
I was supposed to be The Gamer but the author forgot it midway.

Death, such an arbitrary concept. What could it be? I wonder? Is it the death of the body or the death of the soul? "Sigh~..., Even after death, I cannot understand it." { Ding! Congratulations! You have been chosen to become a gamer! Do you accept? Y/N } Follow over MC as he becomes the strongest Gamer. --- Disclaimer: I own nothing but the OC characters. +++ This P a t r e o n is only for those who want to help me by donating money. I really appreciate it. p a t r e o n.com / meatball chan

meatball_san · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
54 Chs

First Blood.

Reaching home, Masato went back to his room from the window. Standing below it, he gathered his mana under his foot before jumping high. In a blink, he appeared 5 meters above the ground.


Ding! Due to a specific action, a new skill has been created!

[Leap Level: 1/100 (0%) MP: 10]

By gathering mana under your sole, you can propel yourself vertically upwards.

Current Distance: 5m


Looking at the screen, Masato nodded in satisfaction before opening his window and entering it. Taking his sweety clothes off, he went to a bath to take a nice warm shower. He enjoyed the feeling of warm water washing over his body.

'Sigh~, really, baths are the best,' thinking to himself, Masato reluctantly leaves the bath.

Standing in front of the mirror, he looked at his naked body. Now that he was already getting more use to his body, he found out that though his face looked innocent and adorable, his body was not bad. It was toned well; especially, his lower half. Looking at it, he smiled in content.

'At least, the boy down there is not so innocent looking,' laughing to himself, he took his uniform and wore it before going down. Mamako was still asleep as it was early in the morning, about 6 am. According to his memories, Mamako would usually wake up at 7 am.

Going to the kitchen, he opened the fridge to check the contents. Taking a bottle of milk, he poured it in a glass and took a sip while his eyes were on the system screen. Now that he had basic skills, he was wondering whether he should fight a hollow. If it's a face-to-face fight, Masato was aware that he had less than one percent chance of coming alive out of it.

'But if it's a sneak attach…' with his Mystic eyes, all he needed was an opportunity to strike and he could end the fight in a second. But he was also aware that it would be hard. First, he didn't know if the Hollow he would fight has a higher level of perception. And second, every time a hollow appears, Shinigami's department gets notified right away. So, if he killed a hollow, they would find the moment suspicious.

'Whatever, for now, I should focus more on my basics. The stronger my basic skills are, the better the chance of me going out of any problem,' he thought, 'I also need to get the books on Demon Arts from the Soul Society. With the system, I have no need of learning the stuff from the basic levels. All I need is a book, manual, or skill book in a gamers' language, and I can learn that skill.'

That was one of the biggest cheats Masato had. Unlike other people, where they would have to spend decades to learn Kido, he could learn it by just touching the teaching manual or book containing the knowledge of Kido — a cheat in a true sense.

After drinking the tea, he went to the kitchen and started to make breakfast. Masato from this world had a basic knowledge of cooking, same with the current Masato. He only knew how to make an egg, and how to boil it. During making his breakfast, he also got another skill called [Cooking]. Masato smirked, seeing this skill as with this skill, his every cooking would give him a basic boast of a single attribute.

Seeing it, he also made a note of learning potion brewing — a must-have gamer skill.

After done creating his breakfast, he looked at the dining table for a second before making another set of breakfast. It was almost time for Mamako to wake up after all. Since he was making it, might as well make one for her too.


"Mmmngg~ sigh~," doing some stretches, and sighing in content, Mamako yawned. Her eyes landed on the clock, realizing that it was almost time for Masato to wake up.

Thinking about him, her smile widens. Though Mamako never told anyone, she knew that she was in love with her son. She knew it was wrong. To be in love with your own son, how disgusting. But she couldn't stop herself.

After her husband died, she was devastated. She spent most, if not all, the time with Masato. At first, she felt relief. Even though her husband was dead, she still had her Ma-kun. But it all changed as he grew up. Mamako started to see him more like a man than a son.

At first, she was disgusted by herself. How indecent. To be in love with your own son. If someone else knew about it, not only they would think that she was degenerate, they might even start to go against Masato. So, she tried her best to not let anyone know about her feelings.

It didn't matter. She was content by being just by his side. It didn't matter if he only treated her as his mother, as long as he also loved her, Mamako was happy.

But things changed a little since yesterday, though Mamako couldn't tell what it was, she was sure that something was different in Masato. He became… bolder and more mature. Her Ma-kun, though mature, still held his innocent nature and was never so bold.

Yesternight, he teased her. His tone was hot and seductive as if inviting her to eat him alive. 'Ah~! How hard was it for me to stop myself to pounce on him right there, only I know.'

After coming back to her room, she had to use her hands to satisfy her bulging urge to let Masato ravage her. With her hands on her dripping-soaked pussy, her fingers inside her slit, she moaned. Calling his name and imagining her Ma-kun inside of her. Just thinking about it makes her wet.

"Such a naughty mother I am~," touching her wet slit, Mamako smiled, "It seems like I have to take a bath before going down," she said.

Dropping her clothes, she stood in her room naked. Her chest, perfectly round, with erect nipples and pink areola. Her perky butt, full of meat. Mamako sided her finger, tracing her body from her chest to her clit as she walked inside the bath.

With water coming from the shower, she pinched her clit, arousing a moan out of her mouth.

"… Ma-kun…" imagining the picture of her son, her fingers entered her warm wet slit while her other hand reaching her big chest and molding it. Her finger going in and out of her slit ferociously while she took her right breast into her mouth, biting on to her nipple.

"Ma-kun, Ma-kun, Ma-kun, Ma-kunnnnnmmgg~~!" with her feelings intensifying, her finger entered deeper into her pussy as her butt clenched hard. Her back arching as she released her building orgasm.

"Ha… ha… ha…" sitting tiredly onto the bath floor, with her back resting on the wall, her eyes filled with haze and lust, Mamako murmured, "Ma-kun… Okaa-san is such a perverted woman."

After done with her bath, Mamako changed her clothes and went downstairs. She was surprised to see Masato sitting at the table, eating breakfast.

"Ma-kun? You woke up early today?" she asked, confused. Masato was not a morning person, she knew. So, she was surprised to see him waking up earlier than her and even making his own breakfast.

Hearing her, Masato looked at her and smiled, "I started doing morning exercise from today, Okaa-san. I want to maintain my body healthy," he said, "Here. I have made your breakfast too. Does Okaa-san want me to feed her? Since Okaa-san had been feeding me since my childhood."

"Ara~, does Ma-kun want Okaa-san to sit on his lap like he did too? Okaa-san doesn't mind though," she teased.

Masatos' brow raised as he smirks, "Why not?" creating some space for her, he patted his lap, "Come Okaa-san. I'll feed you."

Mamakos' face reddens a little, imagining herself sitting on his lap as his hand slowly goes to her pussy and starts to play with her, "It's okay. Though Okaa-san would love to do that, but you will be late for school. Maybe some other time," she was having a hard time controlling her breathing. She just relieved herself and was already getting wet again.

"Is that so?" Masato nodded, "Then I'll be going," standing up and taking his plate, he placed them in the sink. After placing them, he walked to Mamako and hugged her, making her chest being squeezed between them. He could feel her erect nipple through the fabric between them, 'No bra? Ain't she bold.'

Giving her a kiss on her cheek, Masato smiled, "I'll see you at night then, Okaa-san," he could see the lust in his mother's eyes but he didn't comment on it. 'Just a little more… maybe tonight?'

"Hm. Don't be late, okay. Or Okaa-san will be worried about you," nodding, she also gave a peck on his cheek before going to eat her breakfast.


Ding! Quest [Don't make your mother worried]!

Gamers' mother wants her son to be at home before 8 pm. As a good son, you cannot make your mother worry about you.

Rearwards: 1000XP. Increase in closeness with your mother.

Failure: Decrease in affection. A decrease in Obedience. Your mother will think that you are irresponsible.

Do you want to accept?



Accepting the quest, Masato said his goodbyes before leaving the home.

Karakura High School was located in the Gakuenchou area, completely on the other side of his home, which was in the Minamikawase area. Masato was wondering why this high school was on the other side of Karakura town. So far.

While he was on his way, he heard some rumors that piqued his interest to the peak: A truck hit the Kurosaki Clinic, and the driver runaway. Thankfully, there was no causality or an injured person.

Since both he and Ichigo lived in the same area, it was no surprise to hear a rumor about it.

'So it finally started, huh,' Masato thought, 'Now what action should I take? There are two routes to take for me. First, let Ichigo know my identity slowly, be his friend, and then expose myself to the supernatural world. Second, take Hogyuko from Rukia. Though I had no use of it since my gamers' abilities are more of a cheat than Hogyuko. But that didn't mean that I can't give it to someone else, right?'

While thinking to himself, Masato soon reached the school and went to his class. It was as lively as yesterday.

"Oh, Masato-kun~! Good morning," looking at the long waist-length, burnt orange girl, who was happily smiling and waving at him, Masato smiled.

'She really is an active person,' he thought before saying, "Good morning, Orihime, Suki-nee-chan~,"

"Don't call me that! I have told you before, my name is Arisawa Tatsuki! Call my Tatsuki or something!" Tatsuki growled. Though she would not say that she liked the way he called her.

"Okay Suki-nee-chan!" he nodded with complete seriousness.

"You! Want me to beat the shit out of ya?!" showing her fist, Tatsuki asked. She was a black belt for a reason.

"Ahhh! Save me Orihime! Suki-nee-chan wants to kill me~," Masato hurriedly hid behind Orihime, who stopped Tatsuki, "Tatsuki-chan! You can't bully Masato-kun!"

"Orihime…" Tatsuki didn't know what to say, seeing her friend protecting someone that she just met yesterday.

"Yo, Masato, Inoue-san, Arisawa-san," entering the class, Mizuiro greeted them.

"Yo!" Masato greeted him back.

"Where is Ichigo? He hasn't come with you Mizuiro?" Keigo, who just entered the class, asked. Normally, Ichigo and Mizurio would come together at school. So Keigo asked curiously. Thinking if everything was alright.

"Ichigo housed got hit by a truck," Tatsuki answered. Her home was quite close to Ichigo's after all.

"What?! Is Kurosaki-kun alright?" Orihime asked worriedly, "Don't tell me?!" her eyes widening, "K-Kurosaki-kun… die—" Tatsuki hit her head and said, "What is with your wild imagination, Orihime? He didn't die or anything. In fact, no one got injured."

Tatsuki wondered what went from Orihimes' brain normally that for her to think every pessimistic stuff.

"Fuu~, thank god. I thought something bad happened to him," sigh in relief, Orihime said.

"Well, he said he will be at school in the third or fourth period," Mizuiro added.

"Alright class, get back on your seats~," hearing the voice of Akane, everyone got to their seats, "We have another transfer student today~."

"Ehhhh? Two students at a time? So weird," a student said.

"I know right! Sensei was also surprised~. You can come in Kuchiki-san," Akane called the new transfer student as she came in.

Taking the hem of her skirt, she did a princess-like bow, "It's my pleasure to meet you all. I am Kuchiki Rukia, the newly transferred student. I hope we can have a nice time ahead of us."

The whole class was silent due to her… princess-like introduction before the boys shouted, "Yes! A girl!" "Finally!" "Are you single, Kuchiki-san~?!"

Rukia smiled beautifully before saying, "I am single, of course."

Masato didn't know what to say. He knew that she was acting but he wondered why she needed to. I mean, no one was going to eat her or anything if she would be more normal.

"Good, Kuchiki-san. You can take your seat at the side of Masato-kun," Akane, looking towards Masato, said. She didn't forget to wink at him and Masato didn't forget to show a blush on his face.

"Thank you, Sensei," saying, Rukia came close to Masato before again doing her princess-like pose, "I hope to know you better Masato-kun. As a neighbor in this journey, I hope we get along well."

"Okay?" Masato didn't know how to answer her. Should he also do some prince-like greeting?

Rukia nodded before taking her seat, a happy smile plastered on her face.

"[Observe]," Masato murmured under his breath.


Name: Kuchiki Rukia

Occupation: Shinigami

Level: 568

HP: 1500

MP: 5680 (Sealed)

CON: 900

STR: 124 (Sealed)

VIT: 545 (Sealed) (Dependent on Spiritual Energy)

DEX: 451 (Sealed)

INT: 253

WIS: 210

LUK: 50


'Well… fuck…' Masato barely stopped himself from seeing her stats. She was five hindered times stronger than him!

'I need to fasten my speed of training it seems. But I can still defeat her, with my skills. Only [Knife Mastery] and [Mystic Eyes of Death Perception] is all I need.'

Even after seeing her stats, Masato was not afraid of her nor did he feel down. First, he just arrived in this world the other day. Second, he had something that made him strongest yet not at the same time. If he wanted, he could even kill Aizen's ascended form… of course, if Aizen let him cut. And with his level of arrogance, he was sure that he would.

"Hm? Is there anything on my face, Masato-san?" Rukia, feeling his gaze over her face asked.

"Em? Ah! No. not at all, Rukia. It's just… you're too beautiful that I got entranced," with a hand on her cheek, Rukia looked at her side and started to squirming, "Oh my, Masato-san, you playboy."

Masato was silent with a blank face, but then he smiled, "I am serious Rukia. When I said you are pretty, I meant it."


+15 affection with Kuchiki Rukia


"O-oh…" looking at his serious face, Rukia flushed a little before she nodded, "Thank you Masato-san. You are also very handsome."

After that, nothing much happened during the whole day except the fact that Ichigo came and Rukia took him with her somewhere. Masato knew that she took him to ask him to be Substitute Shinigami.

When the school ended, Masato said his goodbyes. There were still five hours before 8 pm, so he went and created a protected space and started to train his skills.

He activated his [Physical Enchantment], which was at level 10 now and only needs 15MP per mint. since he has been using it for the whole day. With his MP regeneration, he could use it indefinitely.

Masato would also use Mystic Eyes every now and then. Though he didn't use it, activating it would give him experience so there was no need for it. Right now, Mystic Eyes were at level 6 and need 88MP to activate for a second. It was the hardest skill to train.

Anyway, after activating [Physical Enchantment], all he needs to do was wait for 5 seconds before activating his Mystic Eyes, of course, for a second. Gripping the knife in his hands, Masato used [Flash Step] and vanished. Appearing 25 meters ahead, he used [Leap] and again vanished, appearing 5 meters above the ground. Meanwhile, he kept waving his knife as his instinct or the skill told him.

He kept using this practice until there were only 5 minutes before the 8.

During this time, he had leveled up [Physical Enchantment] by 2 levels, [Mystic Eyes of Death Perception] by 1 level, [Flash Step] by 2 levels, [Leap] by 5 levels, and [Knife Mastery] to level 13 — it was level 9 before.

He also had a +2 increase in his STR, DEX.

Standing in front of his house, Masato raised his hand, "[I.D Escape]," he said.

Coming out of the I.D, Masato entered his home and saw Mamako cooking. He ignored the system prompt, indicating the completion of his quest. He smirked and walked behind her. Raising his hand, Masato reached for the cabinet about Mamako as his dick pressed onto her springy butt.

"Ma-kun?" confused, Mamako looked back at Masato, who just smiled, "Wait. Lemme get the cup," he said. Since the cups were placed on the upper cabinet.

"I-I see," Mamako nodded before turning her head. She could feel her sons' little brother behind her back, getting erect and pressing between her ass cheeks. She wanted to stop him, but she also wanted him to continue.

Suddenly, Masato leaned down and hugged her, pressing his dick further into her butt.

"Ma-kun… I think you should s-stop…" Mamako whispered. If first, she thought that it was a coincidence, not anymore. She could tell that Masato was doing it on purpose.

"Say, Okaa-san," gently whispering into her ears, he took a whiff of her fragrance, "You were masturbating while saying my name in the morning, right?"

Mamako shivered, "W-what are you talking about? I think this is enough teasing, Okaa-san will get angry if you continued," she tried to sound angry, but her heavy breathing gave it all that she was feeling currently.

Masato didn't reply and used his hand to squeeze her right chest, arousing a moan from her, "I love you Mamako, and I know you do the same. When I come to wake you up this morning, I heard you calling my name while fingering yourself. Are you going to hide it?" saying, he pinched her erect nipple.

"Mmng~! T-that, we can't, Ma-kun. This is n-not right. What will others say if they found out…" her meek voice resounded, but she was too weak to resist his touches.

"I don't care, Okaa-san. What others say, it doesn't matter. To me, only you, Oosuki Mamako, matters. What you think—do you don't want to do this? Do you not like me the same, Mamako?" he asked. Masato could tell that she was at the edge, and a little push was all she needed.

And just like he thought, Mamako becomes quiet before she looked back at him and planted her lips directly at his, surprising him.

He was surprised but that didn't last long as his hand reached at her back, to her butt, giving it a gentle squeeze, "Umng~!" she moaned.

Soon, the kiss depended as their tongues entered each other mouths, fighting for the domination. Both hungrily sucking each other's salvia.

Pushing her further, the sound of kitchen utensil resounds in the room, Masato placed her on the table. Mamaki locked her legs around his back as to answer him.

"Ha… ha… ha…" as both ended their hot kiss, breathing heavily, they looked into each other's eyes. There was no need to say anything, their eyes said it all. Lust. Their eyes were filled with lust for each other.

Without any further words, they again initiated their kiss. Mamako's hand went to his shirt and tried to take it off. Masato didn't stop her and raised his hands and let her take it.

His hands reached for her cleavage, he griped her shirt and applied force into his hands, ripping it apart. It got him a surprised yelp from Mamako, whose mouth was sealed the next second.

A moment later, they stopped their kiss as Masato went to her neck and trailed kisses to her breast before taking the erect nipple into his mouth and biting it. His right hand going down to her dripping vagina and started to play with her clit. His finger circling it as he entered his center finger inside her warm fleshy hole.

"Ma-kunnnnn~~!!" Mamako moaned loudly as she felt her pleasure intensifying.

Masato didn't stop as he kept fingering her, increasing his speed.

Mamakos' hand reached back to his head and gripped his hair into a fist, further pushing him into her chest.

Wet sloppy sounds of her wet vagina filled the room.

"C-coming… faster… faster… ma-kun… make your dirty Okaa-san comeunmmm~~!!" reaching her climaxed, Mamakos back arched as her hips tighten, squirting her juices out.


Her body slumped back at the table, breathing heavily. Her eyes unfocused, staring at the ceiling.

Looking at her, Masato felt his brother trapped into his pants painful. So he released it. Without giving Mamako much time to calm down, he positioned his dick at her entrance.

"W-wait! I-I am still sensi—innggg~!!" he didn't listen to her plea as he thrust his hips, entering her warm pussy in one go. Mamako shriek in pleasure, her eyes watery, her jaws clenched tight.

"ugh…" Masato groaned as he felt her walls tightening around his dick as if to suck it dead. It increases his pleasure to a great level.

Taking his dick out, he again thrust it in, arousing another moan from her mouth. Soon, he picked the speed as his thrusts become faster and faster. In front of his eyes, he could see Mamakos' breast dancing to the rhythm he created.

Though he wanted to last longer, sadly, his body was too sensitive as it was his first time in this world. But thankfully, he used his previous worlds' knowledge to make Mamako climaxed with him.

"I-I am about to come, Okaa-san!"

"I-inside… filled your mothers' womb with your baby milk! Don't worry, mother will raise her granddaughter and train her properly so we can serve Ma-kun togetherrrunnmmggg~!" her teeth clenched tight, she felt the sudden entry of warm liquid inside her womb, filling it. It increases the feeling of her orgasm to a new level as she moaned louder than any moan before.

Mamako felt her mind going numb during her climax.

With a pop sound, his dick came out of her vagina. Masato could see his cum coming out of her vagina.

Looking down, he saw his brother still erect. It seems that he had enough stamina for round two. Looking at the dumb face of Mamako, he smirked before raising her legs up to his shoulders. He adjusted his dick into her ass-hole before thrusting in, snapping Mamako out of her dazed state.

"Ahhhh~~! That h-hole! Ah! Ah! Ah!" not giving her any moment to retort, he started thrusting into her with intensity. His right hand gripping her chest while the other playing with her clit, Masato enjoyed the ahegao face on Mamakos' face.

Her tongue rolled out with saliva coming out of her mouth, her eyes almost going white as she moaned with his thrust.

Again, he reached his limit before releasing his load into her butt, whitening the walls.

"Ha… ha… ha…" his heavy breathing filled the kitchen as he looked at twitching Mamako who had a stupid smile on her face, mumbling his name over and over.

"Damn that felt great!" Masato exclaimed. He felt tired and thought he should sleep now.


Feeling something wet down at his nether region, Masato's eyes opened. He felt really good down at his penis. Wondering what it was, he looked down and saw his blanket moving suspiciously up and down.

Taking the blanket off, his eyes were gifted with a beautiful view of his mother giving him a blowjob, "O-oh… you are awake Ma-kun… hehehe~! Little Ma-kun looked so stiff in the morning so Okaa-san thought to give it a little massage," between her sucking, Mamako said.

"Fuuu~," sighing in relief as he felt great pleasure at his dick, Masato leaned back with one of his hands on Mamakos head, "Keep going Okaa-san, it feels great."

His praise seems to make her arouse as one of her hands reached back to her wet pussy, fingering it. While her sucking speed increased. Her head bopping up and down, wet noises filling the room. Soon, she felt his dick was reaching its limit so she took it all in, his tip reaching down her throat.

"ugh…" he griped a handful of her hair as he released his load into her throat.

"oooommnngg~!" Mamako moaned as she reached her climax, releasing her built-up pleasure at the same time as Masato. She also drinks all his jizz, without wasting any.

Seductively licking her lips, Mamako stood up and said, "You should get ready for the school, Ma-kun. Or you will be late~,"


Ding! Quest [Reaching School in time]

Gamers' mothers want the gamer to reach school in time. Prove her that you can reach the school in time.

Rearwards: 1000XP. Increase in reputation with schoolmates.

Failure: Decrease in reputation with schoolmates. They will think that you are a lazy bastard.

Do you accept?



Accepting the quest, Masato looked at the sexy back of Mamako as she left the room.

Remembering something, he opened his system interference, "There it is," he said.


+1 affection with Oosuki Mamako (100/100).

Congratulations on reaching maximum affection and obedience with Oosuki Mamako.

Skill [Combat Teleport] has been unlocked!

[Combat Teleport Level: 1/100 MP: 44]

An improved teleport, to allow better use in close-range combat. Allows the user to teleport into the set distance of 10m around the user.


"Great!" Masato cheered happily, seeing it. It would be a great help in his future fights. If he remembers correctly, no one knew how to use teleport in bleach, for some reason. That means, it had its surprise element to it.

Looking towards his bath, Masato murmured, "[Teleport]," and he vanished before appearing inside his bath. His face couldn't hide his smirk that was about to split his face into two.

Coming out of his glee, Masato took his clothes and took a short warm bath before going down to take his breakfast. After breakfast, he left for the school before giving Mamako a hot wet kiss.

Activating his [Physical Enchantment] he started to walk in the direction of the school while using [Mystic Eyes] every now and then.

By the time he reached school, he leveled [PE] once and [ME] was close to leveling up.

As he entered the school, he got the notification that he leveled up. Surprise, he opened his system.


Name: Masato Oosuki

Class: The Gamer

Level: 3 (21.2%)

HP: 120 (60 per five mint.,)

MP: 110 (55 per mint.,)

CON: 120 (60 per mint.,)

STR: 12

VIT: 12

DEX: 15

INT: 11

WIS: 11

LUK: 12

States Point (SP): 10

Money: 100$


After thinking for a while, Masato added 3 points in LUK and the remaining 7 points into his INT. He wanted to increase his mana as most of his skills were mana-dependent.


Name: Masato Oosuki

Class: The Gamer

Level: 3 (21.2%)

HP: 120 (60 per five mint.,)

MP: 180 (55 per mint.,)

CON: 120 (60 per mint.,)

STR: 12

VIT: 12

DEX: 15

INT: 18

WIS: 11

LUK: 15

States Point (SP): 0

Money: 100$


Looking at his mana pool, Masato nodded. Now if he wanted, he could use Mystic Eyes for a whole two seconds. Though it may not look much, it was of great difference. Since in a real battle, unlike before, his mana would not be empty after one use. He would have some mana left to run away.

After thinking for a while, he saw Orihime and Tatsuki walking in the school. Nodding to himself, he sneaks to their backs as he got the prompt that he wanted with a kick onto his face.


Ding! Due to a specific action, a new skill has been created!

[Sneak Level: 1/10 MP: 25]

Hides your traces up to 10%.


"What are you doing sneaking up to girls!" Tatsuki shouted at Masato, who was laying on the ground looking to the sky, contemplating his life.

Standing up, he dusted his clothes, "Good morning to you, Suki-nee-chan, Orihime. I just wanted to surprise you… who knew that Suki-nee-chan would kick me. My fragile heart is in pain," clenching his heart, Masato said with a painful look.

"Are you aright Masato-kun! Here! Come with me, I'll take you to the infirmary!" Orihime exclaimed anxiously.

"Ah, no, thank you, Orihime. But I'm alright now," Masato wondered if her brain worked normally or not, for her to fall for such a trick.

"Are you sure you are alright?" Orihime still asked, quite worried.

"Yes, I am. Let's go. Or we will be late for the classes," saying, Masato placed one hand around Tatsukis' shoulder, "I've heard that you are a black belt in karate? Can you teach me, Suki-nee-chan?"

"Huh? You want to learn karate?" looking at his body from up to down, Tatsuki scoffed, "With your physique? Leave it. First, why don't you do some gym? Build some body muscles or something."

"Hehehe! You don't know, Suki-nee-chan, but I've quite sexy muscles," he said while taking her hand and placing it on his stomach, "Here. Why don't you feel it?"

"You! What are you doing?!" hurriedly taking her hand back, Tatsuki punched him in the face that he timely dodged. Surprisingly, a level of [Close-Combat] increased.


+10 affection with Arisawa Tatsuki (45/100)


"Why are you blushing Suki-nee-chan? I was just showing you my muscles. Will you train me now?" he asked with an innocent face.

Tatsuki gritted her teeth before smirking, "Okay. You can train under me. You will come to dojo with me after the classes end," Tatsuki said, "Be sure to be ready. It's quite a painful training."

Masato was not afraid, in fact, he was happy. He could learn another skill from the pain after all, "Then I'll come with you. Let's go to the class now,"

Tatsuki nodded as they started to walk towards the class.

A moment later, they reached the classroom. While greeting everyone, Masato went and sat in his seat. Seeing as Rukia and Ichigo was not present — though he was aware that they were doing their Shinigami work, 'Since they are not present, I can finally start my experiment, get your teacher under you, now,' Masato thought, smirking internally.

He always wanted to try it but forgot it. Another reason being that if he used his mana, Rukia and Ichigo might able to feel it. Though he was aware that he was using a completely different form of energy than spiritual energy, he was still cautious. You never know, after all.

Silently sitting, Masato closed his eyes, ignoring Akane, who entered the class and started teaching. What he wanted to do was simple, if he was not wrong, the system would pick his actions according to his thinking of what he wanted. i.e., if he used his mana while imagining a specific skill, as long as he was able to produce a certain result close to that magic he was thinking, then the system will create a skill of his imagination.

Like what he was going to do right now.

Slowly his mana started to leave his body in the form of tendrils as it traveled throw the air towards Akane, unaware of it. Gently and sneakily, Masato tangled the tendrils around her. The tendrils touching her sensitive spots i.e., clit (rolling around it), nipples, her slit, her butt cheeks, and other sensitive areas. Of course, he was not going to play tentacle play with her. Masato did all of this for the creation of a certain skill he watched in fanfiction in his previous life.

Opening his eyes, he looked in Akane's direction and waited for her to turn in his direction. After waiting for some time, Akane looked back towards her student, but just as her eyes met with Masato, he smiled at her.

"Mmng~!" a small moan left her mouth as she hurriedly shut it, placing her hands above it.

"Are you alright, Sensei?"

"Is something wrong?"

The students asked, worrying about her.

"No, no, no. Everything is alright," frantically waving her hand, Akane disperses the topic. Not wanting to talk more about it. But before going back towards the board, she took a glance towards Masato, who was looking at her with an innocent look. Shaking her head, thinking it might be her imagination, Akane went back to her teaching.

Looking at the screen in front of him, Masato grinned.


+20 affection with Akane Minagawa

Ding! Due to a specific action, a new skill has been created!

[??? level: 1/100 (0%) MP: 50/second]

Manipulate the lust of a target within eyesight.

A new skill is created by the gamer. Please name it.


'Hehehe,' if not that he was sitting in the class, Masato might laugh loudly but he controlled himself from doing so, 'Name it 'Erotic Pierrot', system.'


[Erotic Pierrot Level: 1/100 (0%) MP: 50/minute]

Manipulate the lust of a target within eyesight.


Nodding to himself, he looked back at Akane, definitely in the mood of using it on her, "[Erotic Pierrot]," Masato whispered under his breath, using it against Akane.

Akane didn't know why, but she was feeling hotter and hotter as she was teaching. Whenever her eyes met with Masato, she felt a surge of hot and warmness inside her, making her want to fuck him. Biting her lips, she controlled herself from moaning out loud. Though the idea of it was surprisingly arousing.


+15 affection with Akane Minagawa


Masato was barely able to control the smirk from spreading on his face. He knew that Akane was a pervert, and her affection would definitely spike if he was able to control her arousal. And damn he was not wrong, obvious by the results. He was sure that he would be having her under him by the end of the school, he would make sure of it. Right now, her affection was at 40 and it was increasing steadily with every attach of arousal.

Just like that, Masato kept attacking her with [Erotic Pierrot] every time she looked in his direction. By the end of the class, her affection was already at 85. It seems that the higher the affection, the harder it is for it to increase. Since he was not able to raise it beyond 85 with [Erotic Pierrot]. This skill also seems to have some limits, but Masato thought he would think about it at a later time since right now he had a horny teacher to take care of.

"Akane-sensei," just as the class ended, Masato called for her, "I didn't understand some questions, can you teach them to me? Since the class has already ended, we can go to the place of your choice."

Akane, who could feel damp at her crotch, had a glint passing through her eyes before she smiled, "I understand, Masato-kun," she said, "Why don't you come with me then? I'll make sure to thoroughly 'teach' you."

Oblivious of her hidden meaning, Masato nodded before following after her. The class didn't find it suspicious since many students would go with the teacher to clear some topics, so it was quite normal.

Following Akane, Masato's eyes were at her bottom that was swaying seductively. He has to say, for a slut, she had quite a sexy body. And he would make sure to make her his slut only. He still had another skill in his mind that he wanted to create, since he has an opportunity now, might as well give it a try too.

A moment later, Akane led him into an empty classroom, "This way Masato-kun~," indicating for him to enter, Masato nodded and entered. Akane followed after him and closed the door before looking towards him. She was already having a hard time controlling her lust, and Masato was the reason she was feeling it.

So, after closing the door, Akane didn't waste any time as she throws her files at the desk and opens the first two buttons of her shirt, showing her cleavage with her bra visible.

"What are you doing Sensei?" Masato asked with a smirk of his own as he sits on a chair and relaxes his body.

Though surprised by his reaction, Akane didn't think about it as she sat on his lap, Straddling him. Caressing his cheeks, she opened her mouth, "It is all Masato-kun's fault. You have to take responsibility now~," her sultry voice, with her warm breath made Masato aroused too.

Smirking, he asked, "And how would I do that?"

"You don't have to worry," she said, "leave everything to Sensei~," with that, she leaned down and sealed his mouth with hers.

Masato didn't stop her as he placed his hand on her waist, pushing her closer, while his other hand on her butt, squeezing it.

"Mng~," she moaned and Masato entered her mouth with his tongue.

Akane's eyes opened wide due to surprise. She thought that Masato would be a virgin, who knows nothing about sex. But it seems that she was wrong as his moves definitely didn't look like a virgin.

But it was only a passing thought before she throws it at the back of her mind, enjoying the hot kiss that made her already hot body hotter.

With each passing second, the kiss becomes more and more ferocious as both tried to dominate each other.

"Ha… Ha… Ha…" hot breaths left their mouths as they ended their kiss, saliva connecting their tongues.

"I didn't know that you were so good at the kiss, Masato-kun," Akane, looking into his eyes, licked her lips. It might be the best kiss she had so far.

"You still don't know Sensei~. I am good at many other things that you are unaware of," Masato, leaning close to her ears, whispered and bit on it gently.

Akane's body shivered, "Is that so? Then Sensei will make sure to learn about it, properly~."

After that, no words were said as she stood up from his lap and sat down on her knees, her hands at the side of his thighs, "Let Sensei show you what she is good at~," saying, she opened her mouth and unzipped his pants. Again, she took his underwear with her mouth as his dick popped out of the confinement it was in.

Akane's eyes widen, seeing the size and girth of it. She was astonished, "This little fella is not as innocent as you, Masato-kun~."

"Of course, it is not," Masato said with a grin, "It has to be ferocious since it is used to tame."

Akane smirked before gripping it in her hands, feeling the warmth, she gently pecks on the tip before her tongue licked it. Licking the tip, she slides down till the base before going back up, all while licking it.

"Then don't mind me," saying, Akane's mouth opened as she took half of it inside of her in one go, and more was still going in.

Masato sighed in containment, feeling the warm and watery feelings at his dick. He has to say, she was really good at the blowjob. He had to grit his teeth, as to not moan. Another thing that his body was a virgin till yesterday, it was still quite sensitive.


The slurping sound filled the room as her head blob up and down, sucking and licking his dick. Moving his hand, he placed it onto her head as he guided her movement.

Akane didn't stop him and match his movements. She looked towards him with upturned eyes. Seeing his pleasure look, she smirked internally before picking up the speed. Her other hand moving to his balls, gently massaging them.

After some time, Masato couldn't stop himself. Gripping her hair, he jerked his hips, entering the depth of her throat and releasing his load.

Akane's eyes reached her head as she was having a hard time breathing. But that didn't stop her from reaching her own orgasm.

Using his hand, he pulled her head back, taking his dick out, which with a pop fell onto her face. Akanes' tongue was out with her eyes reaching her head. Looking at his dick, between her eyes, she gulped, taking all the semen inside of her. Warmness rushing over her body from her stomach.

Masato couldn't control himself, seeing her taking his semen into her. Taking her hand, he stood up before pulling her over the desk, her butt facing him.

Akane looked back as she raised her butt, wiggling it right and left. She had a smirk on her face as she gave an invitation to her pussy.

Masato placed his hands on her plump butt, squeezing it, arousing a moan from her before he adjusted his dick to her entrance.

Though he didn't enter right away but started to tease her by rubbing it into her slip.

Akane moaned. She looked back at him with resentment.

"What?" Masato had a teasing smirk on his face as he said, "Don't you know, Sensei? You need to properly ask for something, or how would I know?"

Akane's eyes twinkled as she grins, "Please pond my sultry pussy with your big fat cock, Masato-kun! I want your dick messing my every hole!"

"Good girl," saying, he starts to enter her pussy, enjoying the incredible sensation her slowly separating walls brought to him. As his tip slowly creates an entrance for it to enter, her vaginal juices leaking out of it.

Akane moaned as she savored the pleasure of his dick entering her slowly.

Not wasting his chance, Masato used his mana and coated his hands and he massaged her butt cheeks. He groaned when he felt her walls tightening around his dick. At the same time, he got the notification that he was waiting for but he ignored it. He would check it later.

Reaching the end of her pussy, Masato sighed before his thumb entered Akane's ass-hole. Akane's eyes widen as she felt a sudden surge of pleasure from his hands as Masato used [Pleasure Touch] on his hands. It made Akane reached her second orgasm of the day.

Seeing her calm down a little, he started to thrust, moving his hips.

The sound of flesh hitting soon filled the room as Masato kept pounding into her with increasing speed.

He was using [Pleasure Touch] on his dick that increased the pleasure for Akane to a different level as she loudly moaned. Surprisingly, no one came in or heard them.

As he pounds into her, he gripped her hand and pulled her body towards her. The motion arched her body, showing her dancing breast.

Masato hugged her from the behind, while thrusting, his right hand reached her clit and pinched it. His left hand gripped her dancing breast and started to pinch and play with her nipple.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!... harder… Fuck me harder!" Akane shriek with pleasure as she looked behind and took her tongue out. Understanding her intentions, Masato leaned forward and took her tongue into his, starting to play with it.

After some time, he finally felt himself reaching his limit as he groaned, "I am about to come Akane."

"I-inside…Ah!... come inside~! Fill me with your semen~!" with an ahegao expression on her face, Akane moaned louder as she felt the emergence of warm liquid entering her womb, filling it. At the same time, she reached her orgasm as her body spasm.

Akane, losing the sport of Masatos' hand, fell on the desk with a thud.

Taking his dick out, Masato watched her convulsing body before he placed his dick into her second entrance. Akane, who was still enjoying the aftermath of her climax, didn't realize it until she felt it entering her.

A painful groan left her mouth as she looked behind, seeing the smirking face of Masato, "We have just started Sensei. I can still go a round or two~," due to his training, and the fact that his body was healthy even before his transmigration, Masato definitely had enough stamina to stay for three rounds. And he was sure that with time, the more he trained, his stamina will keep on increasing.

Akane's eyes widen, hearing her. But before she could protest, Masato started to move, arousing another moan from Akane's mouth.

Masato turned her around with her front facing him. He gripped her breast as he started another round of fucking her. He was completely in the mood of fucking her senseless. So he increases the effect of [Pleasure Touch] and [Erotic Pierrot] to the extreme.

Akane gritted her teeth as a dumb smirk took over her face. Her mind going numb due to the amount of pleasure assaulting her. She never felt this much pleasure at once. Her mind going blank as all she could think of was Masato's dick inside of her that kept pounding her insides.

Soon, Masato released his third load into her ass, filling it with his seed too. Looking at his handy-work, Masato grinned, seeing the ahegao face of Akane as she couldn't get a single word right out of her mouth. Her tongue rolling out of her soft lips, saliva coming out, and her eyes rolled back. Her body kept twitching as he could see his stuff leaking from her holes.

Placing his dick onto her face, Masato ordered, "Lick it clean."

Without thinking much, Akane opened her mouth and took his dick in it, cleaning it with her tongue. While she was cleaning his dick, Masato was looking at his rewards.


+20 affection with Akane Minagawa.

+100 obedience with Akane Minagawa.

Perk [Taboo Breaker] has been gained for reaching 50% affection with Akane Minagawa.

Easier to increase affection with the people who can be considered 'Taboo'.

Skill [Increase Sensitivity] has been unlocked for reaching 100% affection with Akane Minagawa.

[Increase Sensitivity Level: 1/100 MP: 50/minute]

Increase the level of sensitivity with touch.


And the skill that he created during the sex.


Ding! Due to a specific action, a new skill has been created!

[Pleasure Touch Level: 5/100 (54%) MP: 50/minute]

Makes the target addictive to the touches of the user.


Ding! Quest [Show your teacher her place.] Completed!

Your teacher wants to play with you and then throw you away. Show her that, as a gamer, only you are allowed to play with others.

Extra Objective: Fuck her senseless and make her your obedient slave.

Rewards: 5000XP, increase in the affection with Akane Minagawa, increase in obedience with Akane Minagawa, a skill book.

Extra Rewards: 10000XP. A massive increase in affection with Akane Minagawa. A massive increase in obedience with Akane Minagawa.

Failure: Be used by Akane Minagawa and thrown away. Akane Minagawa route closed.

You have leveled up! You have leveled up! You have leveled up!


Without much thinking, Masato put five points in his luck while 10 in INT. He needed mana, after all. Opening his inventory, he checked the skill book that he got.


Skill [High Wisdom (Passive)] has been found!

Do you want to learn the above-mentioned skill?



'High Wisdom? Is it like a skill to increase my wisdom?' though Masato, 'Whatever, I'll know once I use it.'

Masato clicked on yes as another window appeared, nearly making his eyes popped out.


Skill [High Wisdom MAX] has been learned!

A skill that permanently increases one's INT by 40.


'Holy Fuck! That is some good skill! Permanently increase of INT by 40, really. I don't even know what to say,' Masato thought. He thought he was really lucky to get this skill since he was worried about his INT and this skill helped him a lot. Just then, another prompt open in front of his eyes.


Ding! Skill [Mana Affinity] has been unlocked for INT reaching about 50!

[Mana Affinity]

A skill that allows the user to become more sensitive to mana and handle it better.

+10% MP regen.

+5% MP

+5% damage with magic attack.

+5% magic defense.

+30% in MP-related skills effects.


Masato was having a hard time stopping the grin that was largening onto his face. Who knew that fucking Akane would be giving him such a boon?

Smiling to himself, he looked back at Akane, who was still sucking onto his dick. Seeing it, he again got hard. Seriously, he already had such a great libido, he didn't want to think what would happen once he becomes stronger.

Gripping her hair, without any regard to her feelings, Masato started to face fuck her. But it seems that Akane enjoyed it as her hand reached her still soaked pussy and started to rub her clit, playing with it.

After again coming into her face, Masato left the room, leaving Akane, whose every hole was leaking his seed, behind. Was he cruel? He didn't think so. Since Masato was aware of Akane's habit of fucking other males. So, he made sure to set a hierarchy from the start. He was the boss. Even though he knew that she would not go to other males anymore due to her full affection and obedience.


After the last class ended, Masato looked towards Tatsuki and said, "Should we go now, Suki-nee-chan?"

He wanted to kill a hollow today, but before he thought of raising his level of close-combat. Right now, his lowest skill was close-combat while the highest being [Physical Enchantment] that was reaching level 25 as he was using it normally. While [Mystic Eyes] were stuck at 10. Its level was too slow, seriously. Masato thought that he needs to increase his INT faster, so he can level it up faster as it was his strongest skill so far.

Tatsuki nodded while looking towards Orihime, "Orihime, I'll be at your place tonight, okay?"

Orihime nodded happily, "Alright~."

"Let's go," Tatsuki said as she left with Masato following after her.

Reaching the school dojo, Tatsuki looked back at him, "Wait here, I'll go and change my clothes first. There is a room for a man right there, you can change your clothes too," she said. During practice, it was normal for clothes to get dirty.

"As your order, Suki-nee-chan," giving her salute, Masato left for the clothe changing room. Tatsuki rolled her eyes before she also went to change her clothes.

Coming out with the change of clothes, Masato looked towards now in karate clothing Tatsuki. Though she was petite, she had her own charm to her. Even though she acted and looked tomboy, Masato knew that she was just a pure girl in the heart.

"Hehehe," looking at him with malice, Tatsuki said, "Shall we get started now? You dodged my attach in the morning, you must have some experience in close-combat, right?" It seems that she was still quite mad at him for making her touch his body.

Masato nodded as he didn't want her to believe that he was a noob in close-combat. As he was not, due to his skill.

"Very well," Tatsuki said, "Then we will have a warm-up spar first."

Masato smirked. He was completely in the plan of using [Erotic Pierrot] throughout the whole sparing session, and even [Pleasure Touch] and [Increase Sensitivity] to increase her arousal towards him.

A moment later, both took their stance and started the fight.

As the fight continues, a blush started to form on Tatsuki's face. At first, she was sure that Masato was new to close-combat, but that was not the problem here.

It was her arousal that started to increase! She wondered why. Even Masato looked more appealing to her in the eyes.

'Stop! What are you thinking Tatsuki!' her mind going into completely new territory; one that she never explored.

After their warm-up spar ended, Tatsuki was taking heavy breaths. Was she tired? No. she was not. It was her heartbeat that rose exponentially high for some reason and her body that was hotter than before.

Seeing it, Masato close to her, "Are you alright, Suki-nee-chan?" his voice laced with worry, he places his head onto her forehead, "Your body is too hot! Do you have a fever?!"

Hearing his voice up so close, feeling his breath on to her face, his forehead touching her, Tatsuki hurriedly pushed him away, "I-I am alright! This is it for training today. Go and change your clothes, I am going to change mine too," she said and ran before Masato could answer.

"Ai~, it seems that I pushed it a little," he mumbled. He thought that he shouldn't have pushed it so far and let it accumulate slowly, but he got impatient.


+25 affection with Arisawa Tatsuki.

Ding! Perk [Tomboyish Love] has been unlocked for reaching 50% affection with Arisawa Tatsuki!

[Tomboyish Love]

Easy increase in affection and obedience with girls that has tomboyish personalities.


"Huh?" looking at the prompt, Masato's eyes wandered towards the changing room as he smirked, "It seems that someone is using me as their imagination relief. Hehehe~! Not that I mind. Though I would have appreciated if she used the real thing," saying, he also went to change his clothes.

From just that little spar, his close-combat had increased by 3 levels. Probably as it was too low. It will become harder for him to increase it at a higher level.

Changing his clothes, which he didn't have to do manually as he had inventory, Masato stood beside the school gate and waited for Tatsuki to finish her session.

Several minutes later, Tatsuki appeared. She got startled, seeing Masato standing beside the gate. Her face showed different emotions, but most would be embarrassment and conflict.

"What are you doing here? Waiting for someone?" she asked, wondering if he was waiting for someone here.

Nodding, Masato said, "You are going to Orihime's place right? Let's go. I'll go with you since my house is also in that way."

What he said was not wrong as his house was quite close to Orihime's, and he was having a gut feeling that something will definitely happen today.


Ding! Due to a specific action, a new skill has been created!

[Premonition Level: 1 (0%)]

Let's you randomly know about the future event, especially, if it includes someone you know or yourself.


Seeing the screen, Masato was now sure that something was going to happen at Orihimes' place.

'Is her brother going to attack today?' he thought, 'If he is, then it's perfect. For me at least.'

He knew that her brother was going to be distracted while trying to take Orihime's soul. It would be a perfect opportunity for him to strick. As for their emotional reunion? He didn't give a fuck. After all, it was the same whether they are going to meet or not — her brother will remain dead. With him killing him, he can at least be of use as XP.

Tatsuki suspiciously looked at him, "Is that all? Are you not coming so you can do something with Orihime?" she was quite suspicious of him. Even though it was only for two days, she was aware that Masato was not so innocent as he portrayed himself to be. He was a wolf in sheep's clothing — waiting to devour his prey.

"What do you mean?" he asked before smirking, "Could it be… are you jealous Suki-nee-chan~~?"

Tatsuki's eyes widen with her mind remembering what she did some time ago, her face redden a little before she punched him, "Bha! As if I would be jealous! I just want to make sure that Orihime is safe from a wolf-like you."

Masato looked at her with narrowed eyes, "… tsundere—" hurriedly dodging the punch thrown at his face, Masato looked at her, who was fuming with anger, "Ok, ok, don't get angry. I was joking," with his hands in the air, surrendering, Masato said.

Tatsuki didn't say anything. She just wanted to punch his face right now. The feeling of her revealing herself while thinking about it made her embarrassment even worse.

"Let's go!" she shouted as she started to walk forward, ignoring Masato.

Masato chuckled but didn't say anything. He was having fun teasing her.

Orihime's house was quite close to Tubakidai Park where he usually trains, but that didn't change the fact that it was still on the other side of the town.

During the way, no one said a thing as both moved with a steady pace in complete silence. It was not an awkward silence, but one that of comfortable. With the sun setting, the sky had taken an orange hue over it, with the wind gently blowing. Since it was a town, there was not much sound of vehicles, which made the evening even more silent.

They both kept walking with nothing but their sounds of shoes hitting the pavement with their every step.

As they were walking, Masato looked in the direction of Ichigo's place. It was not hard for him to pinpoint it as he had the map of Karakura Town in his mind.

'Hollow… is he fighting with one?' he thought, 'Now that I think about it, I still have to check his status after he became a Shinigami. I'll check it once I meet him again,' suddenly, Masato's eyes narrowed as he felt the direction the Hollow was flying, 'It is going in the direction of Orihime's place!'

Seeing it, he asked Tatsuki, "Em, how far is? Orihime's house?" though he was aware of the general direction, he was not aware of the exact distance since he never been there. But if he were to calculate it with the distance of the park, then he was sure that it would take them, at least, half and fifteen minutes before they reached it.

And what Tatsuki said proved it, "Huh? Are you tired? You really are pitifully weak as a man. It would take about half an hour with our pace."

"We don't have that much time," Masato said. If he was not wrong, then the hollow will reach Orihime's place in ten minutes or so. Though he was aware that Ichigo will save Orihime, but that would make him miss such a great opportunity.

First, he can earn affection points by 'saving' Orihime from both Orihime and Tatsuki. Second, he just wanted to get an easy kill. While Orihime can act as bait, Masato was sure that her brother would not even consider him a potential danger. After all, he was just a weak human.

But then again, he still has not learned any concealment skills yet. And his Mana was already above Ichigo. 'But hollows attacked him in original because they were controlled by Aizen, so I am safe. For now, at least."

"What do you mean?" Tatsuki frowned, seeing his serious look.

Without saying much, he appeared beside her and carried her like a princess.

"W-what are you doing?! Put me down this instant!" Tatsuki exclaimed in surprise.

"Don't move too much, Tatsuki," Masato said as he gathered mana under his legs, "Grip me tightly. We are going to do some fast movements."

Before Tatsuki understand him, she felt a sudden pressure on her body as her sight changed into tunnel vision. Her eyes widen when she realizes that they have appeared about 35 meters away, but before she could process it completely, her vision speeds up again before they appeared some distance again.

Though Masato could use [Combat Teleport], he didn't. First, it had a small range than his [Flash Step], only about 10 meters. And second, it required more mana than [Flash Step], which if used carefully, he could use indefinitely.

After some time, both reached Orihime's apartment.

Tatsuki's eyes were filled with horror as she looked at her friend's apartment, "What happened here?!" she shouted involuntarily.

"Hollow," Masato didn't explain but, at the same time, he didn't mind. He already had taken like of Tatsuki and he was going to make her his woman. He was going to train her in the future, so it didn't matter whether she knows it now or not. In fact, it would make them closer than normal. Knowing that both of them carry something similar.

"Stay here," he said as he puts her down, while she tries to stand properly due to her weakness in her legs, "I'll go and check it. Make sure you don't come in or you might die."

Tatsuki wanted to say something but Masato vanished before she could; her eyes landing back at the broken apartment before her eyes widen. It was fuzzy and blurry, but she was sure that she saw something snake-like there.

Appearing inside her apartment, Masato had already activated his [Sneak] long ago. It was still in early levels and was kinda useless, but against a hollow, who had his reasoning lost, it worked magic.

Examining his surroundings, his eyes fell upon Orihime's soul, her body lying some distance away. Her chain of fate was still attached to her chest, so Masato heaved a sigh of relief. He had to change the canon after all. Since in original, Tatsuki took the full focus of her brother. But here, she was not available, giving Orihime's brother full attention to Orihime.

Looking at the snake-like Hollow, Masato used [Observe] on it.


Name: Sora Inoue

Race: Hollow/Negative Soul/Corrupted Soul

HP: 2500

MP: 1500

Weakness: Mask

Thoughts about you: Hate. Hostility.

He hates you and the fact that you talked with Orihime.


Looking at his status, Masato nodded to himself. He didn't care about how high his HP was, since he was going to use [Mystic Eyes]. Just one solid hit would kill him.

'But seriously, this guy hates me for talking with her? That is some high level of stalking shit,' he thought as the kitchen knife appeared in his hands, his eyes changing into rainbow-color.

In his vision, the world becomes faulty. It cracked with different Lines that started to extend from everything his eyes could perceive. Seriously, even with [Gamers' Mind], he felt headache whenever he used the eyes. He did still not use to see the world of death.

He also used his [Physical Enchantment] as his grip tightens on his knife, waiting for the exact moment to strike. He didn't have enough time, about 10 seconds. He didn't want to miss his strick. He could also feel the spiritual energy of Ichigo approaching. He would be here in seconds.

"O-Orihime… my Orihime… don't worry… brother has come to take you with me. We will always be together, never to be separated again. I know you want it too, right, RIGHT?!"

"D-don't come near me!" Orihime shouted in horror as she sees the hollow coming close to her, his eyes looking at her like a hungry beast. She shielded herself with her hands, burying herself into her chest, too afraid to look towards him. Her body trembled as she felt him approaching her.

"Why? Why don't you want me to come close Orihime?! WE CAN BECOME ONE! DON'T YOU ALSO WANT THAT?!" he shouted, almost hysterically.

"No!" she denied.

Sora's eyes burned with anger as he raised his claws, "It's alright. You have been brainwashed by those people around you. Don't worry. I'll save you," saying, he slashed his claws in the direction of the chain of fate.

Seeing it, Orihime closed her eyes, waiting for her death that didn't come. She opened her eyes to see Masato standing there, looking at her with a gentle expression, "Are you alright, Orihime? Thank god I arrived in time or who knew what this hollow could have done to you."

"Ma-Masato-k…un?" tears started to gush out of her eyes as she jumped into his embrace. Masato didn't say anything and caught her, counseling her.

When Sora was distracted, Masato teleported in front of him, stunning him in place. Before Sora could process what happened, Masato moved his hand in deft, cutting the Line of Death attaching to his mask. Otherwise, there is no way that his kitchen knife could have delt any form of damage to him.

"It is alright. I am here now, nothing will happen," Orihime nodded, hearing him as she felt his warm hand caressing her head, calming her down.


+25 affection with Orihime Inoue.

Ding! Perk [Air-head snatcher] has been unlocked for reaching 50 affection with Orihime Inoue!

[Air-head Snatcher]

Easy increase in affection and obedience with an air-headed person.


Ignoring the prompts, he looked in the direction of the broken apartment wall. He could feel Ichigo approaching. Looking back, he looked at his loot before smirking.


Rasaka's Fang: A dagger that has a chance to inflict paralysis and bleeding over time. 3x DEX damage, 3x Critical Hit.

Muscle Band: Increase STR by 50.

Money: 1000$

You have leveled up! You have leveled up! You have leveled up! You have leveled up! You have leveled up!

Ding! A new I.D has been unlocked!

[Instant Dungeon Create MAX MP: 50]

An ability to create instant dungeons. Coming in contact with different entities can unlock other dungeons.

Current I. Ds: Hollow - Shinigami

Name: Masato Oosuki

Class: The Gamer

Level: 11 (21.2%)

HP: 200 (100 per five mint.,)

MP: 760 (+35.5) (95 (+7) per mint.,)

CON: 200 (100 per mint.,)

STR: 20

VIT: 20

DEX: 23

INT: 76

WIS: 19

LUK: 20

States Point (SP): 25

Money: 1100$


Since it was his first kill, it seems that he got some extra lucky loot. And boy he was happy to see it. Even his level has increased by 5 with just one hollow.

Seeing the new I. Ds, Masato wondered why Shinigami unlocked now as he had been in contact with Ichigo before, same with Rukia. But he didn't think much about it. Since, in the end, he would be benefitting from all of this.

'Now how should I take care of Ichigo and Rukia…' he thought, 'Welp, time to bullshit, it seems.'


Hello, everyone~ meaty-chan here~!

I wanted to write a little more, until his encounter with Ichigo and Rukia, but then the chapter was already exceeding its normal length of 10k that I had set, so I opt not to.

anyway, if anyone wants to check his status and current skill, I'll upload them in the discord so you guys can check it. the discord link is above in the auxiliary chap.

... i don't know what to write except this. also, you might see some changes in character, well, dont mind them.


The Skill Erotic Pierrot credit goes to @a-shifty-sword. You can check his novel at fanfiction.net (Gamer of the Void).

meatball_sancreators' thoughts