
I was Suddenly Dropped into a Dungeon.

Our Main Character was having an ordinary day walking to the store for groceries for his family when he suddenly fell into a portal that appeared under him and when he com to, he finds himself in a cave like places with a video games like window in front of him saying [ Hello Human you have encountered a dungeon complete this dungeon to leave] and then it closed without any more information about the dungeon. He confused and yell to get out at first until his cries attracted monsters. Hope you like this story! :3

Soapety · แฟนตาซี
22 Chs

What a Terrible Morning!

After finding an inn I slept through the night hoping to get out of here tomorrow. Waking up I pulled out my compass to get out of here and walked in the direction that it pointed I found the platform in the middle of town I saw many people just staring at me I was about to step on it I hear the walrus scream from behind me "Hey wait up Hey come I know you can hear me waaiiitt," it screams behind me but when I was about to step on it I hear a guard scream "Hey both of you wait we had some report of runner sexually harassing people around town," he screams and that fat runner was already next to me and pushed me with him on the platform. 

[Ding User has made it to the 69-floor rewards: ^Sword of Passion^ and A Book of Warfare]

"Hmm~ cool I got some good stuff, but this sword is kind of weird or its name is kind of misleading," I said to myself out loud "Hey what are you talking about," I heard the fat guy say I forgot he came through with me. "I was talking out the rewards I got from getting to this floor they aren't all good most of the time they kind of suck for the most part but let's get out of this safe zone," I said walking to the exit "What are you talking about I don't get those and a safe room I just get dropped in the hope I do not fall in the middle of monsters again lucky fucking pretty boy," he said with rage and disdain in his face.

"Well just get better and stronger fatty," I said walking out of the safe room and looking at a sand field "Well shit hope it not those worm things," walking on the sand "System open the description for me please," I said walking back to the safe room just in case whether are worms.

[^The Sword of Passion^

Additional Attributes:

+16 Strength

+34 Vitality

+24 Intelligent

Description: This weapon was used during the Iron War when four kingdoms fought for an iron mine in neutral territory the user of this weapon was a passionate man who for his kingdom and his family he came from a knight family and crafted this weapon when he was old enough to weld a real sword and with blood and sweat soaking to it during the war he died during the end of the war because he was betrayed by his most trusted brother in arms because he wanted the glory of ending this war and the fame and fortune of it but a knight in the enemy kingdom saw it all and after the war surrender and report what he saw to the royal family and the last user's family and that "Friend" was tortured and boiled alive.

The Last User of this Weapon was named Drakan Silvester!]

"Huh, it gave me the name of the last user's name cool," I said looking out at the sand and seeing it move a little "Hey what are you just standing there let's go," the fat bastard said inpatient walking on the sand looking to his right I see shark fin come out of the sand 'Hmm~ a sand shark cool but they are fast,' where my thoughts as I see it shorten the distance in seconds. "Hey, look to your right," I said to warn him but ignored me "Okay your lost fat ass," I said getting him mad "Hey Pret-," he could not finish as I shot a |Fire Spear| at the shark jumping at him from behind killing it on impact. He turned around at the place of impact and saw the shark "Thank you," he said looking down "What do you mean I almost forgot you sexually assaulted a person on the first floor right," I said getting upset with myself for forgetting.

I use |Freeze| to hold him still as I open a portal under him back to the last floor after that is done, I use |Wings| to fly overhead to get to the next floor but then my system dinged.

[User is the first to kill runner rewards: All their attributes and their best skill]

"Oh, he died that sucks did not want to kill him but okay," I said flying with my compass in hand I see the platform with a huge shark with feet walking around the platform. I use |Freeze and shoot a couple of |Fire Spear| at the big shark instantly killing it so I land and step on the platform to head to the next floor.

(Scene Change)

"Hey what fuck your runner killed my runner I want some compensation," Cristal screamed angrily.

"What the fuck sorry your runner is a pervert and got greedy with as little power as he had," Crane said upset with the not-so-painful death.

"Okay.... Okay calm down it was an accident Crane's runner did not mean to kill him he just did not read the description of his skill and did not know he had to imagine where he wanted to make the portal and indirectly kill him because he portal him in the void because he was not thinking about where to send him," said the announcer

(Scene Change)

[Ding User has made it to the 70-floor rewards: Black Top Hat and Bag of stones]

"Well could be better open status screen," I said sitting on the floor with my back on the wall.

[Name Charlie Carroll

Age: 17

Job: #Mage of Time and Space#

Str:845-891 (+37)

Vit:834-868 (+26)

Dex:823-864 (+15)


Agi:832-854 (+32)


Skill A/P: Night Vision (P), Claw (A), Reform (A), Shock (A), Predator (P), Fire Spear (A), Tough Skin (P), Rejuvenate (A), Aquatic (P), One Man Army (P), Empower (A), Meditate (A), Alchemy (A), Back from the Dead (D), Mana Blade (A), Portals (A), Reverse (A), Freeze (A), Pocket (A), Weak Mind Control (A)



"Well that is stupid give me the weak mind control description," I said looking at the skill.

[ |Weak Mind Control|

Type: Active

Cooldown: 2 Hours

Mana Usage: Low

Description: The user can weakly control the target mind by putting small thoughts into their minds.]

"Okay that is better because that pig does not deserve a skill like that," I said standing up and heading to the floor's platform.


Hop[e you like today's chapter and hope to see you another day. Goodbye :3