
I, Supreme Support, Start with 2 God-Level Talents !

Update Daily! 9 AM PST ---------------------- "God as my witness, at first, I just wanted to build an invincible team," Henry lamented in this world where online gaming and reality merge. After awakening his hidden class, the "supreme support," his team started to become strangely different. Anna Daisy, with her blonde hair and blue eyes, was determined to find him more wives. Emily, a young lady from a mysterious family, turned into a voyeur, spending her days crouched in the corner of his bedroom. The adorable young girl clung to his neck and wouldn't budge. A female general from an expeditionary world was doing everything possible to get herself into his bed. This world was getting stranger and stranger, with more and more mysterious women pleading to join Henry's team. Twenty years later, Henry, looking at the children in the arms of these women, felt somewhat bewildered. "God as my witness, I really did just want to build an invincible team at first..." ---------------------- WPC DEC Entry! Please show your support if you enjoy the story! How can you show your support? Gift Power Stone! 150=1 bonus chapter 200=2 bonus chapters 500=3 bonus chapters Bonus release will drop the following week!

Sugar_Chestnuts · แฟนตาซี
237 Chs

Carly's Purpose and the Underground Cellar

After her first sexual experience, Emily's desire was strong, nearly overwhelming even for someone as robust as Henry. 

After several rounds, they both fell into a deep sleep again.

They didn't wake up until around 11 in the morning, and only after a thorough shower did they step out of their room. 

"You two really went overboard. I was trying to rest in Emily's room yesterday, but your noises kept me awake," 

Anna said, rubbing her eyes and then looking at Henry and Emily with a mischievous smile.

Carly, sitting on the sofa, stared at them with curious eyes. 

"You little vixen, daring to say that. Was it you who taught Emily all this? Just wait, I'll punish you properly later!" Henry said in a mock fierce tone.

"Don't wait, I want my master to punish me now," Anna pouted, provocatively moving closer to Henry, her delicate fingers tracing over his body. 

"But I'm afraid the master might not be up to it anymore."

After a night's battle, Henry was already drained by Emily and found himself struggling to respond to Anna's tease. 

"A man should never admit defeat," he declared, trying to pull Anna upstairs.

Just then, Carly leaped up from the sofa. 

"Henry, I know a way to restore your energy!" Taking a deep breath, Carly directed a green beam of light towards Henry.

Soon, Henry felt a warm surge throughout his body, as if a force was coursing through his limbs. 

Fatigue slowly dissipated, replaced by rapidly replenishing energy. 

In less than a minute, he felt rejuvenated, even capable of replicating last night's frenzy.

In the bedroom, another intense battle ensued. 

As the sun rose and set, Henry remained full of vigor. 

Eventually, even Anna surrendered, pleading for mercy before falling into a deep sleep.

Lying in bed, Henry felt a sense of elation. 

He had finally discovered Carly's true purpose. 

He no longer feared exhaustion from his frequent sexual endeavors. 

A simple healing spell from Carly, and he was back to being a heroic figure.

That's right, he thought, the next time he went to Snowland, he could bring Carly along. 

Queen Adele always seemed insatiable. 

He was determined to leave her unable to get out of bed next time, to show her what real fear was!


After a day of rest, Henry's fatigue from consecutive dungeon adventures completely vanished. 

In stark contrast were Emily, limping as she walked, and a thoroughly exhausted Anna.

The next afternoon, as they discussed which dungeon to tackle next, the villa's doorbell rang softly. 

"That must be the nanny I asked the home service company for. I'll get the door."

Emily rose from her chair, limping towards the door. Upon opening it, she saw a young woman whose features somewhat resembled hers but carried a colder demeanor.

"Fatima, what brings you here?" Emily blurted out.

"Isn't it customary for neighbors to visit? Besides, my own sister lives here. It's quite normal for sisters to interact, right?" Fatima held a bottle of red wine as a courtesy gift, but Emily didn't believe the visit was that simple. 

Even though she let Fatima in, she remained on guard.

"Why are you limping?" Fatima furrowed her brow and asked.

"I... I'm just not feeling very well," Emily stammered, her face turning red.

However, Fatima, being a high-ranking female general in the military, quickly saw through the charade and thought of Henry. 

Facing Fatima's piercing gaze, Henry coughed and took the initiative to speak: 

"General White Tiger, if you have something to say, just say it. If I can help, I will do my best."

Fatima stared at Henry with a stern look for a moment before speaking: "You're smart indeed. There is something I need your help with."

"This house was purchased through little Martin, wasn't it?" 

Henry nodded, then suddenly realized something and asked, "Is there a problem with little Martin? Is he an awakener?"

Fatima shook her head: 

"I've already investigated little Martin. He's a perfectly ordinary working-class individual, with limited contacts and somewhat of a loner. He's not an awakener. However, the original owner of this house, Martin's uncle, is a different story."

Hearing that it concerned the house he was living in, Henry instantly became alert. 

"What's the problem?" he asked.

"Before I explain the details, let's go to the wine cellar of your house. I'll tell you more as we walk," Fatima suggested.

Could there be something in the wine cellar? 

Henry frowned. 

He had just taken two bottles of wine from the cellar the day before, planning to enjoy them at lunch. 

Although little Martin had sold most of the old wines, there were still a few good bottles left in his collection.

The cellar was in the basement of the house, and the two of them headed down the stairs. 

"You might remember Martin mentioning his uncle died of grief following his son's death. That's not the entire truth."

"I had the military conduct an investigation and found out that Eric, Martin's uncle, was actually a high-level awakener, retired from the military for many years."

"Twelve years ago, Eric encountered some problems in a dungeon and subsequently retired from the military."

"After twelve years of exploring that dungeon, we discovered it belongs to a dark god. And as for beings of a god's stature, I believe you've only encountered Algado so far."

Confronted with a dark god of the same caliber as Algado, Henry immediately felt a sense of foreboding.

"Yes, you're not wrong. This Eric has been deeply parasitized by that dark god."

"He's been plotting for years in his home, wanting to summon the dark god into this world. For this, he sacrificed his own son and his life as an offering to the dark god, praying for his arrival."

"Fortunately, a high-ranking military official, through stellar observation, received a signal of the impending arrival of a dark god. With the combined efforts of the most powerful beings on our planet, the dark god was ultimately unable to descend."

Henry nodded and said, "That is indeed fortunate."

If the dark god had descended shortly before Algado appeared on this planet...

Then no one could withstand the assault of two divine beings in their true forms.

The whole planet would face an apocalyptic disaster.

"Indeed, it's fortunate. But what's more exciting is that this dark god left part of his imprint on his altar."

"And according to our observations, this dark god's imprint involves the power of sealing."

"I plan to infiltrate his altar, extract this part of the imprint, and refine it into a special equipment suitable for sealing. If Algado's true form descends on our planet, we'll attempt to seal him with this equipment."

Henry nodded, then asked with some confusion:

"This kind of dispute between deities seems to have little to do with me. Is there anything I can do to help?"

Fatima nodded and said:

"I need your permission to temporarily join your team, and then enter the sealing altar with me. There, we'll acquire the imprint and use your tenfold enhancement to increase the power of the Sealing Artifact."

"Alright, I agree," Henry pondered for a moment before consenting.

This matter was closely related to him anyway. Once Algado was sealed, the crisis looming over him would be resolved.

Moreover, Fatima was a hidden class, and teaming up with her meant a hundredfold reward.

Perhaps they could obtain something extraordinary.

"Good, we can start soon," Fatima said, her expression becoming serious as she warned Henry, 

"The space of the Sealing Artifact altar is somewhat distorted, involving the realm of that dark god. You must stay close behind me, or else a slight misstep could mean total annihilation!"

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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