
I'm a widdle baby

I woke to an intense pressure on my body, or more specifically my head. I could hear faint grunting noises as the pressure increased seeming to move me. I kept moving until I felt something at my feet, and what ever it was was cold. Like really cold. I tried to wiggle back to warmth, but I felt someone grab my feet and the pressure continued to push me. I, now fearing the thing grabbing my foot kicked and tried to scream only to continue to be pushed. I was pushed and pushed and pushed, and pushed, and well you get the idea. This continued to happen until I saw light, and was lifted high to face the creature that grabbed my foot. I screamed in fear of what creature could ever so easily lift a grown man, only to come face to face with a giant woman. Who proceeded to hand me off to a woman lying on blankets and pillows. Thats when it all clicked. I was just born. Not sure how to feel about that. Not sure at all, but one thing that I am sure of is that all that kicking and screaming made me super tired, so try as I might my eyes closed and I fell asleep.

Waking up I found myself in wrapped in a blanket and held upright. I couldn't move at all all I could do was sit up and watch what was in front of me, which somehow was a giant lizard tail. I had so many questions, but one thing was certain I wasn't in Kansas any more. As I continued to stare at the lizard I became aware of the sound of two men having a conversation in the background.

"Turns out Gu wasn't lying about being the dad. You see the kid, looks just like him. "

"How did that broken stone manage that?"

"Probably lots of begging, I'd say."

"You can't charm Trenna with just persistence, Lin."

"I don't know, Gu has a talent with never giving up and being incredibly pathetic."

"That wouldn't work on Trenna."

"Trust me Pomon, if it was Gu it would work."

"What does that-"

Thats when I felt the blankets that I was attach to move, and a femine voice said "If you two idiots don't shut up you'll wake the kid, and so help me if it starts crying I'm going to bash in both of your skulls."

They two both responded in a shy sorry and went quiet, but I was offended. How dare she think I would cry. Maybe I will cry just to piss her off. Yeah that'll show her.

"Waahahhahh! Waahahahahhhhaas!"

"Prima damned! Look at what you two did, Trenna is going to have my head."

What do you mean they made me mad. Your the one that had to insult me. Forget Trenna, I will have your head. Let me just get out of the blankets. Come one, come on. Aha, my hands free. Fear my fist of rage. Fear my justice. Repent sinner.

"Great! the kids throwing a tantrum now! You damned rock munchers caused this. So help me if this kid pissed himself. Stop the lizard camels! Let's camp here."


The lizard I was on began to slow down, but I continued my assault. I don't need a rest, I must regain my honor. At that moment I felt the wraps around me loosen and another giant lift me to the air. This was the giant woman I saw that lifted me up. The woman was dressed in rags with only her carmel skin and eyes showing. I saw her eyes scanning me up and down.

Hey where are you looking lady. Why are you looking there. Let me go you weird pervert, wahhhh, wahhhahah, help me this woman is a pervert, wait why are you reaching down there. Don't take off my, hey, wait.. I continued to kick and scream, but my efforts where useless. She had her way with me. The horrors, I'm traumatized.

"Damn kid, let me change you already, damn brat." She then raised her voice and shouted "Someone get Gu, if I spend one more minute with this child I'll kill it.

The feeling is mutual lady. If I spend one more minute with you I will have an anureism. I thought, Thankfully thats when a man, also dressed in rags, walked up behind the woman and spoke.

"Fora I'll take care of him, but if Trenna heard you she would beat you till you see the other side."

Thats when that lady's, now identified as Fora, face went pale, or at least the little I could see. "Gu, please, please, please, don't tell Trenna."

"I won't, but do watch what you say." the man responded calmly while picking me up. He looked at me with loving eyes before he took me and walked away.

As we walked I heard Fora shout. "Hey Gu if I ever decide to have a kid, kill me."

Gu smiled and laughed while we walked away. While walking I got a better look at the surroundings and saw it was all desert. Got to say not happy. Not at all. The desert is to hot, and it's so plan. To the left is sand, to the right is also sand, behind you is more sand, and in front is, guess what, even more sand. So fun.

Gu, or my dad now, saw my annoyed and dissatisfied expression and laughed "You aren't even a week old and you're already fed up. You really are your mother's child.

As he spoke he walked around the camlsite and I saw around 50 people in total setting up weird tents, and even weirder animals. They Looked like alligators, but had a giant hump on there back. The animals had bags or saddles on their back.

That is when I saw a bigger tent being set up by three men. Dad walked towards them and thanked them while they set everything up, before walking inside. Inside there were blankets and pillows scattered all around. Inside was a woman without rags. She wore a long loose blue l skirt and had and had a puffy black midriff shirt. Her face was bland and plain, her eyes were black and had an annoyed looked, until she saw Dad. Her eyes went alight in joy and ran to hug him. walked to meet her an they held each other close with me in the middle.

"Trenna, dear don't run you just had a kid."

"I know my body best, Gu, I could fight a tiger bear and win."


"No buts, Your medicine is primitive compared to the are tribe's"

"I'm just worried for you."

"There is no need. How is the child?"

"He started to throw a fit and kept hitting Fora"

"What did she do?" Trenna, or mom asked harshly.

"Nothing," dad replied peacefully"probably just hungry."

"Let me see him." Mom said she picked my up and led me to a pile of bags. She reached in one and pulled out a water skin and swirled it around. I saw my dad look at my mom with a questioning look. My mom who saw his reaction laughed, and shook her head. "In this tribe no baby is made to sucle. They all drink a blend of blood, cactus water, and desert flowers."

"That doesn't sound healthy."

"It makes the body strong, all tribe members drank it when they were young. The more they have the stronger they will be when older."

"Are you sure it's safe?"

Mom let out another laugh. "Of course I am. We have hundreds of years of history. It has yet to fail us."

Dad relented before mom looked back at me and held the bottle to my lips. "Drink little one, drink and become strong." She put the bottle to my lips and I drank it. I got to say stuff was not bad. For blood, water, and herbs it could have done worse. Don't get me wrong was definitely bad, but could be worse. Soon after I started to feel sleepy.

"What should we name him?" dad asked

"We don't name until after the first year. It let's us watch them for a while, learn there personality."

Dad just hummed pleasently. Whil I drifted off to sleep.

A/N 1397 words, more than double last time. Sorry for the wait. I realized I don't have an upload schedule so I was thinking every for days. So not all chapters are short. Also should the story take place during the atla timeline or do you want it to be a prequel? One more thing what should the mc name be? Let me know what you think.