
I, the slave boy, awaken with the most potent seed!!

[Warning : Mature content R-18] *Premium quality lemons *Excellent waifu with genuine and diverse characters. *Milfs in equal abundance. *Harem members all equally important to the story! ***************************** In a world ravaged by the XY Plague, a relentless genetic virus targeting the Y chromosome and crippling male fertility, Zafron, an 18-year-old orphan, faces a grim fate. Sold by his manipulative stepmother to a powerful noblewoman known for her wealth and influence, Zafron's life takes a sudden and dangerous turn. Lady Matilda, determined to secure a future for her noble house amidst the dwindling male population, discovers an astonishing truth about Zafron through rigorous genetic testing that changes everything. Disposed and discarded to his own means, Zaphron falls into a fatal encounter. Now at the point of death, pitied by a diety, Zafron is granted a system but not just any system. Zaphron is gifted the Eros vitality system! Now with his system, he emerges as the most genetically potent male known to exist in his world. But of course, this comes with a price.— Zafron now becomes a target not only for ambitious and desperate noble mistresses but also for men desperate to restore their own fertility, he must navigate a perilous path where trust is scarce and danger lurks at every turn. ------------------- [Lady Seraphina, prime minister of Talkyo wants your seed] [Princess Cordelia von Aldenberg would like a night with you] [The prime minister of Winchester, her excellency is offering her daughter to you] ..... "I never asked for this burden, but I will carry it. My potency is not just a gift—it's a responsibility to safeguard the future of our kind. So to all the women that I love, believe me when I say that my precious seed will be yours if you give me one thing..." ********************** [Caution: Made by a degenerate] No ntr No Yuri Mc will steal women from other men. Disclaimer : Cover isn’t mine Discord : https://discord.gg/5V9ehgcYKC

RetardedCulture · แฟนตาซี
253 Chs

Getting along with the maid

Zafron walked back from Lady Matilda's room, his mind still processing the events of the evening. A small smile played on his lips as he reflected on Lady Matilda's kindness. Her genuine concern for his well-being and comfort was unlike anything he had experienced before. He made a silent promise to himself to always strive to make her happy, recognizing how much easier and more pleasant she had made his life.

Lost in thought, he nearly collided with Mara, one of the maids he had befriended since arriving at Blackthorn Mansion. She was hurrying towards an exit, a small basket covered with a cloth in her hands.

"Oh! Zafron," Mara exclaimed, her eyes lighting up. "Just the person I was hoping to run into."

Zafron raised an eyebrow. "What's got you in such a rush this evening?"

Mara held up the basket. "Cook's sister just had a baby, and I volunteered to take some of her famous chicken soup to the new mother. But..." she glanced out a nearby window at the darkening sky, "I didn't realize how late it had gotten. Would you mind terribly accompanying me? It's just to the village, but the path can be a bit treacherous in the dark."

Zafron nodded, "Of course. I'd be happy to join you."

As they set out into the cool evening air, Mara nudged Zafron playfully. "So, what had you so lost in thought? Don't tell me you're pining after one of the scullery maids already?"

Zafron chuckled, shaking his head. "Nothing of the sort. I was just thinking about how different life is here."

"Ah, yes," Mara said with a knowing smile. "Blackthorn Mansion does have a way of changing one's perspective. Speaking of which, how did you end up here? I don't think I've ever asked."

As they walked along the path, their way lit by the soft glow of Zafron's lantern, he gave her a brief account of his past and how he came to be at Blackthorn Mansion.

"And what about you?" he asked, turning the conversation to her. "How did you become a maid here?"

Mara's eyes twinkled in the lamplight. "Oh, it's not nearly as exciting as your tale. I grew up in the village, actually. My mother was a seamstress, and I learned the trade from her. But I always dreamed of working in the big house on the hill."

She paused, a wistful smile on her face. "When I was sixteen, there was an opening for a junior maid. I applied, and by some miracle, Lady Matilda herself interviewed me. She said she liked my 'spunk'," Mara laughed, "and gave me a chance. That was five years ago, and I haven't looked back since."

"Lady Matilda does seem to have a knack for seeing potential in people," Zafron observed.

"That she does," Mara agreed. "Though I hope she didn't see too much potential in you during your private session earlier," she added with a mischievous wink.

Zafron felt his cheeks warm. "It wasn't like that. I was just giving her a massage."

"Ooh, a massage," Mara teased. "How very... hands-on of you."

Despite his embarrassment, Zafron couldn't help but laugh. "You're impossible, you know that?"

"I prefer to think of myself as delightfully incorrigible," Mara retorted with a grin.

Their banter continued as they made their way to the village, delivered the soup, and began their return journey. By the time they reached the mansion, Zafron found himself grateful not just for Mara's company, but for the growing sense of belonging he felt at Blackthorn Mansion.

As they parted ways in the servants' quarters, Mara turned to him with a sincere smile. "Thank you for coming with me, Zafron. It's nice to have a friend here."

As they approached Zafron's door, neither seemed eager to end the conversation. Zafron leaned against the doorframe, marveling at how comfortable he felt with Mara despite knowing her for such a short time. There was something about her warm, open nature that put him at ease.

Mara, for her part, was enjoying the thrill of befriending the mansion's newest addition - the same young man she'd overheard other maids whispering about, too shy to approach. Of course, she kept this to herself, preferring to savor the moment.

"So, this is your quarters, eh?" Mara said, peering curiously through the crack in the door. "I hope you don't mind me saying, but it looks a bit... bland."

Zafron's brow furrowed in confusion. "Bland? This is the most beautiful room I've ever had. And it's all mine!"

A fleeting thought of his cramped shared room back home crossed his mind, but he pushed it aside, not wanting to dampen the mood.

Mara glanced around dramatically, as if checking for eavesdroppers, before suddenly pushing past Zafron into his room. "Oh, come on! Let me have a proper look."

"Mara!" Zafron exclaimed, caught between amusement and mild alarm. "What are you doing?"

She stood in the center of the room, hands on her hips, surveying the space with a critical eye. "Just as I thought. It's crying out for a woman's touch."

Zafron crossed his arms, trying to look stern but failing to hide his smile. "And I suppose you're volunteering for the job?"

"Naturally," Mara grinned. "If we're both free sometime, I could help you spruce it up. Move a few things here and there, add some personal touches."

"Oh really?" Zafron raised an eyebrow. "And what exactly did you have in mind?"

Mara's eyes lit up with excitement. "Well, for starters, that dresser would look much better by the window. And you could use some colorful curtains to brighten the place up. Oh! And maybe a nice rug to warm up the floor."

As she spoke, she moved around the room, gesturing animatedly. Zafron couldn't help but be amused by her enthusiasm.

"You seem to have given this a lot of thought," he chuckled.

Mara shrugged, a mischievous glint in her eye. "What can I say? I have a gift for improving living spaces. And yours is practically begging for my expertise."

"Is that so?" Zafron teased. "And here I thought you were just looking for an excuse to spend more time with me."

Mara gasped in mock offense. "I'll have you know, sir, that my intentions are purely decorative!"

They both burst into laughter, the easy banter between them feeling as natural as breathing.

"Alright, alright," Zafron conceded, still grinning. "I suppose I could use some help making this place feel more like home. But for now, it's late, and we both need our rest."

Mara nodded, moving towards the door. "Fair enough. But don't think you're off the hook. I'll be back with color swatches before you know it!"

As she stepped into the hallway, she turned back with a warm smile. "Goodnight, Zafron. Sweet dreams in your soon-to-be-beautified room."

"Goodnight, Mara," Zafron replied, shaking his head in amusement. "And thanks... for everything."

Zafron closed the door behind Mara, a grin still playing on his lips. Unable to contain his excitement, he leapt onto his bed, wiggling his legs in childlike glee. The softness of the mattress, a luxury he was still getting used to, only added to his joy.

'I can't believe how lucky I am,' he thought, running his hand over the smooth sheets. 'Lady Matilda is so kind, Mara's become a true friend, and everyone here seems so welcoming.'

He glanced around the room, taking in the polished furniture and the moonlight streaming through the window. It was more space than he'd ever had to himself before.

'This is almost too good to be true,' he mused, a hint of disbelief coloring his thoughts.

As he lay there, staring at the ceiling, his eyes traced the intricate patterns in the plasterwork. Suddenly, a thought niggled at the back of his mind. His brow furrowed as he realized what had been bothering him subconsciously.

'Wait a minute,' he pondered, sitting up. 'In all my time here, there's been no mention of the master of the house.'

He'd heard whispers among the staff about the lord of Blackthorn Mansion - a man said to be incredibly wealthy and powerful. Yet, Zafron had never seen so much as a portrait of this mysterious figure.

Looking around his room, he noticed for the first time the absence of any artwork depicting the manor's owner. It seemed strange for such a grand house to lack even a single image of its master.

'Why haven't I seen the lord of the manor?' he wondered. 'It's odd that no one speaks of him directly. Is he away on business, or is there some other reason for his absence?'

Zafron got up and walked to the window, gazing out at the moonlit gardens. The beauty of the scene momentarily distracted him from his thoughts. He could see the silhouettes of ancient trees, their branches swaying gently in the night breeze. In the distance, he spotted the glimmer of a small pond, its surface reflecting the starry sky.

'This place is truly magnificent,' he thought, leaning against the windowsill. 'But who is the man behind it all?'

He turned back to his room, his eyes falling on the few possessions he'd brought with him. A small, worn book of folk tales sat on his nightstand - a gift from his mother before she passed. Next to it lay a smooth river stone he'd carried with him for luck.

'My whole life fits in one small bag,' he reflected, a mix of melancholy and hope washing over him. 'But maybe here, I can build something more.'

As he climbed back into bed, Zafron couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to Blackthorn Mansion than met the eye. The mystery of the absent lord tugged at his curiosity.

'I need to keep my eyes and ears open,' he decided as sleep began to overtake him. 'Perhaps tomorrow I can find a way to casually ask about the master of the house. There must be a reason no one mentions him.'

With that thought, he drifted off to sleep, his dreams a mix of friendly faces, shadowy figures, and sprawling, maze-like gardens. The mystery of the absent lord of Blackthorn Mansion followed him into his slumber, a puzzle waiting to be solved.