
I think the world is all mortal, so why are so jealous? In this age that I have reached, what do I see in the eyes of envy, why? The world is a beautiful place, it is a place for fun, happiness, g

I think the world is all mortal, so why we are so jealous? In this age that I have reached, what do I see in the eyes of envy, why? The world is a beautiful place, it is a place for fun, happiness, generosity and brotherhood, not to stand against each other, every day and every night I see and hear that such and such a person did something wrong against such a person, or a powerful country against a weak country. He did wrong, so is living for all this? No, because if you look at your nature, how beautiful God has created the world, he has made man many times more beautiful, what he has given to distinguish between good and bad, I sometimes wonder why this is If the world is not a paradise, why are humans so distant and cursed? I am always a positive thinker and I wish one day there will be several positive thinkers and they will create a big team all over the world to maintain and invite brotherhood and to stop jealousy and human division. I wish I could see it someday