
I was Suddenly Dropped into a Dungeon.

Our Main Character was having an ordinary day walking to the store for groceries for his family when he suddenly fell into a portal that appeared under him and when he com to, he finds himself in a cave like places with a video games like window in front of him saying [ Hello Human you have encountered a dungeon complete this dungeon to leave] and then it closed without any more information about the dungeon. He confused and yell to get out at first until his cries attracted monsters. Hope you like this story! :3

Soapety · แฟนตาซี
22 Chs

Everything is Expensive!

Okay how about Drakon that sounds nice," I said sitting up from my laying position.

[Ding User has made a Type achievement made Second to make a Type rewards Free item from the shop and Red Cloak with Temperature balancing and Magic Cancel Enchantments]

"Fuck yeah and second I wonder who the first one is equip the Cloak please," I said then *Gurgle* I hear and feel my stomach rumble I pull out my food bag and pull out a carrot stew "Ma I love carrots," I said eating it will some garlic bread that I pulled out of the bag next. "OPen ShOp SyTeM," I said with a full mouth, and a list of many things came to view.

[Ding opening shop

Available Souls: 5,753,676 (Keys: BS= Billion souls)

Search _______________________

1. Dragon's killer sword: (23 BS)

2. Armor of a God: (22 BS)

3. Scythe of a Reaper (21 BS)







"Okay everything is so expensive let's save the free item for later I may need it later," I pondered about what I needed right now okay I got it "System search Floor finder," I said and a screen full of compasses came into view reading all the descriptions I saw that one called ^Compass of Kraken^ which is 4 Billion souls expensive but it last until 78 floors and under "Buy that one system," I said with a little hesitation looking at the souls leave my available tab I break and cry a little.


Available Souls: 1,753,676]

I pull the Compas out of my inventory and see that it is pointing behind me looking back I see the giant crater walk to it and it point past it I fly over once I pass the middle it turns around and I see it I fly down and start to dig through the rumble. I started to see the Plateforme after a few, minutes of digging "Nice let's go fuck those fish men," and then I step on the platform and then get enveloped in light.

(Scene Break)

"My runner has just made it to the fourth floor but do not worry he will make it to every floor you are on in no time," Crane said bosting.

Great came and he gets past the floor then they will be able to be on the same floor and a message just passed to the other runners that they can now fight each other and that a runner is catching up to them whoops," said Crystal

"It does not matter my Runner is now OP so go ahead and jump him he can take all your runners down," said Cranes bragging.

That was not a good idea Crane you know Crystal does not like bragging and there is now a bounty on your runner for powerful skills right," said the announcer.

"WHAT YOU BITCH HAA~ He is fucked," Crane said faking upset 'Those fools do not know how strong my runner is hahaha,' he thought. "Damn," he said.

"Well let's go back to the runners," the announcer said.

(Scene Break)

[Ding User has made it to the fourth-floor rewards New skill and Metal syringe]

"What a syringe a new skill what could it be open status," I said looking around the room and noticing that a hallway is to my left and a chair to my right I went to sit on the chair and inspect my status.

[Name Charlie Carroll

Age: 17

Job: N/A

Str:216 (+37)

Vit:236 (+26)

Dex:204 (+15)


Agi:211 (+32)


Skill A/P: Night Vision (P), Claw (A), Reform (A), Shock (A), Predator (P), Fire Spear (A), Tough Skin (P), Rejuvenate (A), Aquatic (P), One Man Army (P), Empower (A), Meditate (A), Alchemy (A), Back from the Dead (D), Mana Blade (A)



"What does |Mana Blade| system," I said confused.

[Ding Description

Mana Blade

Type: Active

Cooldown: 10 Minutes

Mana Usage: low~Mid

Description: The user can make a blade from mana or cover your blade with mana to sharpen it.]

"Cool that is a great help in many cases," I said standing up to walk to the hall but then a screen popped up with a cat on it saying.

[Hello this is the bounty in the dungeon, and we have our first bounty.

Charlie Carroll


Reward: !00 in all attributes]

"WHAT THE FUCK WHICH CUNT DID THIS TO MR FOR FUCK SAKE GOD," scream 'why me ooh my god this bullshit,' were my thoughts as I walked out to a swamp "SHIT WHY A SWAMP," I scream again.

(Mini-Time Skip)

This fricken sucks all this muddy water and giant bug and the lizard men that came out of nowhere and try to kill me but of course I kill them first but this floor is boring "Compass leads me to the next floor please," I said and it point souths "That is where we are going let's go," I wale to the south after a light jog I made it to the platform and a giant lizard man is protecting it so I kill it with one slash up and down and step on the platform.

I opened my eyes in a black void again but this time with a list of classes I could pick.

[Ding User has made it to the Fifth floor you can now pick a class!

List of Class

1. Warrior

2. Archer

3. Mage

4. Berserk

5. Bard

6. Grand Warlock

7. Necromancer

8. Gunslinger

9. Druid

10. Black magician

11. Rune Mage

12. Sage

..... and many more]

"Will shit there are so many good classes Hmmm~ I want some friend so Necromancer or Druid look good or rune mage pretty cool fuck I am so indecisive what is better could you give me a description please," I said to the system.


"What the fuck why not," I scream in this void.


"Will fuck you bitch," I scream.




I hold in my rage and decide to pick a class but first lets look at all the options the necromance class looks good after all why fight by yourself when you can carry an army in your back pocket?


Hope you liked today's chat and Hope to see you tomorrow Goodbye. :3

PS: Give me some class that you like to see and I might pick it but I would like some reader's participation in this selection because the class I pick determines how the story will go from now on and how I will slowly change his character and persona for the rest of the novel Goodbye. :3