes as she gazed at her son, overwhelmed with pride and gratitude. "Anak, We never expected this, and we can't thank you enough."

Daniel's voice resonated with determination as he continued, "Ma, Pa, you've labored tirelessly all these years. Now it's time to relax, travel, pursue your passions, and spend quality time with loved ones. Let me shoulder the financial burden. It's the least I can do."

His parents exchanged a meaningful glance, the weight of the decision lingering in the air. But at that moment, they knew their son's words came from a place of pure love and concern for their well-being.

Finally, his father nodded, a mix of emotions crossing his face. "Son, if you truly believe we can retire, then we trust you. We'll take this leap of faith and embrace the opportunity to lead a more relaxed life."

Daniel's mother reached out, clasping his hand with affection. "Thank you, Anak. We're truly blessed to have you as our son."

Daniel smiled warmly at his parents and said, "That's settled then. Let me transfer you some money, Ma, to take care of moving expenses and cover your needs for the next few months." He then pulled out his phone and transferred Php. 500,000 to his mother's account.

Dear readers,

I hope this message finds you well and enjoying the journey of my novel so far. I wanted to take a moment to address the fact that I haven't been able to upload chapters as frequently as usual. I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. Rest assured, I am not dropping the novel, and I am still continuing to write it.

I would like to express my gratitude to each and every one of you for your unwavering support and for reading my first novel. It means the world to me and I will always be grateful.

I wanted to share with you the reason for the decline in uploads. Unfortunately, the platform where the novel is currently published has declined to contract it. One of the editors mentioned that it may be due to political issues included in the novel (not officially confirmed, just a hunch of the said Editor). Therefore, I am in the process of migrating this specific novel to a different platform.

Please don't worry, I will not delete it from the current platform yet, but I will be uploading at a much slower pace here. I will release earlier on other platforms that have offered me a contract.

Once again, thank you for your support and understanding. I promise to continue writing and delivering the best story possible.



Update: The most up-to-date version of the novel can now be accessed via the Moboreader app.

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