
I was Suddenly Dropped into a Dungeon.

Our Main Character was having an ordinary day walking to the store for groceries for his family when he suddenly fell into a portal that appeared under him and when he com to, he finds himself in a cave like places with a video games like window in front of him saying [ Hello Human you have encountered a dungeon complete this dungeon to leave] and then it closed without any more information about the dungeon. He confused and yell to get out at first until his cries attracted monsters. Hope you like this story! :3

Soapety · แฟนตาซี
22 Chs

Terrible Runner!

Flying through this mountain range I see many Wyverns fly by and look at me then go the other direction I am not sure why but hey it makes it faster for me to get to the next floor without the hassle of killing them. Nearing the platform, I can see it on the base of a mountain then a sharp pain comes from my back turning around I see hundreds of Wyverns with their mouths open and fireballs ready to be shot *ROAR* comes from the crowd of Wyverns and hundreds of fireballs come flying at me so I turn around and fly as fast as I can but so many of the fireballs hit me all over my backside and head I feel so dizzy I use |Rejuvenate| and I am all healed up turning back around I see them get ready for another barrage but I shoot thousands of |Fire Spears| back before they can shoot again or fly away they get hit and I get a system notification.

[Ding User has killed 856 Wyverns Rewards: |High-Fire Resistance| (P) and A bag of Hard Candy]

"Great I have gotten better loot from this and all the other floors," I said looking at my System.

[Name Charlie Carroll

Age: 17

Job: #Mage of Time and Space#

Str:878 (+37)

Vit:867 (+26)

Dex:859 (+15)


Agi:864 (+32)


Skill A/P: Night Vision (P), Claw (A), Reform (A), Shock (A), Predator (P), Fire Spear (A), Tough Skin (P), Rejuvenate (A), Aquatic (P), One Man Army (P), Empower (A), Meditate (A), Alchemy (A), Back from the Dead (D), Mana Blade (A), Portals (A), Reverse (A), Freeze (A), Pocket (A), High-Fire Resistance (P)



Walking on the Platform I teleport to the next floor and get a system ding again.

[Dinh User has made it to the 68 Floor rewards: A bottle of painkillers and A Spell Book]

"Now that is nice with not the painkillers, but that spell book is good I can now learn more spells," I said walking out of the safe room looking out I saw a city entrance a couple of meters away from the safe room "Sweet a safe floor let's see what I can do in this town," I said walking to the town getting to the entrance there is a guard stand in front and she asked "Are you a traveler or a Runner," as she looked at my armor and weapon "So a Runner is what I get from your appearance great we have another one here to and might I say he is disgusting and welcome," she said moving aside to let me in but I am dazed at what she said another runner I can finally meet people from my world I then asked her "Where can I meet this Runner," and she looked at me with disdain and said "The red light district," I walk past her after asking direction to the red light district once there a lot of women tried to get my attention but I tell them "Where can I meet this runner and I have no money," and then they left me alone and said the he is near Mama's brothel near the end of the district.

I find myself at the entrance of a brothel just waiting in front of it to close but looking at the poster on it I see it has one that says (24/7), so I need to go in. Going in I see many women and men half-naked walking to the bartender I ask "Hey do you know where the Runner is," he looks at me with suspicion but I then say "I am also a runner just wanting to meet another," he then asks me to prove it so I pull out my bag of infinite food and pull out a slice of pizza he looks surprised at what just happened and says "he is in the back with Mama," I then walk to the back but no women come near me 'Damn word does travel fast in red light district getting near the back I hear moaning and groaning I pass a lot of people doing it in rooms only covered by sheets walking even further I see an obese kid around my age in one of the rooms getting head with the sheet open.

"Hey are you a runner," I said loud for him to hear me, and what he said got me a little upset "I'm not into guys," I used |Portal| under the woman. She then fell behind me with a loud thud "I do not work here and I am also a runner I am here to talk," I said he looked mad at what I did "What the hell man let me enjoy my time here I need to meet them-," he freeze as he just looks at me then says "Are you on the bounty that was set a couple days ago," he said putting his hand behind his back "Yeah that is me I need to talk to you can you come with me quick," I said turning my back to him expect him to try something I then hear him get up from his chair and his fat feet stop on the floor I quickly turn around and use |Freeze| on his walrus body. The look in his eyes is priceless as he just is frozen in the middle of the air "Let me down you pretty boy," he said with rage in his eyes, but I am just confused what is a pretty boy a boy that is pretty "Huh what I am confused what do you mean," he then yells "You now you bastard just because you are handsome you think you can do anything I was bully by your kind all through school and now that I get here it is the same," he cries from rage I drop him because it is just sad how he acts and his reasons.

I just stare at him as he wails on the floor some people come to check but seeing him cry and scoff at his pathetic excuse for a man he was they just walk away then an old lady comes and just looks at the walrus crying on the floor "Runner what are you doing on the floor," she said with a cold voice "M..m..mama kick his guy out he assaulted me," he said through tears she then looks at me and I look at her we just stare at each other for a little bit she then says "both of you get out we do not need this in my brothel," I walk out but he just throughs a tantrum but then guards come in and put a collar on him and carry him away he tries to use his skill but nothing works looking at what just happened I cringe at this weak Runner and how he got past the last floor. 'Will let find an inn for the night I see the sun go down,' were my thoughts as I got out of the red light district.


Hope you liked today's chapter and hope to see you another day. Goodbye:3