
I, The Devil's Child, Will Conquer The World!

In a modern world shaped by the existence of gods and supernatural powers, the Hero Foundation stands as a beacon of hope and protection. Gifted by the gods themselves, individuals possess incredible abilities that aid them in defending humanity against various threats. Saekki, leads a sorrowful life, plagued by relentless bullying, until one fateful day when his latent powers awaken. Unlike his peers, however, Saekki never received the blessing of the gods in the form of a system that enhances and refines his abilities. After a raid gone wrong, Saekki decide to burn his teammate's with him, causing all of them to die a horrible death, but for some reason he appeared in a pool of blood with a man sitting on a tall throne that calls him... Son?

XRavenX · แฟนตาซี
6 Chs

First fight.

"This place is as hot as I remember." A man said.

His right side of his body was covered in horrible heat scares.

Every inch of him had been burned badly.

"I hate this place." The man said, sweat running down his face.

The person next to him grunted.

"Don't worry, I think we're almost done here." The other man replied.

Both men were standing in front of a gate, looking down the road.

Trying to see if they can spot any demons.

"It seems like a straight rush out." A person said.

They looked at the demon that was walking ahead of them.

A large demon with red scales covering most of his body.

"What should we do?"

"Let's just kill them, and get out of here!"

"Fine by me, let's go."

The two men charged the group of demons, bringing their weapons up to stab the demons.

Their attacks missed, and they were pushed back by the group of demons.

"Kill 'em! Kill 'em!" One of the demons yelled.

The demons charged forward, trying to attack the two men.

The demons closed in on the two men, until one of them was stabbed through the chest.

Blood poured out, and the demon stopped moving.

"Damn, that hurt." The man said, holding his side.

The other man looked down at the dead demon, and frowned.

"There are more coming..." He said, looking at the road.

Before the man could finish, a wave of demons came rushing at the two of them.

Both men reacted quickly, stabbing the nearest demons, before pulling their swords and slashing the others.

One person's sword was covered in a blue aura and slashed out at the demons, cutting them open.

The other person, who had a red aura, sliced the demons into pieces, blood spraying everywhere.

When the last of the demons fell, both men stood there panting, blood dripping from them.

Just when they thought they were finished, Saekki came out from behind the rocks.

The two heard some clapping noise and turned around in a flash.

"It's you!" The man with his face burnt shouted.

"Yes! You remember me so well Haku." Saekki said with a chuckle.

"Who's he?" Haku's companion asked.

"He's the one who did this to me." Haku snarled.

Saekki walked slowly to them, his eyes reflecting a cold glint.

Haku looked over at the man, his hatred for the man boiling inside.

"You look different now." Saekki said, looking at Haku's face.

"How are you not dead?" Haku asked.

"Shouldn't I be the one asking this question?" Saekki said with a grin.

"Well, I don't know how I'm still alive, but I plan on killing you." Haku growled, his eyes filled with rage and anger.

The two men attacked Saekki at once, Saekki easily dodging their attacks.

They tried again, but Saekki just moved out of the way, laughing.

"Nice try, but you're not going anywhere," Saekki said, jumping backwards.

He opened his book and wrote: Hell's pillar!

suddenly an enormous ball of fire exploded out of the ground, sending the two men flying back.

As the two men fell to the ground, Saekki closed the page in his book.

"You guys are getting weaker." Saekki said, looking at the two men.

"Leave us alone!" One man shouted, blood leaking from his mouth.

"Why would I leave you two alone? After all these years, it's finally time for me to take revenge." Saekki said, a sinister smile on his face.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Haku asked, feeling an intense pain in his stomach.

"I have nothing left to live for." Saekki replied, looking at Haku.

"That's why you're wrong." Haku said, taking his sword.

"Oh? You think you can beat me with that thing?" Saekki said, holding his book up.

"I will fight you on my terms." Haku said.

"And what are your terms?"

"I want to die in a glorious battle." Haku said, looking at Saekki.

"Fine then, come and get me," Saekki said, raising his book.

Haku looked at Saekki.

"I won't hold back." Saekki said, grinning.

Saekki smiled as Haku came closer.

"I'll make you regret being born." Saekki said, brandishing his book.

Haku raised his sword, the blade glowing blue and making a sizzling sound.

"This should be interesting." Saekki said.

He opened his book and started to write.

A dark mist formed in front of him, the mists burning heat onto Haku.

"Damn, this guy must really be pissed off." Saekki said, watching as Haku flickered and disappeared, reappearing behind Saekki.

Haku jumped at Saekki, swinging his sword at the man.

Mana Skin! Saekki wrote and grabbed the sword and threw it away.

"Hey, what a dull sword." Saekki said, flipping through the page in his book.

He focused, and a flame shot out of the book, hitting Haku and burning him.

Haku screamed in pain and fell to the ground.

"Hey, let me go!" Haku yelled, struggling against Saekki.

"Too bad. I said I'd give you an honourable death," Saekki said, grabbing Haku by the neck and throwing him to the side before picking up his book.

Saekki flick his pen and words appeared on the page: Flame Serpent!

A fiery red serpent came out of the book and lashed out at Haku.

Haku sat in horror as the flame serpent wrapped around his neck, burning his throat to a crisp.

Saekki stood in front of Haku and was about to take his life until a scream was heard behind him.

"I will kill you, bastard!"

Haku looked at Saekki with a smile.

"Looks like you forgot that there were two of us."

Saekki smiled at hearing this.

"Who said I came alone?"

Just when he finished speaking, his friend got impaled and his heart ripped out of him.

Haku just watched dully as he fell to the ground, kicking up dust with him.

Saekki looked at Haku, whose face was dull and felt all the fun was gone, and slowly watched him run out of air.

─ EXP gained 10!