
2. Subclass

Tren and Von soon made it to the Circle of Rebirth after much discussion between the two. Von filled the holes of history and soon a problem came to his attention. He had forgotten to make a final villain!

'How could I forget the main villain.. The players are probably unaware since nobody has made it that far yet... I guess I'll just have to be the villain! Yes, I'll do it for my players! For the players!' As Von said this he was unaware that he had gotten so pumped up that he threw his fist into the air, Tren just stared at him confused which instantly made Von embarrassed.

Then the Circle of Rebirth made its way into their eyesight, it was a small town encircled by many large ancient trees that held insane amounts of mana, they were green and covered in vines. The trees were all the size of sky scrapers.

The two then walked up the path towards the area they needed to be. They then opened a door to a house that was formed from living trees.

In the house sat an old lady meditating on a rug, she noticed they entered and said "Welcome... are you here to be reborn?" As she said this she quickly opened her eyes wide and stared at Von.

This creeped him out a bit and he looked off to the side while saying "I'd like my subclass unlocked if that's okay.." The grandma motioned for him to come forward so he did so and sat down in front of her.

"I need you to think.. think on your life.. your goals... then your emotions.." The wise grandma stated

'My life.. I've always just wanted to make my game successful.. my goals... I wanted the players to be happy.. my emotions.. I.. I feel sad.' After Von thought this to himself a flash of black lightning flew into his forehead directed from the Old Lady's.

"Your subclass.. it's.. come closer.." The old lady said, Von inched his way to the old lady and put his ear next to her mouth.

"S..h...a..d.o..w D..e..m.on ." She stated before pushing Von away and laughing maniacally. Tren was a bit freaked out, he had never heard of this NPC laughing like this nor had he seen that black lightning appear. He couldn't ask what subclass Nov had gotten because within the player base of the game that was taboo, sub classes were supposed to be kept secret from one another as they were hidden from other players.

"What about you? Would you like your subclass unlocked as well?" The old grandma shouted as she jumped up and pointed at Tren

"Well, actually I wanted to see if I could do the Subclass Upgrade quest" Tren said plainly, the Grandma calmed down a bit and replied with "Your subclass has the capability to be upgraded once randomly.. are you sure you want it to commence now?" The grandma said with a creepy grin, Tren shook his head and sat down in front of the grandma.

Nothing special happened and all was normal as the grandma once again whispered what the subclass was, of course Von had no clue what it was. Sure he had created the game but he made sure to make all Subclasses random.

Tren then got up and the two of them left the hut.

"Would it be okay if you helped me get to the Voidless Plain?" Von asked with a smile

"The.. THE VOIDLESS PLAIN?" Tren replied freaking out after he had realized what he was just asked. This place had the capability to delete character save data on death, there was no way Tren would assist Von.

"I'm sorry, you're going to have to go there on your own.. but remember me. If we meet in the future I'd like to stay friends." Tren said after putting his hand out for a hand shake, Von seeing this hurriedly shook his hand and soon embarked on his journey towards the Voidless Plain.

'Now that he's off my back I can begin my conversion to an anti hero.. I just need to make sure I remind myself. This is.. for the players." And with a grin, Von left towards his destination.