
I was rincarnated as what? As a rose!!!?

Follow the story of our protagonist Rossella (Rosi). And her dream of dominating the world. She will find many friends in her adventures But there is only one problem..... How will she dominate the world if she literally has her feet planted on the ground!? ________________________________________________________________ "UMMM!!!... YES!!.. I CAN HEAR SOMETHING!!! " "Let’s start the plan of world domination!!" _____________________________________ But don’t worry because this will be the beginning of her adventure and her evolution , towards what destiny has reserved for her! __________________________________________ - Comments and criticism are welcome, Thank you - Sorry for the grammar errors, English is not my native language *** - And finally, have a good read! (1. I took the cover and the images from the internet and I don’t have the rights to them, 2. The characters, the settings and everything about the story are all written by me and I own the rights to them! ).

BonnieLove123 · แฟนตาซี
25 Chs

"Magical Creatures - (p.2) "


CREATURE: Hippogriff

DESCRIPTION: The hippogriff has the front legs of a bird, the wings and head of an eagle, the body, the hind legs and the tail of a horse. It has a steel-colored hooked beak and two large, bright orange eyes. The claws of the front legs are half the length of the leg and have a very dangerous appearance. Very agile in the sky.

HABITAT: Floating Land.

RARITY: Very rare

LEVEL OF DANGER: 7, Hard to kill.

WEAK POINT: Unknown.

FEEDING: Unknown.



DESCRIPTION: The Goblin is a very small creature, with dark skin (it can be red, green or brown) and wrinkled. Its appearance is similar to that of a human (as happens in elves). But it is strongly crippled: skeletal, with ears and nose pointed, forehead flattened and without eyebrows. The goblin is a magical creature that often has obstinately self-indulgent, lazy, sloppy and greedy behavior. They are treacherous, ruthless, aggressive and very vindictive. They are the worst race you can come across. They have virtually no positive relations with anyone who does not belong to their clan. They are very adept at hiding .

HABITAT: Dark Continent.


LEVEL OF DANGER: 7, Hard to kill.

WEAK POINT: Fire, ice, an element that can do a lot of damage in a short time, not giving this creature a chance to escape and then take revenge later.

FEEDING: Goblins eat anything: insects, animals and people... but if food is scarce it do not hesitate to resort to cannibalism, which in some cases is also practiced as a form of affirmation of power.



DESCRIPTION: Demons have a hierarchy, from the basic demon: Skin of a fiery red, horns sprouting from the hair, yellow pupils on a black sclera, bat wings sprouting from the back, fangs instead of teeth and a mighty build. To rise in the hierarchy lie the succubi, nightmares and demons of noble blood, whose appearance or power is unknown. It is very difficult for a demon or another creature residing in the Dark Continent to break through the powerful barrier erected around the continent's perimeter to contain all those evil creatures inside. No one knows who made it or how that barrier was created, but it has existed since the dawn of time.

HABITAT: Dark Continent


LEVEL OF DANGER: 7, Hard to kill.

WEAK POINT: Element of light.

FEEDING: Carnivore.


CREATURE: Succubus or Incubus

DESCRIPTION: A Succubus appears in her demonic form as a woman or a man of extraordinary and almost otherworldly beauty: her body is statuesque, her skin perfect, her hair raven and large dark bat wings unfold behind her back; To this are added horns, a lashing tail and eyes that shine with sinister desire. They, however, rarely show themselves in their true form and often use their ability to polymorphize to take on a human form; with these features it is easier for them to tempt mortals with a kiss or other acts of passion. After that, the victim may become weak and under the control of the Succubus. It is not clear if the Succubi are born with a definite gender but they can also take male forms. When they do this, they are called Incubus. A succubus / incubus is 6 feet tall in its natural form and weighs about 125 pounds.

HABITAT: Dark Continent.


LEVEL OF DANGER: 6, Challenging to kill.

WEAK POINT: Element of light.

FEEDING: Vital energy.



DESCRIPTION: Dwarves are human-like beings but small in size and robust in appearance. Adult males are usually bearded and are generally characterized by a predilection for underground places and gold. While females have a slightly smaller stature than males and take care of the house and children. Dwarves are great miners, artisans, blacksmiths, builders and jewelers, who work assiduously and unceasingly throughout life, constantly attracted to precious metals. They live more than men, on average between 500 and no more than 800 years. Some of them have settled in the realm of human beings. Unlike elves, who want nothing to do with humans, dwarves are very sociable and friendly with humans. Most of them have metal or fire as a magical element.

HABITAT: Forest Continent.


LEVEL OF DANGER: 0, Not dangerous.

WEAK POINT: Water element and wind element.

FEEDING: Omnivore.


CREATURE: Monster plant / Carnivorous Plant.

DESCRIPTION: Similar to a plant, it stands out from the common plant thanks to its humanoid appearance, each monster plant in fact has a human-like body: two limbs that resemble arms and two limbs that resemble legs, have a mouth full of sharp teeth and their stature does not exceed 1.40 m, some monster plants can be statuesque: planted on the ground, they do not move from the ground (in this case they do not have the lower limbs, but only the upper ones) or those with movement and therefore also legs. Monster plants have no eyes and no ears, but only a mouth. And they have petals around their heads.

HABITAT: Forest Continent

RARITY: 1, common.

LEVEL OF DANGER: 1, Very weak, easy to kill.


FEEDING: Carnivore.



DESCRIPTION: It has the head of an eagle with the ears very elongated like those of a horse; the forelegs of an eagle, equipped with claws, while the hind legs are lion's It has the tail like that of a lion and the wings of an eagle. Not much is known about this creature, only that it is very arrogant and is the absolute master of the sky together with the hippogriff.

HABITAT: Floating Land.


LEVEL OF DANGER: 8, hard to kill.

WEAK POINT: Unknown.

FEEDING: Unknown.


CREATURE: Hippocampus

DESCRIPTION: They are horses to the belly, and their body ends with a fish tail. They have webbed legs instead of hooves, and instead of the mane they have a crest made of membrane. They are the exclusive means of transport of the inhabitants of the abyss. Until now no one beyond the inhabitants of the abyss have managed to train or ride the hippocampus. This creature is very fast and agile in the water, it lives only in the depths of the depths, it is very rare; almost impossible to be able to spot one.

HABITAT: Aquatic continent



WEAK POINT: Unknown.

FEEDING: Unknown.



DESCRIPTION: It's a creature half man and half horse. They live in the woods of the Forest continent. They are violent and quarrelsome beings. They are very wise and intelligent beings, but also very cruel and not very recommendable. In addition, centaurs are masters of archery. A centaur is about 2.1 meters tall and weighs approximately 1,050 kg. Centaurs can speak both the Elven and their language. Centaurs are very reserved creatures, they have their territories in some parts of the forest.

HABITAT: Forest Continent.


LEVEL OF DANGER: 6 , are skilled hunters.

WEAK POINT: Fire, ice, darkness.

FEEDING: Omnivore.



DESCRIPTION: Their skin is at least as hard as stone and as cold as ice, they are very robust, they have incredible beauty, strength and speed, they have elongated canines that they use to feed on blood. They do not withstand sunlight (as a result they move only at night or when the sun is obscured by clouds), they have a very long life expectancy; almost undefined, but without their only source of food, namely blood (the only source of energy that allows them to maintain their "vital" functions), vampires would not live long.

HABITAT: Dark continent.


LEVEL OF DANGER: 7, hard to kill.

WEAK POINT: Light, Fire.




DESCRIPTION: The Golem is a giant of clay that does not possess intelligence or other intellectual faculties, but possesses an inhuman force and is in all respects, a giant. In addition to clay, its body can also be made of other elements: Ice, Lava, Stone, Wood, Sand. A golem can only be made of one of these elements.

HABITAT: Volcanic Continent, Desert Continent, Forest Continent, Frozen Continent ( based on the element they're made from).

RARITY: Not common.

LEVEL OF DANGER: 4, A bit challenging to kill.

WEAK POINT: It depends on the type of element the golem is made from.

FEEDING: The element they're made from.



DESCRIPTION: The Kelpie is an evil spirit capable of taking the form of a magnificent white horse that appears near the rivers or the sea, especially in days of fog; it is immediately recognized by the tail and the wet mane. In such a form he tries to convince travelers to mount on his back and then throw them away or drag them into the water. He who rides on his back is no longer able to dismount. The horse then jumps into the river dragging its passenger into the water and devouring them. Once this is done, the Kelpie disappears, causing huge lightnings by touching the water with its tail.The Kelpie has the strength of at least 10 horses and the resistance of many others. The Kelpie is also able to predict the advent of a storm by signaling it with howls and laments. Legend has it that anyone who can harness a Kelpie will ride beautifully all his life. He also says, This creature has a weakness - its bridle. Anyone who can harness a Kelpie will have command over it and any other Kelpie

HABITAT: Aquatic Continent , Forest Continent within lakes and rivers.


LEVEL OF DANGER: 7, Unlike the hippocampus. The Kelpie is a deceptive and malignant creature.

WEAK POINT: Fire, ice, light.

FEEDING: Exclusively human meat.


CREATURE: Basilisk

DESCRIPTION: A Basilisk is a huge snake of bright green color with yellow eyes. It can reach 10 meters in length. They have a very powerful poison, they are very aggressive and territorial. Despite its great length, this snake is not very agile and fast, moreover it does not live very long, in fact it has a longevity of maximum 30 years.

HABITAT: Poisonous Continent


LEVEL OF DANGER: 6, Challenging to kill given its poisonousness.

WEAK POINT: Light, fire. Its size makes it particularly visible to other predators.

FEEDING: Carnivore.
