
I Want To Hate You, But I Can't.

Baiqing wakes up and sees a stranger by her side. He claims to be her boyfriend, but Baiqing has no recollection of it. When she tried to hate the person who caused her all those pain, she couldn't. Her love for him is too strong.

CaiXiaoHua · วัยรุ่น
6 Chs

Chapter 1

In a hospital room, a girl with long brown hair is on the bed with bandages wrapped around her head. Her eyes winced and slowly open out. She feels a slight pain on her forehead and touches it as she sits up. She looks around and sees a man in his late-20s or possibly early 30s sleeping on a chair. The man wakes up as he heard shuffling. He sees her awake and rushes to her and warp her hand with his.

"Bai, you're awake!" he said in a relieved and happy smile. The man buzz the call button on the wall and said, "Doctor! She's awake!"

The girl is confused about what's going on. She wonders why is this stranger holding her hand. She pulls her hand out of his hold.

"Where am I and Who are you?" She questioned.

"You don't remember me?" The man replied.

She slightly nods her head as a no. The doctor knocks on the door and walks in.

"Doctor, what's going on? She doesn't remember me." The man asked the doctor.

"Let me examine her first." The doctor grabs a chair and sits by the bedside. As the doctor examines the girl, he softly touches the bandaged forehead. "Do you feel anything?" He asked

"I feel a slight pain there." She replied

"Ms. Gu, do you know who this gentleman is?" The doctor asked.

Baiqing nods her head from side to side.

"Do you know who you are or why you are in the hospital?" The doctor asked again.

"My name is Gu Baiqing, but I don't know why I'm in the hospital." She answered.

"What is the last thing you remember?" The doctor asked her.

"Let me think a bit." Baiqing thinks for a minute, and then she remembers. "Oh! I remember. My parents and I had a disagreement, and I ran away from home. I have been staying at the Delusso Hotel ever since."

"You don't remember anything else?" The Doctor asked.

Baiqing nods her head, "No."

The man can't believe this is happening and blurted, "S Hotel is where I met you 4 months ago, then you left the hotel to live with me. All those times we spent together. How can you not remember?"

"I think Ms.Gu experienced selective memory loss when she hit her head, meaning she forgot certain parts of her memories. This can happen as he had hit her head heard or she was going through so much pain that she decided to shut it out." The doctor informed.

The man tries to hide his pain of emotion by smiling. "Will she regain her lost memory?" He asked the doctor.

"It depends on how well she'll recover. She might regain her memory in months, years, or maybe she will never get it back." The doctor replied.

"Ms.Gu can be discharged today. I will get the paperwork ready for her release." The doctor walks out.

Bai Qing directs her attention to the man. "I'm sorry, but who are you?" She questioned him.

He takes a seat by her bedside and places his hand on top of hers. "I am Aohan. We've been together for more than 3 months, during the time you were hiding away."

"I'm sorry that I don't remember," Baiqing said.

"It's alright. Don't worry about it. I'm going to the restroom real quick." He said

"Okay." Baiqing answered.

Aohan walks out and closes the door. He walks to the right, away from the door, and leans his back against the wall. A tear drops from his eye and he quickly wipes it away. He said quietly, "Bai, It's not your fault that you don't remember. It's my fault..."

Ao Han returns back to the room after a few minutes and sat down.

"I'll stay by your side, and help you regain your memory." Aohan smiled.

At this moment, a man in his late-20s slams opens the door. Everyone was startled. The man rushes to Baiqing.