
I was reincarnated as 'Kenja no mago'.

A very ordinary young man suffers a tragic and embarrassing accident, at the moment he meets God he realizes that he can't go to heaven or hell, so God decides to reincarnate him in another world with some gifts. Join him in his journey to another world. In this story there is Harem, since many people apparently do not find the label that I have put, so I emphasize it. ------------ Important: I hope you enjoy this story, there may be many things that don't make sense, but it's normal since it's not a perfect story, it has several things that didn't have in the original story. The main character will generally follow the story, but he won't get carried away with it since he has his own issues. Sorry in advance if there is a grammatical error or something like that, English is not my first language. None of the characters belong to me, only the main character. New chapters will be uploaded every 2 or 3 days.

Pepetimbo_32412323 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
62 Chs

New World

When I open my eyes again, I see that I am in the middle of a forest apparently, the weather is horrible, I can see that around me is very messy, there are pieces of wood scattered all over the place.

Apparently I am in the place of some accident, I can't help but sigh, since apparently my parents died, since I don't see them anywhere, besides, the horrible smell that is in the surroundings.

While looking around with great difficulty, I can notice that I am not alone, there is another baby besides me. This child is very quiet, but I can feel that he is still alive, I must say that being covered by a blanket, makes it very difficult for me to continue observing other places, but nothing can be done to him.

While I was thinking about what I could do, I heard a voice in my head:

[Congratulations, host for successfully reincarnating, you are being fitted with the system.....1%...2%...]

"Well shit!... This should be the gift God told me he would give me,What a nice guy!"

As I was imagining my glorious life, without realizing it, 5 minutes passed.

[..98%...99%...99%...100%...Congratulations host for getting your new system!]

"System, what functions do you have, also, is there a newbie gift or something?"

[Host, this system only has 2 functions, the first one is the "Status" and the second one is the "missions" function, it should be emphasized that the latter, it will not be mandatory to do it if the host does not want to. Regarding if there is a newbie gift, the answer is Yes, would you like to open your newbie gift].

When I heard the 2 functions I had, I couldn't help but be a little disappointed, since I thought I could become super strong in a short time. But I encouraged myself, since at least I have a system, and that assures me that I can have a good future, besides, if this world is really as I asked God for, I shouldn't worry too much.

"System opens the gift for newbies."

[Ding, yes host, opening gifts for newbies]

[Ding, congratulations on obtaining "Incarnation Bow"]

[Ding, congratulations on obtaining "Zampakuto (you must find the name of this one yourself)"]

[Congratulations for obtaining knowledge of physics (25%), chemistry(25%), biology(25%) and mathematics(25%)].

When I heard the awards I got, I couldn't help but get excited, although I didn't understand the last award, but the first two sounded powerful, at least I know that a zampakuto is strong, regarding the incarnation bow, I don't know what it is, but having the word "incarnation", it shouldn't be weak.

"System, what is the bow of incarnation?"

[Ding, The 'Bow of Incarnation' was a form of Lost Magic that allowed the caster to materialize and subsequently use at will anything they could imagine. Any of their creations granted them great versatility both in and out of combat. They could range from everyday objects and weapons to more complex creations, even living ones, or even simple images of whatever was in the user's mind].

[For this reason, you are also given a bit of knowledge about basic sciences, the more you strive in the future, the more powerful your power will be].

When I heard what my new power was about, I was very excited, since it was something very OP, not to mention that coming from a developed world, my imagination is a lot, to that adding all kinds of powers I've seen in manga and anime.

[Do you wish to merge with the received awards?]

"Yes, do."

When I finished talking, I felt a lot of information in my head, I must admit that my knowledge in these areas was not very good, I bet that if I could now see any test of my past life, I would easily pass them.

Besides that, I could also start to feel something around me, it was like a strange energy, I didn't know what it was, but I decided not to absorb it for the moment.

[Congratulations host, fusion completed.]

"System, open my personal panel."

[Yes host:

Name: Ryu

Age: 1 month

Gender: Male

Skills: Bow of incarnation, Zampakuto.

Knowledge: Physics (25%), Chemistry (25%), Biology (25%), Mathematics (25%)

Missions: 0]

Looking at my state, I felt like I was in a game, since I still couldn't believe everything that was happening to me.

While I was pending my new powers, I felt that the baby next to me began to cry very loudly, when I saw this I tried to approach him to remove the small mud that he had near his eyes, which did not let him see.

I must say that it was very difficult to approach him, since like him, I was covered by a blanket, and I don't even have the strength to uncover myself, so I was thinking about what to do.

Stupidly, I tried to talk to him, but out of obviousness, since my body is not yet fully developed, pure strange sounds came out of my mouth.

"Uwawaaawawa" (Translation: "You're all right little one, just don't cry you're stressing me out").

Until from one moment to the next, I felt everything around us go dark, I felt that it was not normal, as it was still daylight a few moments ago.

When I try to turn my head, I see a huge hand approaching the little baby next to me, I tried with all my might to avoid it, but I couldn't. I was a little nervous about the matter, because of the fact that I didn't want anything to happen to him, since I felt a sympathy for this child next to me.

But I quickly noticed something strange, and that is that, from the hand of the giant hand, a small light was coming out that began to heal the small scratches that the little boy next to me had on his face.

"System, what is that light that helps heal the baby next to me?"

[Host, that light is a type of energy that is in this world, and it can be used for all kinds of things, but its use depends entirely on the person's understanding regarding the affinity of the power that he wants to use]

[For example, if you want to create a fireball, you must first start by making sure that there is a combustible material, in this case, it would be the energy absorbed from the surroundings, and after that you must mold it and add oxygen to it at an extremely high temperature, after that, you simply shape it into the form you want].

"I understand, but is this energy absorbed or something?"

[If host, the more energy you have in your body, the greater the amount of powers you can use and also, your stamina in battles would increase as well.]

[Do you wish to start absorbing energy now?]

Not for the moment yet, as I don't want this lord to discover me.

When the lord finished healing the baby next to me, he also used that energy on me, the feeling was great and very refreshing, I felt my whole body relax and calm down.

After that, the gentleman took us both and took us out of that place, while he was carrying us and whispering some things, I started to fall asleep without me noticing, although it should be normal, since I am still an adorable baby.

When I woke up again, I realized that I was inside a wooden house, you could hear the sound of wood burning, I must admit that this place is very nice.

Many of the readers will ask themselves, how can you be so calm being that an old man took you to his house, in an unknown place, how do you know he won't hurt you, maybe he will do some witchcraft to you or nobody knows.

Well it's very simple my dear pervert, first of all, I'm only 1 month old, I have no strength, I don't have magic either or I really don't learn to use it yet, nor do I know about this world, so I have no other better option than this, not to mention that this place is at least much better than being in the woods in the rain and cold.

Apparently it was not only me who woke up, the baby next to me also started to stir, when this happened, the old man who brought us approached us with a kind face, while a lady of a similar age also approached us.

"They should be an old couple, maybe they are not such bad people" I thought.

The baby next to me started to move, he looked at his arms and legs, after that he looked at the two people in front of us and tried to babble.

"Aiauo-"(translation: ---- ,I don't know, I don't speak baby language).

When I heard him speak, I couldn't help but laugh as I looked at him.

"wuaaawaaawaaawuaa"(Translation: hahaha what an idiot doesn't know how to speak).

Although I know it's wrong to laugh at a baby who doesn't know how to talk yet, somehow or other it gave me a big laugh. When I looked back at the elders, I could see that there was a big smile on their faces, I didn't understand why, but I decided to ignore it.

When the other baby heard me trying to babble, he looked at me and I don't know why, but I felt that he understood that I was making fun of him, since he wrinkled his eyebrows and tried to hit me with his small and thin arms.

The moment I received the blow, it hurt me a lot, a small tear almost came out of my eyes, but I held back, I was not going to ruin my honor by crying, so I quickly hit him back, and that's how my first big fight in this world began.