
I summoned a dragon girl

Hooder, a young student that can't use magic is bullied in the academy because of the fact. One day, he goes into a old library, finding a summoning spell book, that summons a female dragon hybrid. She gifts him her powers, and we follow Hooder and Delphyne as a old enemy comes to gain revenge on Delphyne.. [DROPPED]

Hooder_Man · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs

Chapter 8

People that weren't injured in the academy came out, to watch the fight that's about to unfold. Delphyne zipped forward as so did Phoenix. Delphyne held out her hands as firey electricity sparked around The Phoenix. He stopped in place as he was then sent into the air. Delphyne jumped after him. She spun around and landed a kick to his gut, sending him farther into the air. He was able to stop himself and swiped his wings left to right, firing a barrage of firey feathers towards Delphyne. She swiped her wings aswell, wind blowing the feathers away, even putting some of them out. The Phoenix had sweat drip down his face.

The students watched amazed. Then, slowly Hooder woke up, looking around. He struggled to stand but was able to. "What happened...?" He asked as one of the students pointed in the air. He looked up, seeing Delphyne and The Phoenix going for round two. He looked down, and ran over to the students. "Instead of watching this fight, we should be getting everyone out of the academy!" Hooder shouted. The teachers nodded, heading back into the academy. Electricity bursted around Hooder, as he looked at the students, with a irritated expression. The students nodded and followed in behind Hooder to get the students.

Delphyne and The Phoenix flew still in the sky. The Phoenix was breathing heavily, staring down Delphyne. She was just floating there with no emotion in her eyes. He smirked, "You think just because you got taller that you can beat me?!" He shouted, his eyes wide. She just stared. He clenched his fist, zipping towards her.

"Die Delphyne!!!" He shouted holding out his fist. She rose her hand, catching the punch with ease. His eyes widened, 'No..' She looked at it, as she grabbed his upper arm with her other claw. She looked him in the eyes, as she slowly and painfully broke his arm. His screams of pain filled the air. Some of the students in the building thought it was one of the students.

Phoenix's arm limped around.

"Like I said... I'm not going to show you the same mercy I showed you last time." She said as she rose her claw. "You will die today..." She swiped it down across his chest, repeatedly. She then landed a kick to his nose pushing him back.

Hooder lifted up a piece of rubble off a student. He helped them up, "Are you alright?" He asked as the student nodded their head. Hooder smiled, and pointed down the hole. "Go down there and wait at the entrance." They nodded and jumped down. Hooder let out a breath and continued looking for students on his floor.

The Phoenix was throwing random attacks, trying desperately to land a effective attack on Delphyne, but nothing was working. He could feel his mana reducing rapidly. But he didn't care. He threw multiple sizes of fire balls. towards Delphyne. But, once he threw one last big one, pain began fill his body. Delphyne noticed this and zipped up to him, grabbing him by the face,

"You really are stupid aren't you?" She asked as she zipped down to the ground slamming his face into the ground. She slowly rose up. Phoenix began to spit blood, from the pain of running out of mana. "It looks like you're suffering already, why not add to that?" She said, taking her foot and placing it on top of his arm. "You won't be hurting me or anyone I love anymore." She said, putting force on his arm. before it eventually, broke... He was about to start screaming, but Delphyne put a hand over his mouth, "Shush.. I'm not done..." She said rising her claw and punching his leg with extreme force causing the bone to absolutely shatter. "Remember don't scream... I'm almost done." She said crouching down to his leg. She grabbed his shin, slowly lifted it up, before putting a bunch of pressure on it, causing it to break. His screams echoed throughout the land.

"I'm sorry Phoenix..." She said aiming her claw at his face. "But, you forced my hand... Goodbye..." She then delivered the final blow....

She grabbed him by the face, as the palm of her claw began to glow orange, and a burst of flames escape her hand, burning Phoenix's head completely....


Everyone met back up at the entrance. Hooder stood in the middle with his hands on his hips. "Is that everyone?" Everyone nodded. "Well... with the exception of the few that didn't make it..?" Everyone nodded again. "Alright. I'll be right back I have to make sure Delphyne is alright." He said, running past everyone to the entrance.

He walked through, looked up in the sky, noticing no one was there. He bit his tongue, 'Please be okay...' Hooder thought as he cupped his hands around his mouth. "Delphyne!!" Hooder shouted, looking around.

..."Hooder!" He jumped as he turned around as Delphyne landed on the ground. He looked at her with happiness. "Delphyne..."

Her scales began to disappear and her second horn went back into her head. She opened her arms. Hooder slowly walked up, laughing. "You're tall..." He said as she smiled. The two hugged, Hooder rubbing her back. "Are you okay..?" She asked as Hooder closed his eyes, "Yeah..."

The two backed up. "W-What happened while I was put?" Hooder asked rubbing his head. "A lot. But don't worry about it. All that matters is that you and everyone else is okay." She said rubbing Hooders cheek.

He smiled, "Alright... Come on." He said, grabbing her hand. "Unless you think you're to old to hold my hand..." Hooder said, which caused Delphyne to giggle. "I wouldn't miss any chance to hold your hand." She whispered, blushing a bit. Hooder just smiled and lead her to the academy.


Phoenix laid there, flys flying around his head. Then, two figures appeared in front of him. One was a girl and the other was a boy. "Well would you look at that, Delphyne sure did a number on him. I wonder what pissed her off." The boy said, putting a hand to his chin.

The girl looked down at his body, "You can say that again. But he was a nuisance. He devoted his entire life to beat Delphyne." She stood up straight. "But we best doing something about it. Mom will get pissed when she finds out."

The boy nodded. "Yeah, but not now. Phoenix was stronger than us by a mile. We need to get some training in before we can even think of beating Delphyne." He said putting his hands behind his head.

"You're right. Let's go."

The two then disappeared.