
I Sold My Love Story to The Villain

Gavin looks like one of those hot CEOs from the sexy, romance novels she reads to indulge herself with dopamine. His reality is, however, completely different. When Cece decided to sell one of her stories to Gavin, she didn't realise what she was getting herself into. Now, it is too late for her. She faces troubles and ghosts of her past as she ventures into the writing experience, which she initially considered an adventure. And then she finally understands the problem. She has sold her story, and her soul, to a villain she created. Now Cece has only one way to get rid of this man, complying with each of his demands. It would have been easy, if only Cece could control her heart.

ShadowRose19 · แฟนตาซี
60 Chs

One Night (Part-I)

Three years ago

That night, she had planned a surprise for her parents. She bought her mother's favourite brand of wine and sushi, and cigars for her father. She decided to cancel a couple of classes even though it was going to cost her dearly. Something was bothering her, a niggling feeling that made her cancel all her plans. There was a darkness looming in her mind she couldn't shake off.

"It's just a feeling," she said to herself. She kept on saying this to herself until she reached home. Her parents lived in the suburbs, an hour's drive from her dorm.

"You're going home today? I can't believe you're missing class," Mia said over the phone. She was not wrong. Cecelia had never missed a single class, even when her hand was fractured she was there in the classes recording the lectures. It was a shock for almost everyone who knew her.

"I'm feeling like going home." Cece knew how childish it sounded, but she said it anyway. "I blame your party. Who throws a party in the middle of the week, and then serves unlimited booze?"

"Grow up, Cecelia. It was just a small gathering and a couple of drinks with friends. What would you do if I took you to a real party? Anyways, I'll collect the lecture notes for you. You're welcome. "

"Thanks, Mia," Cece mumbled. The feeling was back, she knew she was being watched. She looked around herself while rubbing her hands together. It was a bright and sunny day, yet she felt a chill.

"Have you ever felt like you're being watched?" She asked Mia.

"In a good way or bad way?"

Cecelia frowned. "Is there a good way?"

"Of course. Like when Luke watches me secretly and pretends to work the moment I look at him, it turns me on. Are you turned on right now?" Mia asked in a sultry tone.

"No, I am a little creeped out."

Cece sighed. She had been feeling edgy for the past week, and it had nothing to do with the continuous pressure she was under due to her studies and the miserable break-up she was going through; it had absolutely nothing to do with the fact that she was robbed the week before and along with some expensive items of her friend she had lost all her important documents.

"I think you're being paranoid. Why would someone watch you? Or do you think you are being stalked?" This time, Mia sounded genuinely concerned. "Cece, are you sure you want to drive home alone?"

Mia's question got her thinking. Cece had never done that before. It was either Mia, or Luke, or Luke's younger brother Kane who accompanied her. She didn't even drive herself, it was always someone else to take the steering wheel for her.

"No one is free today. I asked Luke, he has something important to take care of. Kane is visiting his girlfriend's place, so there's no point in calling him. And you know you can't come today."

Mia didn't like to be interrupted when she was busy with her work. Currently, she was working on a special project, a high-paying job that required her to stay low for a while. The party was kind of a going away party before Mia could resurface to her familiar circle. Cece envied Mia. how exciting her life was, how adventurous and mysterious… Why couldn't she do something awesome like Mia?

"Hmmm… I am sorry, Cece. I told you when I signed this job that I will not be available for at least three months. Even now that I am talking to you, I am breaking my own rule. You get it, right?"

It was dangerous for her to be seen with anyone, or to be linked up with anyone. Mia worked as a private investigator, at least that was what she told all her cousins, but Cece suspected there was more. Probably more than enough to create a life risk. She pulled a small but audible smile and said, "Don't you worry, sis. I will be fine. I don't drive alone because I hate travelling alone. That doesn't mean I can't drive alone."

The conversation ended soon after. Cece called the cab company and rented a small car, "Anything good enough for a two-hour drive," she said casually to the woman on the other side of the phone. She paid using Luke's card. She was already running out of money after buying gifts for her parents.

When the dark blue Renault Clio ran down the road, Cece wasn't aware of what misfortune she was driving to.

Present Day

Cece called Mia again. "I hate to bother you like this, but can you get me a medical certificate, stating I am not physically fit to work for the next couple of months?"

Mia was still in the same profession. With time, she grew into a woman of many contacts and a great circle of influential people. Cec often wondered why this person, this greatly resourceful cousin who also used to be her best friend could not help her or find the real murderer, or at least find some evidence. Although she never spoke about it. She was already buried under a pile of favours she had to call in, and Mia was a friend she wanted to keep in touch with.

"It may end up badly, Cece. Not that I can't arrange a certificate for you, but I am just saying."

Cece felt frustrated. The bitter feeling was rushing back to her. "Can you think of any other way? Because this is the best possible way that I can come up with."

Mia shouted at someone for spilling water on the desk, and continued, "Did you talk to Joe?"

"I did, and he was not much help. Now tell me, can you do me one last favour?" Cece asked while trying her best to not cry over the phone. She didn't want to act like the pathetic girl she was three years back.

"Okay, but stop being dramatic over something so small. You know you will have to call me again, Cecelia."

Mia's words, once again stung her. She was right. Cece would have to call her again and beg for something new. Maybe a new job, or maybe a new identity for herself like she did the last time.

She started walking absent-mindedly down the road. Whatever money she had, she spent it on the cab searching for Joe Graham's place. Now she has to walk, unless she starves at night. She wiped her eyes and wore her glasses. She opened her umbrella, the same one her mother bought her on her sixteenth birthday, and lowered her head. She was too tired to look at the faces of the strangers, like she usually did. She let her blue dyed hair fall on her face, creating a perfect veil.

The road seemed too long. It started raining a while back when she was still with Joe Graham. The downcast sky looked a lot like a monster hovering in the sky, waiting to pounce on the unknowing people walking on the streets. Some cars passed by, splashing water on the sidewalks. A girl yelled a cuss word, making everyone turn their heads. A little boy giggled loudly earning a scolding from his mother. The lady held her son's hand tightly and threw a nasty look at the girl.

Cece lowered her head again. She was about to reach the bus stop. Her bus card still has balance, fortunately. She looked at the bus stop and watched the three other people waiting there. An old man watched her back, a young couple seemed too busy in their little conversation and sweet smiles. Cece looked away and stood there waiting for her bus. She hoped it was not too crowded today. She couldn't handle the crowd— a symptom of PTSD.

A luxurious black sedan stopped smoothly in front of her. The presence of the new element in the scene, however silent and smooth it was, peaked the interest of everyone else. Cece felt three pairs of curious eyes glued at her back. A man's face peered from inside the car, making her tremble.

"It was Miss Cecelia Rose, yes? Do you need a ride?"

He looked at her face with an unreadable expression. A formal smile played tricks on his lips in another instant, as though he wore a mask.

Cece shook her head. "No, thank you. My bus will be here any minute."

"Didn't you hear the news? All the buses of this route are cancelled. There has been an accident, they are redirecting all the vehicles to another route."

Like it was a reflex, everybody took their mobile phones and peered into the screen. Cece did the same and found out he was right. Being too engrossed in her own problems, she missed all the necessary alerts, and now she was standing like an embarrassed little kid in front of the one man she wished not to see ever again.

"Come on in, my driver will drop you wherever you are heading to," he said, almost like a command.

"No, really, it's fine," Cece protested. "I will call a cab."

"Is there any particular reason why you don't want to get in, Miss Rose? Because I am pretty sure you know how difficult it would be for you to get home safely if you wait here."

Cecelia turned her head to find the old man on a phone call, while the couple texting intently.

Cece wanted to scream at his face, tell him why she didn't want to get in his car, but she ended up nodding. While her body reacted aggressively to her decision, making her feel feverish, her mind compelled her to sit with him in his car, and to talk.

What he said next made her feel completely lifeless.

"I recognised you the moment I saw you."