
I was a merchant NPC before I became the LAST BOSS.

Hello. I'm here to tell you that. The main story of this book is already posted. The title is "Looks Is Better Than Stats." I'm going to continue this book later, once the main story progresses, since this is an origin story and Eidos is a really important character in the main story. I actually intended to post the main story first, but because I wanted to join the September event, because the main story is not a revenge story I posted this first. you might thought that this book felt a little bit rushed.  and my answer is because it is. Don't worry, I'm going to make this book much better, but for now, I'll focus on the main story.  I already have 100+ chapters in the main story, and I only need to proofread them. So please keep supporting me and enjoy the main one. This is the main story synopsis. In the year 2033, humanity achieved an astonishing milestone in the realm of digital technology and interface integration, forever altering what was considered "normal." The Neurochip, a groundbreaking invention by the enigmatic genius "Ilun Mask," swept across the world like a digital tsunami, transforming the very essence of human existence. This transformative technology paved the way for the birth of the world's first Full Dive MMORPG, NEuEarth Online. Amidst the millions of players who ventured into this immersive virtual realm, one particular player stood out. In terms of looks, he is the strongest! but the saying "don't judge the book by its cover" has never been real when it comes to this player. Embark on a journey into this immersive FD- MMORPG, where a grand quest unlike any other awaits. In a departure from convention, the completion of this quest signals the game's ultimate conclusion. Step inside, where digital realms blur with reality, and discover what it truly means to live in a world where boundaries cease to exist

Ank_Art · แฟนตาซี
37 Chs

Journey To The West Part 4: Kill or be Killed?

"Now what should I do? I don't sense any high-level players, so I'm sure I'm still safe out here for the time being, although, it might be a different story once I'm inside the city."

Eidos stood tall, his chin resting thoughtfully on his hand as he contemplated his next move, his white hair ruffled by the breeze, gazed into the distance with a pensive expression. His handsome features, despite the turmoil that had shaped his life, still held the allure that might have drawn admirers in different circumstances. Yet, he remained undeterred, his mind focused on formulating a clever strategy to slip into the city unnoticed.

A few minutes later *WHESSSSH*


A gentle wind caressed my face, carrying a soothing touch that felt surprisingly good. It was a rare moment of tranquility, and I relished in the sensation. For the first time since the traumatic events that befell my hometown at the hands of the players, I found myself genuinely relaxed. Gone from the constant surges of overwhelming waves of negative emotions and the feeling of wanting to take revenge.


As I stood on this grassy plain. I gazed up at the expanse of the clear blue sky, I couldn't help but marvel at the sense of inner peace I had discovered. It was as if, for this brief moment, I had reconnected with a part of myself that had been buried beneath the weight of my past experiences.

Even so, this overwhelming sense of calmness that I feel is somewhat scary, like the eerie stillness before a storm.

"I wonder if I will die today?"


A smile crept onto my face because of the stupid thing that I just said, an unspoken vow etched into my very being. I knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that today wouldn't be the day I met my end. The burning desire for vengeance within me was an unquenchable fire, propelling me forward into the heart of danger.

As Eidos immersed himself in deep thought, he remained oblivious to the group of players observing him from a distance. It was only when he finally shifted his gaze that he caught sight of three young ladies who seemed utterly captivated by his presence. Blushing and unable to contain their excitement, they pointed in his direction and exchanged excited giggles.

Mindful of not raising suspicion, especially after his previous encounter in the town of Niphia, Eidos decided to handle the situation with grace. He straightened up with composure, his silky white hair cascading gracefully around him. With a gentle bow, he began to walk away, his movements as elegant as his appearance. The three players, overcome with delight, couldn't help but erupt into a chorus of "KYAAA," their fangirling echoing through the grassy plain.


"I don't thinks it's possible to climb this walls.. "

As Eidos stood before the massive entrance to the city of Euquator, the calmness he had mustered earlier began to slip away, replaced by a growing sense of frustration and unease. He couldn't help but acknowledge that he was far from adept at devising intricate strategies, and the pressure of the situation weighed on him.

Recalling the goddess's words, "The answer is simple: just go in and go out as fast as you can, and remember, luck is the answer ghahaha" had offered him a glimmer of hope.

He had made the decision to enter the city in his humble beginner's gear, keeping his KingsWolf gear hidden and Showing his face was safer since they don't have any clue that Eidos is the one behind that gear. The rationale was clear – to avoid detection and recognition, to ensure a swift and uneventful entry.

Yet, the simplicity of his plan had been undermined by an unexpected hurdle. The entrance required a "restorer's ID," a term that befuddled him. The frustration in his voice grew as he muttered to himself, "I don't even know what that is."

Eidos found himself standing at the precipice of a new challenge, his confidence waning as he contemplated his next move.

The guard's words hung in the air like a dark omen, a shroud of uncertainty settling over Eidos. "This guy doesn't have a restorer ID," the first guard declared, his tone laced with suspicion.

"Eh, that's new!" the other guard responded, sounding puzzled but not yet alarmed.

But for Eidos, just hearing their words was enough to send his heart racing and his mind spiraling into panic. He realized the dire implications of his lack of an ID – it made him stand out, a potential target for closer scrutiny. The connection between him and the wanted poster with his likeness was now a glaring vulnerability.

His thoughts raced as he considered his options. Equipping his KingsWolf gear and making a run for it crossed his mind, but he quickly dismissed the idea. The sheer number of players with unknown skills around him would make such an escape impossible; he would be hunted down sooner or later.

The situation became increasingly suffocating it had gone from bad to worse, and Eidos felt a drop of sweat trickle down his face, a manifestation of his mounting anxiety. The tension in the air was palpable as he contemplated his next move.

Tension hung in the air like a heavy storm cloud as Eidos drew the collective gaze of both guards and players next in line. The guards exchanged a wary glance, their hands inching towards their swords with deliberate caution, prepared for the unexpected.

Resolute yet anxious, he made a difficult decision. If he was going down here, he resolved to make it count.

I'll use the berserk skill – a formidable but destructive ability – beckoned as a desperate last resort. I feel bad for the two guards, innocent bystanders in this unfolding chaos, but if I was going down here, I'd at least take as many players as I can with me. The weight of my decision hung heavily in the air, a palpable tension that seemed to suffocate all the people watching the scene.

Eidos's gaze swept across the throngs of players lined up at the entrance. The weight of the moment bore down on him.

He closed his eyes, inhaling and exhaling deeply. With each breath, he drew in strength and resolve. When he opened his eyes again, they were filled with unwavering determination. Eidos body glow.
