A/N: Sorry for the Christmas troll, I did want to release a chapter but writers block is a bitch, plus I've been busy working. Please check out my friends Twitter he is working on making a comic and is new to the scene. He does commissions so order something. @flexymal1twitta
Seeing Bamba take his last breath hurt. It felt worse than any of his punches but the pain was lessened by his smiling face.
Damn battle maniac, he really did want to die a warrior. I knew he was lying all that time ago, but I didn't realize how little time we had left. Should have said something.
I could feel water dripping from my face as my eyes grew heavy. I guess some how it's raining inside. Why did we have to get such bad weather.
If Bamba saw me he would never let me live in down. I can practically hear his voice mocking me, he just left and I'm already feeling nostalgic.
Truthfully he was my rock. Ever since I was kicked out for almost killing that kid during training he was my rock. Helped me stand tall and strong. Even though he was bad with words his every action showed that he cared.
Damn bastard had to die.
I sat there for who knows how long, letting my emotions run wild till I calmed down. I looked at the letter in his hand.
I picked it up carefully before tentatively opening it.
Hey kid,
Sorry if this came as a shock, but I was nearing my end. You were right. I just had to say good by to an old friend the only way I knew how. A good old fashioned punch to the face. I know you are probably hurting and that's okay. Hurt today so you can walk strong tomorrow.
There is something I've been keeping from you. Your mom has been wanting you back in the tribe. I've seen there ways, hell I've lived them, but I want better for you. You came so far in training just with ingenuity alone. If you go back your talent will get stifled.
They will make you fight and loot the we weak while you run from the strong. You have to much potential to waste it that way. Go out and fight the strong. Make a name for yourself.
I bet your probably mad at me for that, but you have already surpassed me in the years I've trained you. I don't want to let you grow lazy. You are strong, probably the strongest person I've ever met. Go out there and fight.
I love you kid, we'll see each other again one day.
Ps. Don't read Old Tongs letter have a little respect for privacy would you.
That is just like that bastard. Hiding important information like that. Truth be told I'm not even mad. I don't want to return to that life. The senseless killing isn't for me. Maybe if the person deserves it, but killing weaklings leaves me a bad taste in my mouth.
I pocketed the letter and stood up. I can't waste any more time. I'm in Wa Shi fucking Tongs library. All the knowledge in the known world is here. I'm not going to waste any more time crying. I'm going to read everything I can get my hands on.
I ran to the nearest shelf and looked through them. My face quickly morphed into a face of disgust. I looked over at the unconscious owl and back at the shelf.
Dude is an owl why the duck is he into humans. I think I now know why Bamba didn't want me to read the owls letter. This is just nasty. God I feel unclean just by looking at it. Maybe the next shelf is better.
Nope it's not. I don't need books on how to pick up girls. And why would Wa Shi Tong have this. The dude spends all his time in this room learning useless information that is most likely out dated just because he wants to be smart.
Oh. My. God
That thought hit my like a blow to the jugular, and as I was dealing with that realization. The incel owl just had to wake up. I turned to him and said.
"My guy, you need to touch grass."
Shoot forgot not in my reality. No more sticking out my gyatt for the rizzler. Probably for the better now that I'm thinking about it.
"Nevermind." I sighed defeated. "I'll get out of your hair, er feathers I mean."
I left the shelf and started waking towards the exit window after picking up Bamba's body. I was only stopped by a single word uttered in the most confused voice I ever heard.
A single word asked so many questions. I knew them all and what he meant. Why leave him alive, why have Bamba died. Wa Shi Tong couldn't fathom Bamba's actions or mine, why do I walk away, why am I not mad.
Truthfully speaking I was curious about some of those my self, but we won't get the answers we want. Bamba's gone, I'm tired, and Wa Shi Tong got the worse beating he has ever had in his life.
"Don't know, love I guess? I could ask the same thing to you. Why didn't you go all out."
His face went into shock. But switched into one of masked ignorance. "I have no idea what your taking about."
"Your library. It's your true body. The owl is just an avatar. You could have killed us the moment we walked in, but you didn't. You couldn't make yourself do it. You let Bamba get away despite your falling out. You let us enter despite the transgressions of the past."
"When did you figure it out?"
"As soon as I entered. The library felt alive. If I focus all my senses I can practically feel a heart beat in the walls."
"Did Bamba know?"
"I think he figured it out while fighting you."
"Then why not attack my true form?'
"Ya, know for a spirit of knowledge your pretty fucking dumb. It's simple he didn't want to kill you. Despite everything he loved you. So much so that he wanted to die beside you. He showed you his love the only way he knew how, and that was fighting."
"That's non sensual."
"Tell me about it, but it's the human condition. Probably the same thing afflicts spirits. No one in our tribe knows the importance of words. It's been fight, fight, fight our whole life. For a lot of them it will be there whole lives."
"Then what makes you different?"
"Don't know, could be a lot of things. Memories, thoughts, feelings, body. Every part adds up to a whole. I am who I am."
"You seem be older than you look."
"Ha, you have no idea how right you are. Here's some advice, travel around the world and interact with everyone. You learn a lot that way. You can't live a life solely in books."
"And what experience does this knowledge come from?"
"Something you won't begin to fathom."
"Can I ask you a favor?"
"Would you leave the body to me?"
"I can do that. Have a good life Wa Shi Tong."
With that I walked away. I jumped to the entrance window, then jumped down into the sands. As I began to walk away and feel the sun on my back I had one thought running through me mind constantly.
Oh my God I must have looked so fucking cool back there. I mean some of what I said is hard as fuck. Ha, Bamba is going to love this. Ha ha ha ha haha ah aha hah ha... Hahaha.... Ha... Ha...
He's gone.
Ha ha ha ha...
Ah ha
Ah aha
Who knew the desert could rain so much.
sorry it's a little short, but I didn't want to add unnecessary word count for the sake of words, hope you guys enjoy