
I Was Reincarnated as a Commoner. I Can’t Stand Living Like This, so

I Was Reincarnated as a Commoner. I Can’t Stand Living Like This, so I’ll Become an Aristocrat! *** After waking up, it appeared that I had been reincarnated into the body of an eight-year-old boy. At first, I was filled with excitement. However, my elation was short-lived when I realized I had been reborn as a commoner in a place with no proper bathroom or bath, and the food was terrible. Ahh! I longed to return to Japan, but that was impossible. I was stuck in this new reality. I decided to set a goal for myself: to have a comfortable life. But it seemed like an unattainable dream. Until someone mentioned that aristocrats had access to baths, proper toilets, and even full bathrooms! That’s when I made up my mind to become an aristocrat. This is the story of a boy who aspired to live a life of luxury by becoming a noble. However, he would end up saving the world without even realizing it.

_NCS_ · แฟนตาซี
84 Chs

Chapter 28

Chapter 28: Magic Tool of Fire Magic

After that, a season passed by, just like any other calm day. During that time, I practiced magic and training every day, and I think I've become considerably stronger. My magical power has also increased significantly.

But I plan to work even harder. Since I've never fought against monsters or knights, I don't know how strong I need to become. Well, being strong can't be a bad thing.

Lately, I've been so busy with magic practice and training that I haven't been able to visit Marcel-san's place at all. So today, after a long time, I decided to go to Marcel-san's place.

Recently, it has become winter, so it's very cold, and there are days when it snows and accumulates occasionally. When winter comes, I really want a stove or a dryer. I might not be able to buy magical tools, but I have to start by making something tangible.

I can use fire magic and wind magic to create something like a stove, but it consumes a lot of magical power, and it requires a great deal of concentration to sustain it, making me very tired.

In the end, I end up staying by the stove in the kitchen where the fire is burning and keep myself warm. It's heavy when I sleep, but I cover myself with all the cloth I have at home.

It's very uncomfortable to sleep. I desperately want a stove.

"Marcel-san! Long time no see!"

I opened the door of Marcel-san's house and called out inside. Then I heard a voice from the back saying, "You can come in," so I entered the house without hesitation.

"Marcel-san, hello."

"Oh, Leon, it's been a while."

"I'm sorry I haven't been able to come recently."

"It's fine, so what brings you here today?"

"Today, I came because I wanted to think about a magic tool for fire magic. It's gotten cold since winter arrived, and I really wanted one."

I said that to Marcel-san with a wry smile.

"That's not a problem, but a magic tool for fire magic won't work, you know? Magic iron can't withstand the heat."

"Yeah, that's right. That's why I'm determined to come up with a solution. Maybe I'll come up with a good method."

Saying that, I began to think about how to make a successful magic tool for fire magic.

First, a magic tool is something that expresses the magic incorporated in a magic stone by fitting it into magic iron. When it is expressed, it is emitted from the magic stone.

For example, in the case of a water tap, water comes out from the magic stone. In the case of a light bulb, the magic stone emits light. In the case of a fan, wind comes out from the magic stone.

Since fire magic emits fire from the magic stone, the magic iron couldn't withstand the heat. That's the reason for the failure.

How can I solve this problem... For example, covering the magic iron around the magic stone with an insulator...? What kind of insulator exists in this world? Maybe rubber or stone? But I feel like I've never seen rubber in this world before.

I'm pretty sure rubber trees weren't grown in Japan. I believe they were native to tropical regions. In that case, maybe this country doesn't have rubber trees because the vegetation is similar to Japan's.

Other countries might have them, but it would be too difficult to search for them. Actually, come to think of it, rubber doesn't conduct electricity, but does it melt with heat? No good.

If that's the case, how about using stone? But processing stone is too challenging, and stones are too heavy.

Using insulators seems impossible... Besides, the magic stone has to touch the magic iron, so no matter how much insulator we use, heat will still transfer from the part where the magic stone is in contact.

Insulators won't work.

So, what other methods are there...? It would be easy if fire magic manifested away from the magic iron.

...Huh? Didn't I make an ice maker where wind magic manifested away from the magic stone?

That's right! If that's the case, couldn't fire magic do the same?

Why didn't I realize this until now! There was a fixed notion that magic manifested directly from the magic stone. When I made the ice maker, I was focused on its ability to create ice and didn't notice it.

Anyway, I want to try it!

"Marcel-san! Magic that manifests from the magic stone occurs directly from the stone, right?"

"That goes without saying. It's a magic stone, after all."

"But when I made the ice maker, I caused wind magic to manifest away from the magic stone."

"Indeed, you were using wind magic, but wasn't it that the wind was coming out from the magic stone?"

"Yes! I was generating wind from the center of the box."

"I can't believe... that's possible... But then, why didn't I notice it until now?"

"It's a fixed notion, isn't it? Things you're convinced of are hard to notice. So, may I try using fire magic?"

"Ah, sure."

Since Marcel-san provided me with the magic stone and magic iron, I decided to first reshape the magic iron. This time, I want to make a stove, but if I make the parts around the stove with magic iron, there's a possibility that they will melt.

So, I made the magic iron into a thin plate where the magic stone can fit in the center. And I loaded a small fireball to manifest about thirty centimeters above the magic iron.

When I fit the magic stone into the magic iron and tried it, a fireball appeared firmly thirty centimeters above.

It's a success!! If the magic iron were to melt even with this, I thought about inserting stones in between, but since heat rises, it seems fine as it is.

"Marcel-san, I did it! Once we cover the surroundings with something like ordinary iron bars, it will be complete, right?"

"Leon... It's just like you to make something we had given up on so easily... Well, I guess it can't be helped because it's you."

What's that supposed to mean!? I'm not that unreasonable!

Marcel-san was initially surprised but gradually his expression turned into one of exasperation.

"Why do you say it can't be helped because it's me? But this will definitely be convenient."

"Well, that may be true... but it might be better not to report this to the royal palace."


"The ice-making machine from before already attracted quite a bit of attention. If I stand out any further, I'll definitely be investigated. There will probably be people who find their way to you, Leon. It's better for you to avoid attracting attention, isn't it?"

"Well, that's true... Do I really stand out that much?"

"You definitely stand out! In the past few decades since the creation of magical tools began, only four items have been commercialized. And yet, if several of them are registered within a year, it's obvious that it will attract attention!"

I-I see... When I think about it that way, maybe it's better not to register...

"In that case, I would appreciate it if you didn't register it..."

"That's for the best."

"But what should we do about this? Also, with the ice-making machine from before, it's only a matter of time before they notice that the wind magic can manifest away from the magic stone, isn't it?"

"Ugh... That's certainly true. Since I handed over the ice-making machine when I registered it before, it's only a matter of time before they notice."

"In that case, before someone else beats us to it, wouldn't it be better to register the fire magic tool as well?"

When I said that, Marcel-san pondered for a while, but in the end, whether he thought it was the same if someone noticed that magic could manifest away from the magic stone, he reluctantly nodded in agreement to register it.

"Well, in that case, let's register it this time. But this will be the last time! From now on, once you obtain a position, you should register them yourself."

"Yes, I will do that! By the way, is it possible for me to secure one for myself...? I've been thinking, even if I can't buy magical tools because I'm not a noble, Marcel-san can buy them, right?"

I had taken Marcel-san's words to heart when he said, "All magical tools are sold at the royal magical tool workshop, so I can't sell them," but there are magical tools in Marcel-san's workshop as well.

If that's the case, I thought that I might be able to buy them at the royal magical tool workshop or a magical tool shop. Even if commoners can't buy them, nobles should be able to.

"Well, that's true... I can't sell it to Leon directly from my workshop, but I can sell him something I bought at the magical tools store. There shouldn't be a problem with that."

"As I thought! Then, can you just buy the stove?"

"Well, that's fine."

Yes!! I can get a stove!

With this, I can somehow endure the unbearable cold.

After that, in addition to the stove, I made the magical parts for a cooking stove and a water heater. I also wrote rough designs for the parts that would be made from ordinary iron. Since I was going to register them anyway, I thought I would make all the magical tools for fire magic that came to mind.

Marcel-san will take the magical tools and designs to his favorite workshop, where they will be completed.

He said he would bring the finished products to the royal palace.

He also promised to buy a stove for me.

"Well, once all this is registered, I'll transfer the money to your account as well. I'll deduct the amount for purchasing the magical tools."

"Yes! Thank you very much! Oh, by the way, when I checked my account the other day, the amount was more than what Marcel-san mentioned. Why is that?"

"That was because a new usage of water magic was discovered, so a reward was given for it."

"I didn't expect to receive such a reward. Thank you for giving me that much!"

"It's not something I discovered, so it's only natural for you to receive it."

Even though he could have received it without telling me, Marcel-san is honestly giving it to me. He really is a good person.

As I was grinning at Marcel-san, he suddenly seemed embarrassed and started to chase me away.

"Leon, isn't it about time? You should go home soon."

Marcel-san waved his hand, urging me to leave.

"Yes. Then I'll go home soon."

With a wry smile, I said that and left Marcel-san's house, slowly walking towards my own.