
I Transmigrated Into Another World And Became The Strongest Swordsman!

There are different ways to die in this world. Some die by accidents, Murder or even suicide, but my question is, what is the most painful way to die. Is it being tortured or beating to death? Is it being sentenced to death for something you didn't commit or is it being poisoned by the one's you love? Well whatever it is, I myself had my own share of a painful death and what is more painful than to be killed by the love of your life. I was born weak and died weak but when I finally thought that I could go to the place they all called, 'The afterlife' Instead I woke up in an whole new world and if that isn't the most shocking thing, I Transmigrated Into the body of the strongest and most powerful swordsman who is exactly the complete opposite of me. And this world isn't an easy one as it's literally the brother of hell, what I'm I gonna do when I am tasked by to accompany the locked princess to the Soul keeper who can save her kingdom and it doesn't seem like it's gonna be an easy journey. "Why me!!!"

BLVixen · แฟนตาซี
14 Chs

Blood River!

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The next morning came in really fast and before Niko knew it, he and Xenia were already getting ready to leave.

Just then, Giji said, "Princess! The map that u gave you us just a piece of it. To find the remaining maps that will lead you to the Soul keeper you will have to meet the divine trolls to get it!"

He said and hearing that, Xenia nodded and she then said, "Thank you very Giji, Fiji and Zara! You three really assisted me alot and I promise that I will pay you back for what you guys have done for me!"

Xenia said as she was extremely grateful and The three were happy with her words, "Let's get going Princess!"

Niko said as he then made his way out and Xenia followed behind him.

Niko wore a black trousers with a long black boot, combined with a light brown leathered armor around his left arm and let's not forget his plain white shirt.

His black longe hair was parked in a dashing ponytail as his red eyes which were now blue glimmered beautifully.

But as for Xenia, She wore a burning rose outfit which looked sexy on her (A worrier outfit for females)

Her black Raven hair was also Parked in a ponytail as her red eyes wearing as Charming and seducing as blood.

With them ready, they made their way to the other exit of Hellborn and what awaited them was a magical boat.

Entering the boat, Both Xenia and Lintin stared carefully at it and few seconds later, it started moving.

"So where are we gonna off to first?" Lintin asked and hearing that, Xenia said, "We have to cross the border and leave Hellborn first. If we had used the Gates then it would have been more easier but because we can't be seen by Zygot men we have to pass the hard way."

Xenia said as she went on ahead and sat down with her legs folded, "I'm gonna try to regain more of my powers while you look out for any beast that comes our way!"

She said as she curved her two hands together and with that, a red light and aura radiated out of her body as a red circle was drawn around her and that made Niko realize that she was in the serious zone and wasn't to be disturbed.

{ The River of blood is the second gateway out of hellborn but it consisted to different annoying beast which dwelled the in so they had to keep their eyes wide open unless they could be eaten Alive like literally if not careful}

Meanwhile, At the Dark palace, seated on the throne was a blacked haired man.

He had the most long and beautiful hair that we could all guess were also soft. He had the most enchanting Crystal eyes that were of different shades and color but how unique they were was what captured anyone who stared at him.

He has a fair skin with little or no scars or marks present and Let's not forget that dashing attire of his.

His red and black robe and that black big trousers of his made his look carefree and demonic.

Just then, the huge door opened and walking in was fathom with two of his men behind him as he then said, "Brother! I searched everywhere in Hellborn but I haven't seen Xenia!"

He revealed and hearing that, Zygot remained calm, "Have you been keeping an eye of the gate?"

"Yes! I have, but there have been no sign of her passing through there so I'm sure she is still in hellborn!" Fathom claimed nut hearing that, Zygot couldn't help but laugh.

Standing up, he walked towards his brother slowing as he voiced out, "You might not know this hellborn but apart from the blood-gate, there is another passage out of hellborn!"

He revealed and hearing that, both fathom and his guards were a little taken aback, "There is? Where? Why don't I know about it?" He questioned, surprised.

"Well it's located at the deep river, also known as the 'Blood river' and you don't know that because only the late king knew about it!" Zygot said as she stood in front of his brother.

He then started walking away from him slowly as he continued, "He made the gateway for emergencies and I'm hundred percent sure that Xenia knows about it so get your men before and capture her and whoever is accompany her and bring them to me alive!" He commanded.

And hearing that, both fathom and his men responded and immediately, "Yes! my Lord." With that, they turned around and left, leaving Zygot alone in the throne room.

With them gone, Zygot then turned his head to stare at the blood-crown that was placed in a crystal tube!

"I'm gonna be the king of hellborn Xenia, whether you like it or not!"

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