

Sammuel was chained to a wall in the dungeons, apparently, this was the home of the Empress's father, Raymond Kyrith a secret basement.

His hands were tied firmly and so were his legs, Zion smiled once he saw Sammuel finally under his grasp, "I have finally have you Sammuel ."

Sammuel glared at Zion, "What the hell do you want from me?"

Zion laughed, "What do I want from you? hmm..." Zion pretended to think before speaking again, " I want you to willingly become mine, in short, I want you to become my lover."

Sammuel was now looking at Zion with so much anger that he could kill him, "Your majesty I am afraid you have lost your mind."

Zion smiled and moved forward before grabbing Sammuel's hair, "Sammuel Luciano Zagreus you have no idea how long I have waited to have you in my grasp, I have so many records to settle with you."