
I Who Challenge God To Revive Her

Zameel was adopted in the Adalius household which he ended up having a sister not biologically she was the most important person to him one day during a mission she died causing a change in Zameel's life forcing him to go on a journey to revive her.

Keen_Ze · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs

Tears and Goodbyes PART 1

Hello there it's me arc-

Just kidding you probably don't know the reference anyway ha ha why am I laughing?

I don't know, Do you?

[What's with that stupid monologue?]

"I'm not monologuing "

[Yes you are]

"Shut up"

[It's been a month since we last saw each other can't you be more kinder]


Yeah it's been a month since I last saw her yesterday was the day she finish her training to become a scout but for some reason I don't know why she's here. She should be on her first mission and yet here she is trying to annoy me.

[Speaking of which]


She pulled out a mission paper in front of me. She looks so excited for no reason

I titled my head not knowing why she's showing me her mission instead of accomplishing it.

Perhaps she already finished it and she's boasting? It shouldn't be that hard since the first mission I got was a C rank it was to deliver a letter to the princess. now I'm curious what mission she got.

"Let's see, the title is infiltration the description is infiltrate the western kingdom and safely re-retrieve a magic sealing item...hmmm within 48 hours hmmm…..a two man cell mission I see hmm- Mission rank SSS+"

"I see "


[So loud my eardrums]






[Well it's an SSS+ mission right]


[It was given to me because I rank first and I'm capable right]




[It's written as a two man cell right]


Well if it's a two man cell it should be not that hard since she should be accompanied by the previous top 1 in the class more over it's just an infiltration and retrieving mission but why do I feel uncomfortable with this.

The time given is 48 hours just 2 days traveling outside the kingdom will take half a day and reaching the western kingdom will also take half a day since the western and our kingdom is separated from the map by vast body of water.

The ocean is not a problem since we will use teleportation magic to reach the western lands.

Wait something's wrong this is an SSS+ mission and should be done immediately plus information should not be shared by uninvolved party.

Uninvolved party,

Uninvolved party-

That's me

Wa-wait, wait don't tell me she

"So you recommend me as your partner? "



I knew it

"So when is the departure time "

[In the next hour]

"Well I can't do anything if it was already decided."

I close the book I am currently holding and placed it near the grass and lift my head from the tree trunk where I previously rested it.

[Let's go?]


The clouds sure is sad today even the smiling sun back then is gone I wonder if it is going to rain hard.

This uncomfortable feeling I'm having I hope that's all there is. It's just retrieving an item it shouldn't be that hard.

Is what I thought but I was wrong.


The western human kingdom inside the castle near the entrance to the treasury.

"Hey Albert have you heard the rumors? That God isn't dead "

"Pfft what kind of silly joke is that "

"I heard-"


"Who are you stop "



"Is that all the guards?"

[I think so… lets go]


We safely manage to infiltrate the western kingdom but this uneasiness I'm feeling what is this something ominous no let's stop thinking for now let's retrieve the magic item and return home first

[Found it]

"Where here"

"Isn't that a scroll?

[It looks like it]

"Why is it black? And that ominous aura it's emitting "

[I don't know but the elders said we need to retrieve it as soon as possible they said it's a dangerous item that could bring ruin to the kingdom]

"I see... let's go-"



[shhhhhh… too loud]

After an hour of continuously avoiding the guards we manage to escape and reach the forest but this uneasy feeling is still lingering I just can't shake this feeling that something bad is going to happen.

But we retrieve the item without a problem we just have to get out of this forest and go to the designated waypoint and then go back home. And yet I can't shake this uneasiness.

"I wonder why it was regarded as triple S= mission when it was so easy?"

[Probably it's not the mission but the item?]

"The item? "

[Yea-yeah the item yo-you see they said it could ruin our kingdom so-something like that.]

Why does she looks flustered when I asked that? Or maybe it's just my imagination.


"Help somebody"


[I know let's stop and hide on that tree over there]

As we were running to our designated way point we heard a sudden scream of help.

"Ke ke boss look at this she's young"

"No kyaaaaa! Help somebody"

"Bandits huh should we help her?"

[we can't stop right now this is their territory we can't protect the item while fighting an entire group a chance of it being stolen or lost will be high]

"Are you telling me to leave her alone?"

[That's not it]

"Then what?"

[This item can bring ruin to an entire kingdom no it's not just kingdom but the entire world]

"What are you talking about?"

[This is a classified information I can't tell you that but we need to go please just listen to me]

"Let me ask you this that item is it-"

[Zameel lets go]

"You know we can't abandon her"

[It's not the time to play hero Zameel just this once please listen to me]

"I'll save her even if I have to do it alone"

I don't know why… but this feeling of being righteous no this feeling of wanting to save someone within reach it's like a built in program I can't get rid of.

[Zameel listen]

"Go "

[Please just listen don't make it harder than it is]

"helpppp me "

It seems like she's being carried to their hide out time is running out I can't just sit here and argue with Jeane I need to hurry.

[Zameel lets go]

"I can't "

"Go complete that mission of yours if that mission is very important that you can turn a blind eye on a person suffering in front of you then you don't need to say anymore just go"

[I'm telling you it's not]

[Think about the nation no the millions of lives that will suffer if this item goes to the wrong hand]

"As I thought that item"

"I'm sorry Jeanne I don't live my life looking at an uncertain tomorrow what I can do in the present I will do it I will not look back at the past nor wait for an uncertain future"

[You know it's a suicide for scouts to go head on in an enemy base without information and plans right the academy thought us that]

[Zameel please I don't want to lose someone dear to me]

"I get the gist of the situation that item is one of the sealing items used by the previous heroes to seal God right"

[Now that you know it lets go I'm not asking you to abandon her just think of the innocent lives that will be harm If this item-]


[What are you?]

Back in the second war with God the 4 heroes didn't defeated god they just sealed it but they hide the truth only few related to the war knows the truth and this mission was not to retrieve a normal magic sealing item but the one the 4 heroes used during the war it means this ominous aura sipping out from this item is Gods magic power that was sealed by the heroes.

"Sigh just go "

[This is my last warning]

[Ill drag you home even if I have to cut off your limbs]

That glare it means she's dead serious. she always have that caring smile on her face but right now all I can is her dark pupil with no light shining on them her aura and killing intent is enough to make my bones shiver.

This is why nobody tried to mess with the adalius family for years because of their their psycho nature they'll kill you if you are asking for it no matter who you are bunch of other household dared to challenge the adalius back then but all of them met the same fate it wasn't a duel nor a battle of pride and ranking but a massacre the adalius destroyed them physically and mentally that's why for the past 20 years the adalius household never had a challenger.

Now that I think about it I'm going to be the next head I don't know if its luck or bad luck that I'm in this family.

I'm faster than her but her magic is top tier if she used biding magic it could be a problem lets taunt her for now and look for some kind of opening.

"It must be nice being psycho huh"

She's not even flinching lets continue for now

"The ability to kill anyone without remorse what a sight"

[If you're taunting me it won't work I'm already pissed off to the point that I want to kill anyone that talks to me]

Damn she's scary but I can't back down right now lets-

[Fine if that's what you want]


[If you want to die just to prove that you are someone's hero so be it]

She's backing down? Is this a trap?

[Whatever happens to you has nothing to do with me]

She's just letting me go? She never told me lies before and she's not the type to use cheap tricks like me.

"Fair enough"


Did I just avoid a disaster? I don't know what would have happened if she really did cut off my limbs it's giving me the shivers already.


She vanish leaving me alone in this tree branch. green leaves fell one by one accompanied by the cold wind blowing from the west all that's left inside me is this ominous feeling still lingering inside my heart what have I done.


I know what I'm doing is idiotic and stupid but if the situation is reverse I will also save her without hesitation. Even if the cost is the whole world. I'm not pretending to be a hero I just want to lend my hand to the people I can reach no matter who it is that's what my heart is saying. There's no logical reason or explanation at all it's just my instinct telling me to save her.

"Sigh… I'm really a hypocrite"

l leaped and vanish with the wind more leaves fell to the place we just argued at not knowing that was the last talk we will ever have if I had known- no even if I'd known I will probably still go and save that girl I won't let a chance or an uncertain future decide my present.