
I Was Reincarnated Into A Harem Game As A Villain, Please Stay Away I'm Gay!

I reincarnated into a harem game that my best friend loved, my past memories are of a young gay man that was killed tragically by a drunk driver. I am now Yuki Aikyo a young aristocrat in the Romance Fantasy ++ universe. Follow me as I try and find romantic capture targets, avoid the pitfalls of pretty women and try to make it to high school. FB New chapter releases: fb.me/LubuLubuClub FB Disussions ( Closed group): https://www.facebook.com/groups/LubuLubuClub/ Donate: https://ko-fi.com/H2H1KZN3 Discord : https://discord.gg/bwm7Q2c ------------------------------------ No Smut/ Yaoi | Some Fluff | All Adventure (Shounen Ai) ------------------------------------ NEW SCHEDULE: Mon - Work Tues - Only day off ( only day to see partner) Wed - Work Thurs- Uni ( I am trying to write chapters on the train to school) < here is where you get a chapter. Fri - Uni ( Book Editing on way to school ) Sat - Work Sun - Work So I am trying to squeeze this series in as much as possible. But it is hard. If you want to help this and have adobe pro let me know :) PS. If you want a comment responded to on the book please reply to one of my comments as I will not get a notification otherwise. It doesn't have to be related to what I wrote but I will see it! Drawn some fan art like this very cool Yuki https://imgur.com/a/fdj1it2 by https://www.facebook.com/sanjuuroku/ ? Send it to me as a link in the comments, on FB or discord so I can put it into the fan art section! :D

Transparency · แฟนตาซี
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Fight, Fight, Fight!

I ran at one of the two bandits that I had targeted at full speed and used of the basic spin kick moves that Ren had taught me.


I had hit the bandit right of the of his chest.

He wobbled for a little and stood back a few steps. I had not quite mastered the move since I hadn't really had much experience in real fights but the kick made enough of an impact for me to feel it on my right foot.

My blood was pumping, adrenaline rushing to my head.

I couldn't help but shout as I jumped back and dodged the second bandit's attack.

[ I have never felt so alive! ]

I had to block relatively quickly as a punch was sent flying up at my face. I used my arms as shields like I had seen in boxing movies back on Earth and watched my opponents fists slam into my arms.

He was quite a bit bigger than me so I slid backwards from the force.

I took a deep breath in to steady myself and called upon my magic.

" Growth!" I shouted unconsciously as I beckoned the grass and leaf little on the side of the road to join the fray.


Leaves had come up and swelled like a storm as I called for them to grow.

The grass had slithered like snakes at it approached the ankles of the bandits while the leaves blocked their vision.

" MAGIC USER! " one of the bandits yelled as they drew their weapons.

" What are you doing idiots! Slash the grass!" The bandit leader called.

But it was too late, I already saw my opening.

I slid on the ground and kicked the feet of the bandit I targeted.

He fell to the floor and was covered in mud. I had to roll over to stop myself getting stabbed by the second bandit that was attacking me.

It was a narrow miss.

My sleeve had become the first casualty of the attack.

I quickly got back on my feet as I wiped the dirt from my face.




I ended up having to trade blows with a blunt weapon. The first bandit was trying his best to get the grass off his body while the second was attacking me with a club.

I thought of ways to get this guy off me we continued to fight.

[ Wait a minute.. A wooden club..]

" That's it!" I said as I stared at the guy ahead of me.

He was just as bruised as I was but held a cocky smile.

I focused on his weapon as he went to swing at me once again.

[ Growth! ]

My hands glowed with a green stream that was directed at the bandit's weapon.

The green magic was urged into the bandits club and it began to grow. It grew around his hands like a vice. He tried to drop his weapon but it was too late.


The sound was enough to make me nauseous. I knew that the club had broken both his hands as it coiled around the bandit's limbs.

The bandit let out an ear-piercing cry as his dropped on his knees wailing.

[ It was either you or me ]

I looked over at Sora who seemed to be playing more than fighting. He was swimming through his targets like a fish in water. The bandits had all tried to hit him but he was too slippery he too was using magic as I had been.

[ Wind magic! ]

A cool aqua tone had surrounded Sora's feet as he had become one with a raging wind that rebuffed the attacks around him.

" Hey, Sora! Catch!" I said as I grabbed a few of the leaves I had called for earlier. I ran near the four thugs that had tried to attack Sora and threw the leaves in the mix.

" Thanks, I needed a hand!" Sora said as he smiled.

The simple leaves had become like razors that swirled in the tornado of wind that picked up and surrounded the bandits.




The bandits were trying desperately to cut through the now razor-sharp leaves but many cuts started to appear on their bodies.

" Enough playing!" The bandit leader said as she stepped forward.

" Incinerate!" she called as she was surrounded by flames.

[ Not good! ]

The leaves that had come to attack the bandits had started to burn up. Although the rain was stopping a lot of the damage it was not enough.

Suddenly a read Kithun had appeared from the side of the woods and knocked into the flaming mass the was the bandit leader, knocking her back a few steps and ruining her concentration.

" Leave this jerk to me! " Kibbles said inside my brain.

The bandits who had been waiting to the side had all come charging at once.

[ It looks like they want to end the fight quickly now ]

There were six bandits all together that were left.

I looked over to see Sora had sweat dripping down his face. Kibbles, on the other hand, was swapping fireballs with the bandit leader. He dodged all the attacks he could as she barraged him with her burning body.

He managed to get in a few bites while she had hit him back with a flaming whip. Kibbles leap and flipped. He looked like an acrobat jumping through hoops as he evaded the incoming blows.

The fights had become incredibly worrisome as I felt how worn out I was. We were all tired and still outnumbered.

[ At least most of them can't use magic.]

" Yuta! Remember when the boar charged?!" Sora yelled as he knocked back a bandit.

[ Oh I get it! ]

[ Kibbles distract the leader a little longer! ]

I fought my way over to one of the bandits that have collapsed and took his rusted weapon from near his body.

The make was a lot different from my actual sword and the balance was off by quite a bit but it did the trick as it stopped a blow from a bandit that had followed me. He had razor-sharp claw weapons on each hand and tried to slice at me like an angry badger.


I slashed my sword in retaliation aiming for the bandit's wrist. I must have caught him unaware as blood started to drain from his wrist.

" You Pig!!" The bandit replied as he held his arm.

" Better you than me," I replied quickly.

" I can't hold them off much longer" Sora yelled in my direction.

" Understood!" I said in response.

I charged at the badger hand bandit. He held up his hands with a grimace getting ready for my incoming attack.

As I got closer I quickly swapped directions and headed straight for Sora's side. I threw the rusted weapon in his direction when I was just a meter or so away.

Sora caught it with ease.

" Ready? " Sora said with a smile.

"Let's do this!" I said.

I focused some magic on the side path once again. The snake-like grasses aimed for the bandit's feet.

Sora next to me yelled as he charged at the bandits. The bandits were distracted by the grass as Sora had sliced through each of them with the added speed of his wind magic.

Working together we made quick work of the last of the bandits.

" Yuki! Help!" Kibbles yelled inside my head.

" Sora! Kibbles is in trouble!" I said as I looked over.

I looked over to see that Kibbles had been grabbed by the throat and slammed against a tree.

" You Witch!" I growled as I saw Kibble's whine pitifully.

I looked at the trees and summoned a vine to my aid. It whipped the bandit leader over the face and she dropped Kibbles.

" You have to fight us now," Sora said as he panted.

His face looked paler than usual.

" Yuki thank you!" Kibbles said as he slipped from the bandit leaders feet and ran to my side with a slight limp.

I picked Kibbles up and placed him on my shoulder.

" It is time to finish this!" I said as I looked at the bandit leader.

She looked at the bodies of her comrades that had passed out all around us and snarled.

" You will pay for this." She replied.

Wow, we made it to the 650 power stones! Looks like I have another chapter to write!

Thank you all for your reviews and comments lately. They are super appreciated! :D

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