
I was in Night City and was picked up by a female V(MTL+Edit)

So First up there are only 354 chapters released so read it at your own risk. It's Maschine Translated but I tried my current best to edit it but I'm a human and that means I will make mistakes so I appreciate it if someone calls them out. Thanks in Advance. Patreon aka moodbooster: patreon.com/Caldex or https://buymeacoffee.com/caldex if you don't have a Patreon account. Patreon is currently without any benefits. Author: 里仁为美 Original Name: 人在夜之城,被女V泡了 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Traveling through the world of Cyberpunk 2077, she became a girl who survived with the help of her "good sister" V. But even so, Bai Rui has her own ambition, which is to become a true legend of Night City. During the day, she is V's good partner and a cute girl in the eyes of her companions. At night, she controls various combat machines to run rampant in the streets of Night City. "Terminator" Arnold, "Samurai" Akechi Mitsuhide, "Miko" Kikyo... and the strongest [Legendary] machines, "Valkyrie" Valkyrie, "Sharingan" Uchiha Madara, "Warmaster" Horus... Relying on these machines with different forms and combat capabilities, Bai Rui weaves a big net in the heart-devouring Night City. Night City is full of street violence and exploitation by big companies. Just when Bai Rui is determined to tear apart everything that is sinking, she is caught by her "good sister" V at night. ??? "Bai Rui, you are mine, you can only look at me!" V's eyes were full of resentment of being ignored and a deep desire for Bai Rui. Bai Rui was scared to death when V held her hand tightly. What should I do if I am in Night City and will be brought to justice by the female V? Waiting online, urgent!!!

Caldex · วิดีโอเกม
33 Chs

Unexpected Title

"I say, are all young people so open-minded nowadays?" Victor, who was sitting on a chair, saw V and Bai Rui's expressions and turned down the volume of the boxing channel. "They don't care that I, an outsider, am here."

Victor's voice reminded Bai Rui how shameful her current posture was. She quickly pushed V away and turned her head away.

"Sorry, Bai Rui, I swear to you, I will never mention the prosthetics again." V obviously didn't expect Bai Rui to take the prosthetics so seriously. Now she extremely regrets making a joke about it. She quickly apologized, hoping to get Bai Rui's forgiveness.

"Who cares about you? You make your own decisions!" Bai Rui stretched out her hand to stop V who wanted to hug her again.

Bai Rui was obviously angry, even a fool could see that. V scratched her nose, feeling caught in a dilemma because of the disaster she had created.

"It won't do any harm to the body to disinfect and update the old prosthesis instead of installing a new one, right? Don't you think so, Bai Rui?"

In the end, it was Victor who came out to rescue the two quarreling guys.

"Is it okay? Bai Rui." V looked at Bai Rui with inquiring eyes.

"Go, go, you'd better ask Old Vic to clear out the yellow garbage in your mind." Bai Rui finally relented.

At this time, Bai Rui remembered that there was a virus in V's brain. She could make a fuss about it, but she couldn't delay the important matter. V was weird enough already, and she didn't want V to get even weirder because of the virus in her brain.

"Okay, V, sit on the chair, don't be nervous, relax." Victor pushed the ground with his feet and drifted to the operating chair with robotic arms and searchlights.

V lay on the chair as if she were going to the dentist, with the bright searchlight shining on her face. Since her eyeballs had been replaced with artificial eyes a long time ago, replacing them now would not violate the agreement between her and Bai Rui.

"Here's something good for you, the Qilusi optical eye." Doctor Victor put on an auxiliary robotic arm, gave her arm an injection of sedative, and began to prepare to take action.

"Wait, Old Victor." Bai Rui called out to Victor.

"Can you give V the goods I have in stock? The best ones." Bai Rui looked at V with a complicated expression, turned her head away, and didn't want to speak.

"That's not for Arn..." Victor realized he had overstepped his bounds before he finished speaking. "Well, V, it looks like the big boss Bai Rui will pay for you today."

"What do you mean?" V, who was lying on the chair, asked in confusion, but Victor had already stood up and was looking for something in the warehouse, while Bai Rui was standing aside, obviously not wanting to talk. No one answered V's doubts.

"This is it." Victor came over with a long aluminum can that was steaming. "This is a hard-to-find commodity in the city. I'm the only one with it."

"What is this?" V looked at Victor's mysterious look and felt puzzled. What on earth made Old Vic so mysterious?

"It's still made by Qilusi Company." Unscrewing the can, Victor used the robot to pick out the eyeball with an artificial neural connection. "But it's the top-grade one, Qilusi Prosthetic Eye Type 3, specially prepared for those picky guys."

"Lie down and don't move." V wanted to ask how to get such an expensive thing out, but Victor had already given her an injection of anesthetic, and V's eyes suddenly became dazed.

Bai Rui turned her head away, unable to bear to watch. To her, watching such a bizarre scene would prevent her from appreciating V's beauty in the future.

"Well, these can be integrated with the Qilusi technology." Victor operated the smart terminal at the side, stood up, and used the auxiliary robotic arm to remove V's Xibeihuo prosthetic eye and installed a new Qilusi prosthetic eye.

"Let's witness a miracle. I'll connect you right away." Under Victor's guidance, Victor turned on and debugged the prosthetic eye.

"You may feel a little uncomfortable at first. Your vision may become blurry, you may not be able to distinguish colors, and frames may skip..."

After a while, V walked down from the operating chair.

"Damn, I can see things much more clearly!"

V took a few steps and found it unbelievable that everything in front of her became so clear that she could even see the slightest changes in Bai Rui's expression.

As for the virus, Victor also helped her to clear it out. Although Bai Rui looked at V's "lucky" eyes because she was not used to the focusing of her new eyes, she felt that the virus had taken root in V's brain and could not be cleared away.

"Old Vic, I remember this guy V. She probably owes you a lot of money."

"Yeah, quite a few. I saved a lot of minor bumps and bruises. Adding them up, I think it's over 20,000."

"Then I'll pay her off." Bai Rui took out her smartphone and transferred money to Old Vic.

Victor's eyes flashed yellow, obviously the funds had arrived.

"Bai Rui, where did you get the money?"

Before V could recover from the excitement of getting new eyes, she was shocked by Bai Rui's generosity.

Recalling that it was Bai Rui who funded the top-notch artificial eye for herself, V was even more confused as to where Bai Rui got so much money.

It's not that V looks down on people, but Bai Rui is a guy who spends money like water. She spent all her own money and also spent all V's money. And now, the debt she owed to old Vic plus the cost of this advanced prosthetic eye is at least 20,000 or 30,000 yuan. Bai Rui took it out at once, easier than taking out a bottle of Monkey Powder from her backpack. How could V not be shocked.

"Bai Rui, haven't you told V about that yet?" Victor also looked at V in confusion, wondering why Bai Rui didn't tell V about such a big thing.

"Bai Rui!?" Seeing Victor's appearance, V became even more curious, staring at Bai Rui with inquiring eyes.

"This idiot doesn't need to know." Bai Rui enjoyed watching V's anxious look.

This time she finally got her revenge. Don't you like to be the top? Why can't you show your previous posture? You may be curious or confused, but I won't tell you.

Bai Rui went from borrowing money from V to live on to now spending 20,000 to 30,000 euros in her spare time. There is a story behind this.

To be honest, this was earned through the cooperation between Bai Rui and Victor.

Victor has the channels for purchasing and shipping prosthetics, and Bai Rui has the extraordinary manufacturing technology brought by the system. On the premise that Victor provides drawings and samples, Bai Rui can imitate prosthetics at a relatively low cost. In simple terms, she is manufacturing cheap goods.

Due to the need to lower costs, the effectiveness of the prostheses produced is less than 70% to 80% of the original ones. But the advantage is low cost. By relying on some scrapped garbage and electronic components, Bai Rui can use 30% to 40% of the cost to produce counterfeit prostheses with 70% to 80% effectiveness. This huge profit difference makes many customers very willing to pay for them, especially when these Xibei products are not carried by second-hand prostheses. Viruses, or have various malfunctions, have become hot items among cash-strapped customers.

Thanks to this, Bai Rui made a huge fortune.

And this is only part of it. The other part of the money comes from her creation, the fighter Arnold.

In the past two or three months, she has not let Arnold idle. Relying on Arnold's strong fighting ability, she has completed many commissions from middlemen and earned a lot of money.

As a black-hearted capitalist, Bai Rui naturally accepted all of Arnold's compensation without leaving a single cent.

Relying on his extremely high commission completion rate, the name "Terminator" Arnold also became famous on the streets.

Everyone on the street knows that there is a "Terminator" Arnold in Watson District. He is ruthless and efficient. If there are big and difficult orders, the middlemen are happy to find him.

This is naturally all part of Bai Rui's plan.

She planned to use Arnold's body to infiltrate the mercenary circle and obtain more information about large companies.

Because, although Bai Rui has excellent skills, she cannot create things out of thin air, nor can she make something amazing without samples and design drawings.

She only has strong manufacturing capabilities, but she can't do whatever she says. She has to make everything one circuit at a time, one component at a time. This is not something that can be accomplished by imagination alone.

Coincidentally, big companies all have high-tech weapons, robots, and electronic components. Therefore, when manipulating Arnold, Bai Rui would be very active in accepting each commission from a related company and would work very hard in the process, just to see if she could get some good stuff.

She is like the Brotherhood of Steel in Fallout, desperately seeking unknown technological achievements.

Relying on such accumulation, Bai Rui has added a lot of new technologies to the two new prosthetic bodies. Once they are officially put into use, Bai Rui's combat power will definitely undergo an earth-shaking change.

How does the saying go? A small skyscraper maintenance room can shock the entire Night City.