
I think my boss is too kind to me

Adult life is not easy. Melanie and Mike find comfort with each other, as the days are getting more complex, and the tension between the two is also getting more complex.

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They all got to the building safely, but her knee was a little soft and hard to move. But they got there and this is what is important, I did one thing already, she thought. Getting in the hall, the floor they needed to be was the first one, just needed to get a few steps on the stairs. Melanie first, Amerie at her back, and Michael right behind. Right in front of her, a beautiful man was going down too, a beautiful man. He was wearing a blue navy suit, he wasn't wearing a tie, making his white blouse more visible. He looked mainly, at what that even meant. Was what she was thinking, what is a manly man? Is it just because of the suit? Is it because his jaw looks manly? Again what is manly? In her thoughts, yes she was paying attention to her way, yes she did look at him, and yes right behind him a woman came at a higher speed to hold him. What happened was that as they were going up and he was going down, he stopped to let them first, and then the woman bumped into him. She was holding a Starbucks cup.

The scene: a woman on the ground looking like she was going to cry because she fell. Another woman with a full white set now with coffee all over her, looking desperate. Another woman trying to hold her fellow woman to not fall to. Two men looking at the scene with an open mouth.

Now she is crying, the woman that first was behind the pretty man, was crying while looking at him saying something Melanie could not understand. Michael not screaming but loudly speaking that Melanie is dumb

"in such an important day, you chose to act dumb? What all that capability they promised from you?"

Amerie was still holding Melanie to see if she was ok and asked her if she was ok. In the process of the whole thing, Melanie gave a wrong step behind, wearing heels she did hurt her ankle a little, Amerie saw she was making a face showing some pain but still was looking at the woman and the man, terrified.

Now Michal was speaking even louder, and the woman didn't seem that was going to stop crying. People were getting to see the scene and what was going on. The woman on the floor was Britney Camp, an heir, currently an influencer, and the speculated affair of Luke, that's what people said. Luke, also an heir, and current CEO of VERDE was the other man. Everyone knew that's why it became a bigger thing.