
I was reborn in a strange world.

xvz · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs



Walking down the busy streets of Gaston, heading the way home was tiring than the usual. As a University student and a part-timer is hard especially if you have a scholarship to mantain. However, today's activities was so exhausting that I decided to go home by 11 pm.

I am Ayesha Sanchez, a 4th year University Student. I have black hair and a typical brown eyes. I am an orphan so there's no one worried about my safety. Well, except for my cat who's always hungry.

At the age of 12, both of my parents died of a car accident and unfortunately,  I was the only one who survived. They left a huge amount of money under my name, so after my parents' burial, my relatives fought about who was going to take care of me.

I was took under the care of my Aunt Grace, my mom's older sister. At first she was so kind to me and took care of me like I was one of her children. Although, everything changed after knowing that the inheritance I received from my parents will be given when I reach the age of 18. That means my aunt can't haul the money from me.

After knowing the clauses and conditions, she started to abuse me. She treated me as her maid. That wasn't enough, my own cousins tried to take advantage of me, that's when I decided to escape and ran away.

I was an unlucky lucky person, right after I escaped that night my mother's bestfriend found me. She also took me under her care. The same as what happened with my aunt, the scenario was painfully repeated that is why I decided to ran away and went back home.

The house was still the same. It was clean and well cared. Even the furnitures was dust-free. So I decided to slept here in my parent's bed all alone. Crying my heart till morning came.  The next day, the house caretaker was surprised to see me. He said he was happy that he found me. He also said that the attorney was looking all over for me.

He cooked me a meal like how we used to when my parents are still alive. He bought me dresses that I could change into and he even cut my hair to same length like before.

I was back to my old self. The Attorney arrived later that day. He told me that he didn't explain every detail to my aunt about the inheritance because he knew that they will haul them all at once. The caretaker left and gave us some privacy and that's when the attorney stared talking.

I was going to receive 10,000 Pesos every month until I reach the age of 18. Also, when I'll reach that age the money that was under time-deposit will be lifted. I will receive a total amount of 64 million Pesos.

So, after realizing that, I asked him if I could create my own last will. He was shocked at first. I started explaining to him why. He agreed at smiled at me.

The will stated that if I was murdered, died of an accident or vanished. All my assets will be given to the orphanage that was once sponsored by my parents.

The caretaker became my guardian that day because he has no family to take care of, he decided to be and until he died of old age.


My persian cat greeted me with a loud meow. With the usual grim look and that attitude, I instantly knew she was angry at me coming home late. Late for her dinner.

Feeling tired, I just gave her cat food and went to bed. As I was about to fall asleep a loud knock was heard. It was so loud that I bet even the neighbours heard it too.

I tried to ignore it but more banging - not knocking - followed. Irritated, I opened the door with annoyance.


"DON'T SHOUT AT ME YOU UNGRATEFUL CHILD!" Oh, luckily it was my Aunt Grace, note the sarcasm.

"What do you want old hag?" I am still standing at the door, blocking her way in.

"What an unmannered child, Are you not inviting me in?" I smiled at her, I purposely stepped out the door and closed it with force that the automatic lock activated.

"Uhmm, No. I don't want our house be tainted with evil spirits." I said coldly while crossing my arms.

She's in the verge of exploding. Her guts and my guts always coincide.

"I'm here to let you know that tomorrow is your 18th birthday. Ofcourse, I was planning to organize a party."

"What for?"  The hell with this evil creature? Party? For me? What does she scheming now?

"Ofcourse, you're in legal age now. So, tomorrow I'm going to announce the inheritance to the public and to the board members."

"So, what's the catch?" I'm confused. She never done this.

"Ha ha ha, of course tomorrow I'll also announce my shares given by my sister."


"Yes, because tonight will be your last." She laughed menancingly and grabbed her knife hiding behind her coat. I tried to run away but before I can escape, she grabbed my hair and stabbed me at the back.

"Now, I can finally get rid of you." She whispered and pushed me down to the ground. I was out of strength and will to talk.

"If my sister just left something for me you won't be in this sorry state."

Hah! You're just adopted because grandma taught she can't have a child anymore. Don't be too happy because you won't get even a cent from my money.

I want to shout it to her but my strength and my life is already leaving me.

"Ciaó, my dear niece. Say Hi to your mother for me."

The last thing I saw before I finally closed my eyes was my cat, staring at me with those golden eyes.