
I, the slave boy, awaken with the most potent seed!!

[Warning : Mature content R-18] *Premium quality lemons *Excellent waifu with genuine and diverse characters. *Milfs in equal abundance. *Harem members all equally important to the story! ***************************** In a world ravaged by the XY Plague, a relentless genetic virus targeting the Y chromosome and crippling male fertility, Zafron, an 18-year-old orphan, faces a grim fate. Sold by his manipulative stepmother to a powerful noblewoman known for her wealth and influence, Zafron's life takes a sudden and dangerous turn. Lady Matilda, determined to secure a future for her noble house amidst the dwindling male population, discovers an astonishing truth about Zafron through rigorous genetic testing that changes everything. Disposed and discarded to his own means, Zaphron falls into a fatal encounter. Now at the point of death, pitied by a diety, Zafron is granted a system but not just any system. Zaphron is gifted the Eros vitality system! Now with his system, he emerges as the most genetically potent male known to exist in his world. But of course, this comes with a price.— Zafron now becomes a target not only for ambitious and desperate noble mistresses but also for men desperate to restore their own fertility, he must navigate a perilous path where trust is scarce and danger lurks at every turn. ------------------- [Lady Seraphina, prime minister of Talkyo wants your seed] [Princess Cordelia von Aldenberg would like a night with you] [The prime minister of Winchester, her excellency is offering her daughter to you] ..... "I never asked for this burden, but I will carry it. My potency is not just a gift—it's a responsibility to safeguard the future of our kind. So to all the women that I love, believe me when I say that my precious seed will be yours if you give me one thing..." ********************** [Caution: Made by a degenerate] No ntr No Yuri Mc will steal women from other men. Disclaimer : Cover isn’t mine Discord : https://discord.gg/5V9ehgcYKC

RetardedCulture · แฟนตาซี
253 Chs

Mara the untamed maid

Zafron was lying on his bed, deep in slumber, when Mara suddenly appeared beside him. With a mischievous tap on his lap and a cat grin, she jolted him awake, he must have dozed off without realising.

Zafron's eyes flew open, his heart racing as he jolted upright. "Mara?" he gasped, his voice a mix of shock and awe. "How in the world did you manage to get in here undetected?"

Mara's eyes twinkled with amusement. "Oh, Zafron," she said, her voice a blend of playfulness and mystery, "a lady never reveals all her secrets. Let's just say I have my ways of slipping through the cracks unnoticed."

She leaned in slightly, her smile softening. "Though I must admit, watching you sleep so peacefully was rather endearing. It almost made me regret waking you... almost."

Still groggy, Zafron ron squinted at her. "Seriously, though. Did you pick the lock or something?"

"Pick the lock? Pfft!" Mara snorted. "Who needs lockpicking when you leave your door wide open like a welcome mat for burglars? I knocked, by the way. But you were too busy sawing logs to notice. I think the whole neighborhood heard your snoring symphony."

Zafron ron groaned, rubbing his face. "I don't snore."

"Oh, honey," Mara patted his head. "You snore so loud, I think you just woke up a bear from hibernation."

"Very funny." Zafron ron shook his head, still trying to clear the cobwebs from his mind. "Alright. But what are you doing here?"

"Oh, don't tell me your beauty sleep wiped your memory too," Mara teased. "Remember our riveting conversation yesterday? The one where you practically begged me to come over and transform your room from a cave troll's lair into something resembling human habitation?"

"Hey, it's not that bad," Zafron ron protested weakly. "I can't even remember begging you for that," he added.

"Doesn't make any difference. The room begged for my touch, and it has to do with you, I guess," Mara said as she began to walk around the room.

As Mara was walking around, her eyes caught sight of a small stack of worn books in the corner. Curiosity piqued, she walked over and picked up the topmost book, running her fingers over its weathered cover.

"Hey Zafron , what's this?" she asked, holding up the book. It was a battered copy of "To Kill a Star."

Zafron ron looked up from where he was arranging the throw pillows. A soft smile crossed his face. "Oh, that. It was my mom's favorite. She gave it to me when I was younger."

Mara opened it carefully, noticing some handwritten notes in the margins. "Looks like it's been read a lot."

"Yeah," Zafron ron nodded, his voice tinged with nostalgia. "I used to read it whenever I felt alone. It was like... having a piece of her with me, you know?"

Mara's usual playful demeanor softened. "That's really sweet, Zafron . Your mom had good taste in literature."

She set the book down gently and picked up another one. "And what about this one? 'The Little King'?"

Zafron chuckled. "Mom said a well-rounded reader should appreciate both classics and children's books. She used to say 'The Little King' had more wisdom in it than most adult novels."

"Smart lady," Mara nodded approvingly. She rifled through a few more books.

Mara laughed, replacing the book. "Fair enough. You know, these books... they're really special, Zafron. We should display them prominently. They're way more interesting than any fancy lamp or painting."

Zafron's eyes lit up. "You think so?"

"Absolutely," Mara nodded firmly. "They're a part of your story. Plus, they'll make you look all intellectual and mysterious. Everybody love that, you know," she added with a wink before she continued walking around the room, taking in every detail. "You know, Zafron, this place has potential. It just needs a little... pizzazz."

Zafron raised an eyebrow. "Pizzazz?"

"Yes, pizzazz!" Mara exclaimed. "And I've got just the idea. You know all those fancy things the boss buys and barely uses? We could repurpose some of them to spruce up your space."

"I don't know, Mara," Zafron said hesitantly. "Isn't that stealing?"

Mara waved her hand dismissively. "Psh, it's not stealing. It's... creative recycling! Besides, they're just gathering dust somewhere. I'll go grab some stuff. You start putting things in order here, okay?"

Before Zafron could protest further, Mara was out the door. He sighed and began tidying up, muttering to himself about Mara's wild ideas.

A few minutes later, Mara burst back into the room, arms laden with an assortment of items. "Ta-da! Look at this haul!"

Zafron's eyes widened as he took in the eclectic mix. "Mara, where did you get these? And how on earth did you manage to carry all of this by yourself?"

"Oh, you know, just from one of the many rooms filled with the boss's castoffs," Mara said nonchalantly. She started laying out her finds: the lamp, the rug, some designer throw pillows, a sleek modern clock, and even a small abstract painting.

Noticing Zafron's bewildered expression, she added with a sly smile, "As for carrying it all, the storeroom is just next door. I've been popping in and out, bringing everything to your doorstep. You really should pay more attention to your surroundings, Zafron. I could have brought in a whole menagerie without you noticing."

She winked at him, clearly enjoying his amazement at her efficiency and stealth.

"Are you sure we're allowed to use these?" Zafron asked, still looking uncertain.

Mara nodded vigorously. "Absolutely! That's how it's always been in this house. If the boss is done with it, it's fair game. Why let good stuff go to waste, right?"

"If you say so," Zafron replied, still not entirely convinced.

"Trust me, Zafron," Mara said, patting his shoulder. "Now, let's turn this room from drab to fab! Where should we hang this painting? Ooh, and this lamp would look perfect on your nightstand!"

"By the time we're done, your room will be so swanky, the mistress might want to move in here instead!"

They both laughed, the sound genuine and carefree. Zafron couldn't help but smile at Mara's spontaneity and lighthearted nature. Her presence brought a warmth to the room that had nothing to do with the new decor.

He knew, of course, that she wasn't supposed to be in his room. If he didn't know any other rule in this household, he knew that had to be one. And yet, here they were, breaking it without a care in the world. The realization should have made him nervous, but instead, it filled him with a strange sense of exhilaration.

"Mara," he said, his voice soft with gratitude, "thank you. For all of this. For helping me, for being here. It means more than you know."

Mara's smile softened, a touch of warmth coloring her cheeks. But before she could respond, they were interrupted by the sound of multiple hurried footsteps passing by the door. The rapid pace and number of people moving about was unusual for the typically quiet household.

Their eyes met, a mix of curiosity and concern passing between them. Mara's expression shifted, her playful demeanor giving way to a more serious one.

Mara's brow furrowed in curiosity. "That's weird. It's usually as quiet as a library around here, isn't it?"

Zafron nodded, looking equally puzzled. "Yeah, it is. I wonder what's going on."

"I should go check it out," she whispered, moving towards the door. "But I need to be careful not to get spotted coming out of here."

Zafron nodded, suddenly acutely aware of the potential consequences if she were caught. "Be careful," he murmured, watching as Mara pressed her ear to the door, listening intently for any sign that the coast was clear.

Unable to contain her curiosity, Mara pulled the door open. She caught sight of another maid hurrying past and called out to her. "Hey! What's all the commotion about?"

The maid paused briefly, looking somewhat flustered. "Oh! The boss has just arrived, Unexpectedly. We're all rushing to make sure everything is in order."

Mara's eyes widened in surprise. She turned back to Zafron, who was now standing behind her. "Did you hear that? The boss is back!"