
I Will Redeem The Plot

' So the effects of insomnia were real after all ...........'. Our character, a bookworm and late night reader experiences the effects of insomnia ( according to him ) when he gets transmigratted into the world of ( era of magick ) , the last novel he read. 'As the generous person that I am, I will help thus world's system rearrange the plot as it should be.. ....... ' -his thoughts. But even though he already knows the plot of the story, there is a little hitch - he knows nothing about the body he is currently residing in. Well, who cares about who this body's previous owner is though? As long as I can do whatever I want with it , I'm cool - his thoughts. But what he doesn't know is that the previous owner , Axl Lightfall , is not an ordinary man. instead, Axl is a man whose head everybody wants. From members of his family to an estranged lover, an unknown cult , Axl is wanted. Will the revelations of the future be too much for him to handle even as he plans to redeem the plot?. Will he get swept away by the despair of the previous owner actions.? What will he do when the plot starts twisting........?. Find out. ********************** A/N: Four chapters per week and weekly bonuses if I get positive reviews. Please spare me your power stones and votes for I am a lowly peasant in need of it. N.B: The picture on the cover is not mine. If it belongs to you and you want me to take it down, feel free to lemme know. Also the novel has harem in it but would be slowly and patiently built. Lastly, if you're looking for an all straight hero , then I'm sorry but this is not for you as our protagonist t ransverses between the good , the bad and the ugly.

Anoneemos_Tify · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs

The effects of Insomnia............. real?.

Flip, Flip, flip , flip ,

The continuous flipping of paper.

As his finger perused the gentle and crispy skin of the book before him , the young man continued to exhale deeply.

" One thousand, three hundred and twenty four. .....", he was mumbling to himself. The rest of his speech trailed off even though his lips quivered visibly.

Flip, flip, flip, flip.

Looking around the room in which the young man was occupying , one would easily conclude that it belonged to a single person or that it was a student's accommodation.

A low single bunker bed laid at the left end of the room , while directly opposite it were a desktop and a chair on which the young man was sitting and studying.

Atop the bed were clothes thrown here and there in an apparent attempt to find a quick wear ( We are all familiar with this concept - except of course painful freaking clean nerds ).

Sprawled across the room were pieces of junk suggesting the resident to be lazy and dirty.

Flip, flip.

His eyes ran through the pages of the book like an asphalt in a motor car race.

Tick tock , Tick tock.

His gaze which had refused to leave the book it was glued to finally travelled in a flash as they fell on the wall clock that hung a few meters above his head.

Tick tock, Tick tock.

3:23am. That was the time the clock was telling .

" Thirty more minutes, I just need to...", his voice trailed off again.

He continued on his marathon reading.

" I must finish before dawn... Darn I have that test tomorrow ..... I also have to study for that too ", His eyes never left the pages of the book even as he mumbled those words .

Flip, flip, flip, Tick tock, Tick tock.

The continuous sound of the clock and pages combined.

His eyes continually darted from the book to the clock , then back to the book.


A small ticking sound echoed around the room as the spear hand hit the number six.

At the same time, our young man flipped the pages of the book, His eyes opening wide in shock.

" Hey !!! empty. ... How. ..... why..... What

...How come ". The page of the book was plain. No letters engraved, no wordings, no sentences , no paragraph ..... Just a clean sheet of paper.

" I could have sworn there was something on this page that time I took a sneak peak ".

Flip, flip, flip.

He started flipping the pages of the book towards the end. Still nothing.

' Wait a minute. .... Have I been cheated and scammed of my hard earned money? ".

He raised the book up and observed the title. The letters which were once imprinted there on the red cover visibly began disappearing right before his eyes.

Shocked, he let the book drop to the desk. Then he picked it up again and felt round the surface to check if it was real.

Lastly, he started scanning the book pages one after the other from the beginning but the entire book remained sheets of pure , white , clean paper .

" I must have read too hard for this time of the night ", he sighed. ' It's why I'm imagining things. ... come to think of it , I haven't had a decent sleep for the past five days because of late night reading. The effects are starting to tell on me '.

He rubbed his eyes with the back of his palm. Then he picked the book up again. This time though , the words were back there.

" Aha , said that ",he grinned as he flipped the page and proceeded to read the next lines.

He should have thought it through this time though because he had not even finished reading the next sentence when the letters suddenly jumped from the page and metamorphosed in the air right before his eyes.

" Not again. .... ", he groaned " okay letters I'm sorry. ...but can you please kindly go back to your book ".

But the letters wouldn't budge. ( Not that they would on any normal day though ).

" Common , I need to finish this novel so I can sleep ", he cried. He then turned to the wall clock.

3:30am. The hands remained where they were .

' I'm I frozen in time? , is this the effects of the insomnia mother warned about? , I'm I going crazy? ', many thoughts ran through his mind.

Tick tock, Tick tock, Tick tock, Tick tock, Tick tock, Tick tock, Tick tock, Tick tock, Tick tock, Tick tock, Tick tock, flip, flip, flip, flip, flip, flip, flip, flip, flip, flip , flip.

The room began spinning speedily, sending a nauseating feeling into his stomach .

Bluurrrb !!!, Bluurrrrb !!!!!. He emptied the unglorious liquid of waste right there as he struggled to keep his balance.

' What is going on ?'.

Soon the letters began to encircle him. They continued spinning right beforehis eyes even as he struggled to keep them open.

"'"Complete The Plot ""' !!!!!!!.

Those mechanical feminine words were the last he heard as he began to drift into unconsciousness.

" So the effects of Insomnia were real after all.....".

/(^ 0 *)/ Hooray guys. I'm back

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