

This is the continuation after they killed the bandits.

Yug's Pov

I felt relaxed after we killed those bastards.

Callum's countdown had begun, and he was going down after we present all the evidence to the court, even if that bitch would want to save him. She wouldn't be able to do anything.

I was thrilled to know that the bastard was finally going to die.

I sat on my horse. 

The one who bought news about the bandits, Bruno, and his teammates would go to Marquis' residence and Rafael and Damian, who had rescued the bandit leader. They must have taken him to my residence.

While on our way home it had suddenly raining.

Rune's horse stopped suddenly and I stopped as well, "shall we stop at an inn?"

I nodded, while I would love to get to my home as soon as possible I don't want to get wet. Besides, it's dangerous to travel in such heavy rain.