
I was reborn as the 3 main characters father ?!

Sara was a poor young man who felt like he chose the wrong paths in life. When he turned 26, he took his own life in his lonely apartment. When he opened his eyes again, he was in front of a young man with elf ears. The young man told him that he was gods messenger and seemed to know sara from somewhere. Sara was told that he could be reincarnated into an otome game that was popular on earth at the time. He would be reincarnated into the Uncle of The heroine and Adopted father of the Villain and Male lead. The original was just a back ground character so he wouldn't have to get involved with the plot. Sara accepted because he wanted a peaceful life for once. The young Elf told him that he could call for him whenever he needed anything or if he just wanted to talk. Then Sara was reborn as a baby and lived his life with his family. He had a peaceful life until he turned 25 years old when his older brother passed away from an accident and the heroine came his house and started living with him. Now if that was all than it would be fine. The Heroine was a sweet and kind girl and it was easy to take care of her but then The male lead and the villain ( who were half brothers ) got put under his responsibility too. The two boys were rowdy and clingy and influenced The heroine to be like that too. All sara wanted was a peaceful and quiet life!! now he has to take care of 3 clingy children who never want to leave his side!! What's he supposed to do now?

Shyphoenix_1130 · LGBT+
7 Chs

Chapter 1

[ Sara's POV ]

The very first thing I felt when I regained conciousness was the feeling of being squeezed and being pushed out of something very tight. And It hurt like hell!!

I very patiently waited for it to finally be over but it seemed like hours had passed when in actuality it was only a few minutes before I was greeted with cold air hitting my bare body as I popped out from wherever I was.

I felt very slimy and gross, Not to mention I could hear a baby wailing. It sounded like it was right next to my ear and it was annoying. I moved my numb arm and tried to get rid of whatever was making that noise.

However, I touched nothing. Instead someone grabbed my hand. I suddenly realized that my hands were smaller than usual. Although I couldn't see right now because my eyes wouldn't open, I could still feel an adult hand hold my small infant like hand.

I then realized that I was the one crying and immediately quieted down.

I could feel the warmth of a person holding me as they wrapped me in a blanket.

" Young madam, Its a boy " A squeaky voice announces as they handed me to someone. My eyes still wouldn't open but I could feel a gentle but weak aura envelope me.

I guess this must be my mother then?

" Where is felix? " The person who was holding me asked, Her voice was just like her aura, Gentle and weak yet it held determination and strength.

" The master is on his way here, Young Madam. When he heard that you were going into labor, He immediately got onto his horse and took off " The squeaky voice from before chuckled as did the person holding me.

" Well, What shall we name you? " The person mused as they caressed my forehead.

Suddenly the door burst open and someone came running in. It shocked me and I ended up crying.

Curse this baby body with no control over my emotions!!

" Dear, Calm down. You've scared our son " The person scolded the panting other person who made their way to the bed.

" Son? We've got a son!? " The panting person exclaimed as they inched closer to me.

I tried to open my eyes and it worked this time, My eyes slowly fluttered open and I saw blurry figures above me.

The one holding me gasped and looked the person at the edge of the bed who was equally shocked.

What's wrong? I don't have a disfigurement do i?! Why do you both sound shocked?!


[ 3rd person POV ]

Arden, Sara's new mother and felix, Sara's new father, Both looked at their son with shock that then turned into sadness.

" Dear " Arden looked to her husband with helplessness and sadness in her eyes and tone.

Felix felt just as helpless as Arden,

" Don't tell anyone about this. We'll tell the public that he is weak and won't be able to handle a large scale event until he is at least 10 years old. We'll figure  something out by then. " Felix answered his wife as he looked at his newly born son.

He reached out and picked up sara, holding him close to his chest.

Sara felt that this man had a different aura compared to Arden's. Felix's aura was warm but also Stronger than Arden's.

Sara ended up fall asleep as Felix held him because he was too comfortable and because he is now in an infant's body and infants sleep a lot.

Felix looked down at his who was too cute when he was asleep but he couldn't help but feel sad for him too.

" Arden, What should we name him? " Felix asked His wife.

" What about Kaiirine? It means " The one god chooses " in the ancient language of the gods " Arden smiled as

She touched her son's head.

" That's a good name, Kaiirine. I'll have a maid prepare some medicine for you so you should rest for now. I'll bring Kaiirine to his room " Felix smiled again as he kissed his wife on the forehead.

Arden smiled back and watched as her husband left the room with their son.

Once she was alone, She started to cry.

" Why, God? I thought that we were finally blessed with a child, Why must you do this to us? " She cried in her hands as she took her medicine and tried to fall asleep.


[ Kaiirine's ( Sara ) POV ]

By time I woke up, I was in a big crib in a huge room that was blue and green.

I tried to look around but my neck wasn't very flexible because I was now a baby. I didn't like that I could barely move or see but thanks to being seen as a baby, People don't hesitate to speak around me.

For instance: My name is Kaiirine Rohan and I am my parents 3rd child but I'm the only biological child. The other 2 were adopted because my parents couldn't get pregnant.

The second thing I learned, which this was very surprising to me : My mother

Is a guy. In this world, It is more common for men to get pregnant than for woman to get pregnant. Which I'm fine with I guess, I mean i was gay in my previous life.

I learned many other insignificant details that I'm too lazy to think about right now.

It's very boring being a baby that can't do anything and just lay in my crib so I decided to try to turn over to my back.

It was harder than I had thought it to be. It took me about a month and a half till I was able to to flip to my back and to my stomach. My parents and the maids were ecstatic about this and praised me a lot.

I didn't think that it was a big feat but what ever. Also, I really did reincarnated into an otome game because everyone's hair is all kinds of colors, Like red, pink, Orange, etc..

My father, Felix Rohan, has long light green hair and neon green eyes. He is tall and masculine, The exact opposite of my 'mother'.

My 'mother', Arden Rohan, Has light peach, Pink-ish hair that reaches his jawline. His eyes are an amethyst with a bit of white in them. He wears glasses, which exist in this world for some reason. I believe that this world is a fantasy world mixed with some modern stuff.