
I Was Reincarnated as a Commoner. I Can’t Stand Living Like This, so

I Was Reincarnated as a Commoner. I Can’t Stand Living Like This, so I’ll Become an Aristocrat! *** After waking up, it appeared that I had been reincarnated into the body of an eight-year-old boy. At first, I was filled with excitement. However, my elation was short-lived when I realized I had been reborn as a commoner in a place with no proper bathroom or bath, and the food was terrible. Ahh! I longed to return to Japan, but that was impossible. I was stuck in this new reality. I decided to set a goal for myself: to have a comfortable life. But it seemed like an unattainable dream. Until someone mentioned that aristocrats had access to baths, proper toilets, and even full bathrooms! That’s when I made up my mind to become an aristocrat. This is the story of a boy who aspired to live a life of luxury by becoming a noble. However, he would end up saving the world without even realizing it.

_NCS_ · แฟนตาซี
84 Chs

Chapter 6

Chapter 6: Raspberry Pancakes.

When I went to the kitchen, Dad was continuing to prepare the dinner menu, but Mom was waiting for me, holding some strawberries to make space.

"Thanks, Mom."

"It's alright, I'm interested in Leon's cooking."

"Dad is also really looking forward to it."

"Don't expect too much, though. We don't know if it'll be delicious or not."

I don't want to be expected that much. I don't even have any sugar, and the recipe is vague, so I don't know if I can do it well...

Ah... the expectation in their eyes is intense... I'll do my best.

"Let's get started then. What else do we need besides strawberries?"

Let's see, I think we can make pancakes with flour, eggs, milk, and sugar... probably... I should have cooked something else too...

Huh? But do we have milk? We don't have a refrigerator, so it's unlikely we have any milk.

"Um, do we have milk?"

"We don't have any milk here. We can't preserve it, and even in winter, we might have it sometimes, but not now."

I knew it... if we don't have milk, then the only option is to make it with water. I remember we can make pancakes with flour, water, and eggs, but usually, we make them sweet with sugar. Since we don't have any sugar, it will just be pancakes flavored with strawberries. But, will it taste good?

Well, everything is worth a try.

"Mom, do we have flour, eggs, and water?"

"Yes, we do."

Mom immediately prepared the ingredients for me.

"That's all we need. What do I do with this?"

"Um, mix everything together in a bowl."

"It looks like bread. Are we making bread?"

"It looks like it, but it's different."

As I said that, I mixed the eggs and water in a bowl and added the flour. It was pretty gooey, so I think this is about right?

As I was making it like this, Mom stopped me with a pale expression.

"Leon! Wait. Don't put too much water and make it muddy like that!"

"This is how I want to make this dish."

"But, won't it go to waste?"

"It's okay... isn't there a recipe like this?"

"There isn't. When making bread, only a little water is added so it can solidify, and no eggs are added. Wheat flour is only used for making bread, and eggs are either boiled or fried."

But this world's cuisine hasn't developed... let's learn and remember little by little. Eggs are really convenient though.

"But, my recipe is fine."

Even though I said that, Mother still seemed anxious. Well, it's natural for her to be anxious since I've never cooked before.

When I was in trouble, Father came to help.

"Roana, Leon is motivated to do it, so why don't you let him do it? Just make a little at a time so it won't go to waste."

"That's true. Leon, little by little."

"Yeah! Thank you!"

Thank you, Father...! I'll definitely thank you next time! I don't have much to offer, but definitely!

"Alright! I think it's done like this."

I stopped my hands when it became the right consistency. All that's left is to add the raspberries here to complete it.

Then I raised my head and met the stunned faces of Mother and Father.

"Leon...? Is that it? Are you going to eat that?"

Father asked me hesitantly.

"No, not yet! We're only halfway there. We still need to add the raspberries and bake it."

"I see, even though it doesn't look very appetizing yet, it's understandable since it's not finished yet," replied Mother.

Mother said that with an expression as if she was looking at something strange. Well, it does look unappetizing as it is now, but...

I should hurry up and finish it.

I rinsed the bowl where I had beaten the eggs with water and started crushing the raspberries in it with a wooden spoon. I thought that crushing them would help the flavor to soak in, rather than just adding them as they are.

I have no idea what it will taste like for Leon anymore.

After crushing the raspberries for a while and getting a decent amount, I added them to the bowl I had mixed earlier. Then I mixed them together again.

After mixing, I added a few whole raspberries as well. It might be good to have the texture of the fruit.

"Alright! It's done! Can I use a frying pan to cook it?"

"Yes, that's fine. Use this frying pan. I'll turn on the heat, so wait a moment," said Mother as she put her hand into the stove and touched the wood, muttering the word "firestarter". Suddenly, the wood that had not been burning a moment ago caught on fire.

I was amazed and speechless. Is this magic...?! It was something I had heard about in Leon's memories, but it was my first time seeing it in person.

Amazing! Cool! It's another world! My excitement was at its peak in my mind.

According to Leon's memories, both Mother and Father have the fire attribute, but their magical power is low, and they can only use it once a day.

I also want to try using magic soon! I'm really looking forward to going to the church to get my magical power measured!

While I was staring at the stove lost in thought, Mother spoke to me.

"Leon? What are you staring blankly at? Shouldn't you be cooking it soon?"

I snapped back to reality from my magical daydreaming. That's right... I'm making pancakes now.

"Sorry, Mother. I was just thinking how cool magic is."

"Since you're already eight years old, you'll be able to use it soon. Let's go to the church next time."

"Okay! I'm looking forward to it!"

I replied with a big smile, and Mother chuckled.

"Right now, it's not about magic, but finishing the cooking."


For now, I suppressed my excitement for magic and decided to focus on cooking.

This kitchen had a stove that adults could stand and use, so I had them bring a step stool and stood in front of the stove to make pancakes.

But as I tried to cook, I noticed that it would probably taste better with butter. I wonder if we don't have any since we didn't have milk?

"Mom, do we have butter?"

"Butter? We don't use it much, so I'm not sure."

My mom was looking through the cupboard. I wondered if the butter had been forgotten. Is it still okay to use since we don't have a refrigerator...?

Just as I was thinking that, it seemed that the butter had been found.

"I found it! There's only a little left, is that okay?"

I saw that there was about a spoonful left, so it should be enough.

"It's okay!"

I wondered if it was still fresh, but it looked normal and didn't smell strange, so it should be okay.

With that in mind, I put the butter in the frying pan and heated it. When the butter began to melt, I poured what I had made earlier into the pan. I had made too much, so I decided to divide it into two parts and used only half.

If I remember correctly, I have to flip it over when it starts to bubble.

Even after waiting for a while, bubbles didn't seem to appear. But it looked like it was already cooked...I checked the other side, and it was pretty well-cooked. I should flip it over now. It might get burnt if I wait any longer.

I tried to flip it over with another slightly larger spatula, but it didn't go well. This is difficult...

After struggling for a while, my father came to help me.

"Are you trying to flip that? Let me do it."

"Really? Thanks, Dad."

I gave my father the frying pan and the spatula, and he easily flipped it over.

Wow, he's amazing! No wonder he's a chef!

"Dad, you're amazing! You're so cool!"

"Is that so? I'm happy to hear that."

My father was smiling happily.

"But it's starting to smell good."

"Yeah! Doesn't it look delicious?"

A pretty good smell had been coming from the kitchen for a while now. It wasn't the smell of pancakes, but...at least it's good that the smell was a success.

"Surely, it smells good. It didn't seem very delicious before baking," said Mother straightforwardly. Well, it couldn't be helped, but I still thought so while looking at the half-remaining unbaked pancake.

"Is it ready? Let me check the backside with a spatula." It seems to be baked thoroughly.

"Alright! It's complete! Do we have a plate?"

"Use this one."

"Thank you!" I placed the pancake on the dish that Mother had provided.

Then, I baked another one in the same way. It smells so good. I'm getting hungry.

"Since we still have some time until the evening business, shall we have it as a snack together?" asked Mother.

"That sounds good. But I'm worried that the stove fire is still big, so even though it's rude, shall we eat in the kitchen? Mother, can you call Marie?" said Father.

"Really!? Yay!" I exclaimed.

"Leon, shall we cut it into four portions for us and your father?" said Mother.

"Okay!" I agreed.

While Mother went to the living room to call Marie, Father and I cut the pancake into four portions and placed them on four plates.

Just as we finished arranging them, the kitchen door opened and Marie entered!

"Did my big brother make this? It smells so good!" exclaimed Marie.

"Yes, I did. Will you try it?" I asked.

"Sure! I was looking forward to it!"

I was nervous as I distributed the forks to everyone. As we said "Itadakimasu!" we started eating.

I nervously put the pancake in my mouth. Chomp...chomp... Not bad!

It was clearly not just a pancake, but it was still delicious! It had a slightly chewy texture, more like an okonomiyaki. The sourness of the strawberries didn't bother me as much as when I ate them alone.

Success is a subtle thing to say, but well, if it's not bad, it's a success. It might even become a bit addictive.

As I was eating pancakes feeling relieved, I noticed that everyone had gone quiet.

Looking at everyone, my dad and mom were frozen after taking a bite of their pancakes. Marie was silently continuing to eat.

I wonder if it wasn't delicious...?

"Everyone, could it be that it's not delicious...?"

I asked with concern. I thought it was quite delicious, but maybe it didn't suit their taste buds?

Thinking so, everyone vigorously shook their heads side to side.

"Leon, that's not it! It's surprising because it's delicious. The texture is interesting and good."

"Yes. I was surprised that it was so delicious compared to what I expected to be not good at all."

"Big brother! This is delicious! I like the texture! Please make it again!"

They were just surprised... That's a relief. I breathed a sigh of relief.

But if they were surprised by this dish, they would be amazed if they tried Japanese cuisine. While thinking that, I relaxed my tense face.

"I'm glad you guys say it's delicious."

"It's really delicious, the ingredients are simple, and it seems like it can be easily modified."

"Leon, do you have a talent for cooking? If you think of something, try making it."

"Really?! Thank you!"

I think my parents were a bit biased, but I'm happy. I'll do my best to make even more delicious things.

It's a bit complicated since I didn't come up with the recipe, but I'm glad everyone enjoyed it.

"It's already over. Big brother, it was really delicious!"

"Did you like it, Marie? I'm glad. I'll make it again."

"Yep! Let's go strawberry picking again!"

"Sounds good."

Marie seemed really satisfied and was smiling.

At that moment, the evening bell rang.

"It's time already. Shall we start the evening business at the restaurant?"

"Sure. Leon and Marie, can we leave the restaurant to you guys?"
