
I trained for an eternity

I had been training for an eternity, I had faced so many trials, misery and tragedy throughout my journey and now it's time for me to finally transcend into a new level but when I was about to finish my training something strange happened.....I woke up laying on my bed....was it all dream?

Vengeance23 · แอคชั่น
1 Chs

Was it all a dream?

"Finally...FINALLLYYYYY!!!!! WHAHAHAHA, this is it, all of my efforts and hardships had finally payed off, I can now finally be at the top"

At that moment I was so happy because I finally finished my training, a training that no-one can finish....The Infinite Training, a training where the time is completely set into an eternity, for short it is a never ending training.

I trained inside a room, a room that is nothing but just a white room, a complete empty void and it has no corners, it's just an endless space with an indestructible structures.

I kicked infinitely, I trained my punches infinite times, I trained my muscles and bones till I became completely indestructible, I trained so hard that I bled to death and I never stopped till I reach my limitations but right now I realized that there's no such thing as limitations to my potential because I still have more doors to open.

And right now that I finished my training I can finally open the door and see what will be the next challenge...

"HEHE, looks like its time to see what lies beyond this door"

I opened the door and when I enter inside.... I woke up, laying on my bed.

"Huh?, what the heckkkkk!"

I looked into my hand and slapped my face to see if I'm just dreaming.

"What in the world is happening? was that all just a dream?, no it can't be"

At that moment, I started to think if all of the things that had happened was just a dream and was never a reality.

"Son" A familiar voice called me.

"It's time to wake up now" A voice that I hadn't heard for an eternity and at that moment I didn't realize that my tears started falling down, My heart started to ache as if something inside was piercing my heart and cutting it into a million pieces.

Bang* The door opened "Are you going to stand up or I will smack your face?" I saw a familiar face, an angry face to be exact but at the same time, it has the eyes of someone who's caring and full of endured problems and it was none other than my Father's.

"Dad" As I say his name, my tears falls down and I immediately stand up and hugged him.

"Why are you crying dumbass, it's already 7:00. Hurry up or you'll be late to school" Ahh... His way of caring never changes, he may seem like a bad father but deep down.... he's a father who will never let his own child suffer.

"Nothing Pop, I just had a bad dream" I replied while smiling.

"Aight, get your ass downstairs and eat" I went downstairs and started eating and as I was eating I began to remember some things;


In my dream, the world was destroyed and everything was in a total chaos and in my dream, my father died trying to protect me from something, something so sinister that I can't even fathom and explain how it it looks like. My father sacrificed his life just to save me and his last words to me were "Son, In this world, you only have two option and that's either become a better person by destroying yourself in the process or become the worse by doing nothing" and at that moment that was the only time I heard him say "I love you" and I know that it's hard for him to say such thing as he himself never experienced it but in the end, I know that even if he doesn't say it, he never failed to show it to me.

[End of Flashback]

So if all of those things are just a dream or if it something that will happen, this time I promise that I will never allow it to happen, this time I will never let my father die and this time I will become stronger so that I can protect everyone.

When I finished eating I immediately went to the bathroom to take a shower and pack my things for school.

"Here take it, its your allowance" My father handed my allowance and I said "Thank you".

I looked into my father's eyes and I can see how much he really cares and it's giving me more reason to become even more stronger.

"Alright Pop, I'm going then" And as I was walking away I see my father waving his hand and I wave back and for some reason I somehow felt relieve.